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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I don't think that scratches the surface of what they sponsor but interesting to see.
  2. Haven't tried it myself but a guy on a supermoto forum used have Biz (?) on his powder coated frame and reckons it's the mutts nuts.
  3. Still sounds crap and pointless to me.
  4. So all that happens is you have to tap your screen ~60 billiion times to get to the end? Sounds like a great way to file a repetitive strain lawsuit against the company to me... Just watched a bit of that vid- christ this seems pointless.
  5. Thanks for that... Glad the Cytech qualifications are serving the world well. [/sarcasm]
  7. In all my years riding all kinds of bikes, I have never had an issue using just a new chain, chainrings or cassette in a setup. I can't help feeling hat although there's a small amount of truth in some cases that mostly it's bullshit spouted by bike shops to make more money.
  8. Quite a succinct display of the changes: http://www.90-one.com/testchange.html
  9. You're right to a degree and of course there will be exceptions but I bet the majority of people taking their bike to a LBS to get a puncture repaired are just lazy numpties who should be able to do it but don't. To be honest I avoid LBSs like the plague since they tend to not have a bloody clue about anything and simply go through the motions. I think the last time I was forced into a LBS it was because my chain had snapped on my XC bike on the way back from dropping my car at a garage (read hadn't bothered to bring any tools or owt with me) and the guy wouldn't lend me a chain tool, ended up selling me a new chain and tried to tell me that really if I have a new chain I ought to change the cassette and chainrings too. f**k. Off. In my experience that seems to be the way of things. Obviously not the case in 'proper' shops or specialist places but for you average LBS bang on.
  10. To be fair, anyone who takes a bike to a bike shop to get a puncture fixed deserves to be fleeced.
  11. That may be the case for some but I don't really think it can be applied to Ryan... at least not in the extreme/dangerous side of things. He's been doing the same stuff since I started riding in the late 90's!
  12. But that's only valid until January, right? Then everything changes again I thought...
  13. I never fix punctures on my own bikes, always replace tubes...
  14. Where u brot up in a barn or wot?
  15. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=hope+headset+instructions
  16. And some people aren't even interested in his riding... I started watching that yesterday on PB: laughed at how awkward he looked just turning on his back wheel on that wall at the start, fast forwarded the making tea bit and turned it off shortly after.
  17. That's one seriously light car! I haven't done much FEA but I would say you can't really model it as a step input lasting 0.X seconds but instead would need to consider using a normal distribution type curve where the maximum deceleration and therefore duration of the crash roughly match what the theory says. I'm sure G levels must be available online somewhere for a crash from 50mph...
  18. Insert joke about car salesmen... I kid, I kid
  19. Whatchootalkinabout? Being served by a (sic) common lower respiratory tract infection that affects babies and young children under a year old? Dinosaurs'd be better as cranes, or comical drawbridges or maybe postboxes...
  20. I don't deny that they're fully awesome but what are you going to do with them once you make them? Stick them on an island and build a theme park? f**k that.
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