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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. So we can subsidise another bloody tight Scotsman?! Awa' and bile yer heid.
  2. Get the f**k out. Reported for inflammatory posting and Red Dwarf ignorance. How dare you? How very dare you?
  3. But why Kevin Bacon? His face annoys me...
  4. Before it was abandoned (only 7 years ago!) http://retrorides.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=FSW&action=display&thread=26537&page=1
  5. Ah, ok, you're absolutely right. My brain obviously wasn't switched on properly this morning! For some reason I was thinking about it arse about face.
  6. Surely if you do that for the high and low adjusters the chain would be touching the cage when you change gear at the rear?
  7. Yeah, the only place we've used round here have a 100 quid minimum order so 25 seems pretty good.
  8. However, if you include the cost of the bolts in the equation, assuming you pay by pound coins that would normally be in your pocket, by my reckoning you would save another half kilo. So there you go, Ti bolts give you double the benefit saving literally 545g on your average bike/rider assembly.
  9. RIP Prof. Sid Watkins. A truly brilliant man and a loss to the sport. I sound like Rusevelt, don't I?!
  10. Yeah, sounds like there must be a load of slack which the lever's taking up first before being able to make the cage move. Also have a look to see that the mech hasn't been knocked or bent as that'll also cause issues.
  11. I didn't think we had a validation system anymore...
  12. Received today- thanking you kindly! Will send some pennies over
  13. Sorry to thread-jack but Mr Anzo, any ideas what I can do about my HTC dilemma? Can be rather annoying!!
  14. Would I do something like that?... It's a Polisport MMX one actually
  15. Ah cool. I replaced the bulb the other day because the high beam had blown but the 35W/35W standard Bosch appears to be pants!! Don't really ride at night much but worth changing it anyway.
  16. Possibly a long shot but try turning off the WiFi connection on any phones connected to the router. My Sony laptop will do exactly what you describe if either my wife or I's HTC's are connected to the WiFi before I turn the laptop on. Very odd... Would be interested to find out if yours is similar! Once the phones are disconnected you may need to 'repair' the laptop connection or restart the router but that usually works for me.
  17. Having ridden the bike today for the first time in a couple of weeks, I retract my statement about speeds and gears. 20mph is definitely first gear territory, sorry about that! Bike flew through the MOT today although the guy reckons my headlight is shite- struggled to illuminate the board ~4m in from of the bike to check if the alignment and height was ok! Nevermind eh?!!
  18. Ah, could be to do with the restriction I guess. The Er6's have always had a little bit of judder around the 3-4000 revs mark but it's just a characteristic that you get used to! With a new bike there is always a learning curve where you find out how it handles at different speeds and rev ranges but at the end of the day, with more time in the saddle you'll find what you find comfortable and ignore everyone else's advice!!
  19. Seems like you're replying on slipping the clutch way too much- and coasting round a bend with the clutch right in is a definite no no. It sounds like you just need more confidence riding. First gear should only really be needed for pulling away and really tight turns (U-turns). I find on my er6 that first is so low that if I go from 2nd to first at anything above about walking pace that when I let the clutch out it's like throwing the brakes on. For the sort of corner you describe, you should be able to roll through it in 2nd with minimal throttle but the clutch out. If you need practice, find a closed Tesco car park or something and just do a few laps heading up to a 90 degree bend, slowing up, getting the right gear and then committing to the turn and seeing it through. Lots of room to go a bit wide if you don't feel it to start with.
  20. 18:15 is pretty standard for 26" and I'd say going to a 16T on the back would be a step in the wrong direction unless you're planning changing your crank length considerably.
  21. Are you going to be cold calling people to offer them stuff they don't want?! Come on, own up!!
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