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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Sorry to thread-jack but Mr Anzo, any ideas what I can do about my HTC dilemma? Can be rather annoying!!
  2. Would I do something like that?... It's a Polisport MMX one actually
  3. Ah cool. I replaced the bulb the other day because the high beam had blown but the 35W/35W standard Bosch appears to be pants!! Don't really ride at night much but worth changing it anyway.
  4. Possibly a long shot but try turning off the WiFi connection on any phones connected to the router. My Sony laptop will do exactly what you describe if either my wife or I's HTC's are connected to the WiFi before I turn the laptop on. Very odd... Would be interested to find out if yours is similar! Once the phones are disconnected you may need to 'repair' the laptop connection or restart the router but that usually works for me.
  5. Having ridden the bike today for the first time in a couple of weeks, I retract my statement about speeds and gears. 20mph is definitely first gear territory, sorry about that! Bike flew through the MOT today although the guy reckons my headlight is shite- struggled to illuminate the board ~4m in from of the bike to check if the alignment and height was ok! Nevermind eh?!!
  6. Ah, could be to do with the restriction I guess. The Er6's have always had a little bit of judder around the 3-4000 revs mark but it's just a characteristic that you get used to! With a new bike there is always a learning curve where you find out how it handles at different speeds and rev ranges but at the end of the day, with more time in the saddle you'll find what you find comfortable and ignore everyone else's advice!!
  7. Seems like you're replying on slipping the clutch way too much- and coasting round a bend with the clutch right in is a definite no no. It sounds like you just need more confidence riding. First gear should only really be needed for pulling away and really tight turns (U-turns). I find on my er6 that first is so low that if I go from 2nd to first at anything above about walking pace that when I let the clutch out it's like throwing the brakes on. For the sort of corner you describe, you should be able to roll through it in 2nd with minimal throttle but the clutch out. If you need practice, find a closed Tesco car park or something and just do a few laps heading up to a 90 degree bend, slowing up, getting the right gear and then committing to the turn and seeing it through. Lots of room to go a bit wide if you don't feel it to start with.
  8. 18:15 is pretty standard for 26" and I'd say going to a 16T on the back would be a step in the wrong direction unless you're planning changing your crank length considerably.
  9. Are you going to be cold calling people to offer them stuff they don't want?! Come on, own up!!
  10. Surprised there's no disc mount on the 24".
  11. Yeah, that's it- it's not one sequence but hundreds carefully stitched together to give the impression that they've recorded an individual pulse passing through. Interesting concept and technology nonetheless.
  12. This makes me angry. These Rio chaps actually appear to be fairly intelligent, creative people and have created sometging meaningful on several levels. I'd say generic bag of wank is so far from the mark you can't even see tge mark. I also sincerely doubt that anywhere near as much thought went into the shit stain that was the 2012 logo. Sure there may well have been as many meetings held about it but I inagine the difference was that our logo was 'designed' by a bunch of speccy self righteous retards telling each other how wonderful each others blue sky thinking was while sucking on a mocha frapaccino or some cack.
  13. How the hell did Kenny get away with that half bail in Section 5?!
  14. Did you really pay £250 to get that Limey painted?
  15. It was probably a message on Section7 that sent me here when S7 started to go downhill and die a death.
  16. I'm sure there's a video somewhere of Danny Mac destroying one at a bike show demo...
  17. That was only the logo though. Imagine how much was spent on designing the font and all the other pointless guff that went with it. I must admit though that in retrospect, although I hate the millions wasted by Locog, I'm very proud of the athletes and what they've achieved and also the raise in public spirit that has gone with the Games. My take on it is that the Games were very badly 'sold' to the public and I feel that the bad feeling started with that shite logo and never recovered because they never pushed the positive side of things. Little details like letting the public know that for every GB gold medal the athlete's local postbox would be painted gold would have made the OIympics feel more personal and more about the athletes and national pride than only showing us a shit logo, how much the transport system would be screwed and who was going to get the privilege of knocking down the stadium to build a stadium.
  18. You are kidding aren't you? How many tentacles does an octopus have?... Myanmar Cyclone and China’s 2008 Earthquake Both the cyclone that hit Burma and the earthquake that struck China tightly coincided with the same HAARP activity. HAARP was also highly active in the weeks before Katrina, during, and a short time after. The correlation is therefore not complete. If HAARP were inactive during that time, then it could be proven that it had absolutely nothing to do with Katrina, but since it was indeed active, a possible link still remains. There is not enough actual energy being outputted by ionospheric heaters to directly power an earthquake, but they don’t need that much power if they merely act as nonlinear unbalancers, triggers, or re-directors of existing large natural energy flows. Was the earthquake just a random natural event? Or was it strategically and intentionally created? Consider this: The official death toll was 80,000. 1) HAARP shut off ~8 hours before the quake struck. 2)Earthquake was of magnitude 8.0. 3) It happened on May 12th (5/12 = 5 + 1 + 2 = 8) 4)The earthquake occurred exactly 88 days before the Beijing Olympics. 5)The Olympics began on 8/8/08 at 8:08 PM. What’s the illuminati significance to the number 8? Occultist L. Ron Hubbard and the church of Scientology has fondness for the number 8 and used it extensively in scientology, as in Hubbard’s books named Technique 88, Scientology 8-80, and one called 8-8008. There are also 8 dynamics, and their gradation chart of awareness, is set up on 8s too, there are 8 levels to “Clear” and then 8 levels to OT8..now jump back to the 1930’s, Hitler’s SS – SS is the closest approximation in letters to 88. Note the colors and feeling of the Scientology Management logo below from their own pages. It’s nothing more than a swastika bent into the numbers 88 (another multiple of 11) with two pyramids intertwined….do you see that? Scientology Managment – Office of Special Affairs Logo© by The Fraud of $cientology Long before Hitler’s SS gained power over the German government, to keep from getting into trouble for saying, “Heil Hitler” in their correspondences, they would sign them 88, because “H” is the 8th letter of the alphabet, hence 88 became the secret signature, at the end of letters sent to his blinded supporters and members of the Nazi Party, for H*eil *Hitler…..SICKENING! Coincidence? Or more illuminati planned events using occult numerology? Taken from some random conspiracy site that goes on to give the importance on the number 11 from Air Force One having 11 letters, to 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination. I'm all for a good conspiracy theory but if there were and illuminati thing going on, it's blatantly Carol Vordermen behind it if all these numeric coincidences are true.
  19. On the topic of the Wiki page... wherefore art thou and why no linky anywhere on the site (that I've found)?
  20. That just sounds like Apple in general to me. I was close to binning my iPod a while back because of my pure hatred of iTunes until someone introduced me to SharePod. Would never consider getting an iPhone and I really couldn't give a shit if there's a new one coming out or not, from what I can tell there's bugger all difference between any of them anyway. And for that reason, I'm out.
  21. I would say two is not lots, I'd say two is a typo.
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