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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. But you damaging yourself and requiring a one off trip to A&E (and potentially physio as an outpatient thereafter) is a drop in the ocean compared to someone who is knowingly doing something that will result in them needing long term treatment, operations etc. which will end up costing the NHS hundreds of thousands of pounds over the course of their life. Yes both are self inflicted but the scales (both time and financial) are worlds apart.
  2. I'm not too clued up on this but how are they planning on making it work? At present all working folks pay National Insurance and income tax which goes towards funding the NHS so that everyone can get care. Yes it's fairly massively inefficient and can be a ballache but if it were to be privatised, would it no longer be publically funded (i.e. as with the States we'd need insurance)? If we continue to pay NI and income tax, how will it be decided how that is spent on the numerous private companies? Not sure how it could be made to work... Edit: But yeah, I don't know how any profit making organisations can be expected to make the correct decisions in terms of patient care when any expensive treatments or whatever will simply be eating into their profits. It's bad enough as it is with the NHS being something of a postcode lottery (as I understand it).
  3. Heheh. Haven't had any dealings with roof bars but recently fitted the Thule Backpac system to our Bongo and it's really well put together and easy to fit. You obviously pay a bit of a premium for the quality (and name of course) but it's certainly a nice system.
  4. No, thank you Mr Spambot. (Reported)
  5. Care to explain more? Seats look like seats and harnesses look like harnesses to me!
  6. The engine revving without providing drive would point to a clutch issue in my mind though not sure why that would result in the smoke and bogging down you describe...
  7. I can't watch them without thinking of Power Rangers. Sorry.
  8. The helicopter in the travelling bus will appear to hover in the same place since it will have started with the same 50mph forward speed when it took off. There is nothing trying to slow it down (imagine if the bus didn't have a windscreen then the air entering the bus would act to move the helicopter towards the rear of the bus) so it continues at 50mph inside the bus and it's position along the bus would remain fixed.
  9. To be perfectly honest, there was a pretty good element of good luck and being in the right place at the right time involved in both instances. Sure I worked hard at school and did what I needed to do at uni to get where I wanted but from there things have just happened to have fallen quite nicely really.
  10. What he means is if he has a toy helicopter hovering in a stationary car and then the car pulls away, the helicopter will appear to the occupants to travel to the rear of the car and hit the rear window. That's not same as you jumping vertically upwards while on a bus travelling at 50mph. If you jumped vertically upwards in a stationary bus, just as it pulls away, yes you would land further down the bus because you were both initially at rest and while you were in the air the bus moved relative to you.
  11. They say that but to get through to interview it would be a strange selection process to choose a 2:1 candidate over a first class graduate in the same course from the same uni (for example). Once in interview it will then be obvious if the first class candidate has no common sense or practical ability. But then I got a first so I'm biased, although that did mean that I walked in to a doctorate and then got the first job I applied for...
  12. I think you'll need to drop the starting price if you want to shift it.
  13. No, they do it for profit: huge, massive profits. That may be true, but the question is why? It's easy to write off a car because of the extortionate amount car companies charge for components. You say an airbag costs a grand when it's a very simple component (obviously with some specialist internals) and should be a modular item and quick to exchange.
  14. Fair enough. I was under the impression that T-F cost you money to run and maintain so the stickers could be a good way to help fund the site (rather than lining your own pockets which I didn't mean) but obviously if the sponsors keep everything running then fair do's!
  15. Are you mental?! All these people offering you money (to pay for the stickers but also to support T-F) and you say no?!!
  16. Looks fine now to me. Could you run the offset sprocket back to front so it's closer to the hub flange? Looks like fitting it normally would result in problems...
  17. Well, you do, it's just that the earth has moved beneath you at the same rate. Relative to someone watching you from a fixed point in space you would've moved by hundreds of metres relative to your starting point. Nope.
  18. Also: http://www.bamboobike.co/
  19. I remember discussing a limey 324 ages ago... would still be very tempted if they released one.
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