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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Yeah, at one point Joseph has to make his escape and just has to use a painted up Fourplay and Danny Mac is obviously the stunt rider for the sequence. I've just watched it now and was pleasantly surprised. Obviously having an interest in bikes definitely helps but it is quite good and rather watchable.
  2. Good choice- like that idea far more than buying a new bit of bling for the sake of it.
  3. Same. It's interesting to watch but just doesn't do it for me. I'd rather watch Mark or Ali ride brakeless all day long than Sean.
  4. Did the customer also want little bits of red paint left on it?
  5. Probably not the best example to show if you're going to try and make some money from this.
  6. Eww... that looks nasty. Again it's obviously just personal choice but that looks like a rubbery G-Shock or something.
  7. Sorry, I was meaning that the weight wouldn't be in kg's .
  8. Yeah, I think you need to work out the volume from mass and density then the buoyancy is equal to the weight of water displaced (I think, been a looooooong time since I did this stuff!). You've then got gravity pulling the iron down and buoyancy pushing it up giving the apparent weight of the iron. That's what I'd be doing, anyway. Edit: for shapes and stuff you would usually do length x breadth x height or whatever but if given any two of mass, volume and density you can work out the third since they are simply related.
  9. Same here. Very happy and have been for a long time. Wouldn't change anything for the world (well, maybe a Euromillions win would be nice).
  10. So we can subsidise another bloody tight Scotsman?! Awa' and bile yer heid.
  11. Get the f**k out. Reported for inflammatory posting and Red Dwarf ignorance. How dare you? How very dare you?
  12. But why Kevin Bacon? His face annoys me...
  13. Before it was abandoned (only 7 years ago!) http://retrorides.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=FSW&action=display&thread=26537&page=1
  14. Ah, ok, you're absolutely right. My brain obviously wasn't switched on properly this morning! For some reason I was thinking about it arse about face.
  15. Surely if you do that for the high and low adjusters the chain would be touching the cage when you change gear at the rear?
  16. Yeah, the only place we've used round here have a 100 quid minimum order so 25 seems pretty good.
  17. However, if you include the cost of the bolts in the equation, assuming you pay by pound coins that would normally be in your pocket, by my reckoning you would save another half kilo. So there you go, Ti bolts give you double the benefit saving literally 545g on your average bike/rider assembly.
  18. RIP Prof. Sid Watkins. A truly brilliant man and a loss to the sport. I sound like Rusevelt, don't I?!
  19. Yeah, sounds like there must be a load of slack which the lever's taking up first before being able to make the cage move. Also have a look to see that the mech hasn't been knocked or bent as that'll also cause issues.
  20. I didn't think we had a validation system anymore...
  21. Received today- thanking you kindly! Will send some pennies over
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