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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. They say that but to get through to interview it would be a strange selection process to choose a 2:1 candidate over a first class graduate in the same course from the same uni (for example). Once in interview it will then be obvious if the first class candidate has no common sense or practical ability. But then I got a first so I'm biased, although that did mean that I walked in to a doctorate and then got the first job I applied for...
  2. I think you'll need to drop the starting price if you want to shift it.
  3. No, they do it for profit: huge, massive profits. That may be true, but the question is why? It's easy to write off a car because of the extortionate amount car companies charge for components. You say an airbag costs a grand when it's a very simple component (obviously with some specialist internals) and should be a modular item and quick to exchange.
  4. Fair enough. I was under the impression that T-F cost you money to run and maintain so the stickers could be a good way to help fund the site (rather than lining your own pockets which I didn't mean) but obviously if the sponsors keep everything running then fair do's!
  5. Are you mental?! All these people offering you money (to pay for the stickers but also to support T-F) and you say no?!!
  6. Looks fine now to me. Could you run the offset sprocket back to front so it's closer to the hub flange? Looks like fitting it normally would result in problems...
  7. Well, you do, it's just that the earth has moved beneath you at the same rate. Relative to someone watching you from a fixed point in space you would've moved by hundreds of metres relative to your starting point. Nope.
  8. Also: http://www.bamboobike.co/
  9. I remember discussing a limey 324 ages ago... would still be very tempted if they released one.
  10. Is there no route in via the normal police? With specialist qualifications are there not potential avenues there? Or go into the army with sights set on being in the MP? I've read all the Jack Reacher books and it sounds pretty sweet !
  11. I can ignore the rest of your posts but that statement confuses me. This year was inside job? The Olympics were an inside job? That random film with John Cusack was an inside job? 2012 backwards is 2102! Think about it!
  12. Wow, I am SO glad UK tax payers spent f**k knows how many millions for those tossers at Wolf Ollins to make such a cock up of the logo and all the other shite that goes with it. Matthew- when we had this discussion a few months back you mentioned that we'd see more an more of the truly awesome work of Wolf Ollins as we got closer to the games. I'm still inclined to disagree... I've seen nothing other than the same old tosh plastered everywhere, as expected. [/grumpy old man] I can imagine them being literally terrifying for small children.
  13. The Games have also been held in London in 1908 and 1948. For some this is the third time it's happened in their lifetime.
  14. Don't worry, the feeling's mutual.
  15. Could it be because you spout shite so much maybe? In this instance I believe you are correct and there's no way round it- mate at work had to get a classic morris MOT'd before he could transfer the plate off it. Edit: I still want to see Bill's car!
  16. Fixed. It's a shame if Joe and the team were looking forward to it and lost out on some dollah but to be perfectly honest I don't think it's a bad thing if stunt bike riding trials isn't included in the massive car crash that is London 2012.
  17. None. If you have it apart clean it all up, take the pawls out and file the tips to remove any burrs or steps and get a nice surface back, give the springs a slight tweak if needed and if so inclined give things a quick spray of WD40 or similar very light oil. See how that goes.
  18. But for £400 or whatever why not keep the bestest ever car in the history of the world evar (Clio) and then buy the grandad BM as well?
  19. Can we see a breakdown of this, maybe in the form of a pie chart? Couldn't agree more. I hadn't considered the number plate aspect of the change but going to the grandad BMW alone is a stupid move if you ask me.
  20. Try and gather some proof of the value- if you can show the going rate for an average-good quality version of her car if she were to directly replace it was £1600 then they can't really deny upping their bid.
  21. Except that the experience will be reasonably worthless once she's back in a front wheel drive car...
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