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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I'm trying to keep out of this but the one thing that I do find mental is the likes of people being allowed to wear a Burka for their passport photo (not sure what the UK policy is on that but I know some places allow it) and also a recent case I read about of a primary school teacher who kicked up a fuss because she was asked to remove it. I've grown up in a time when the only time you see a balaclava it's either an IRA propaganda video or armed robber or whatever. If you're covering your face it's to conceal you identity and at the very heart of it it's sinister. For a school teacher to only show her eyes, that's not only a bit sinister but also conceals a lot about what they're thinking. We get a lot of information from someone's face and to cover it up is wrong when working with kids or whatever. I'm quite happy to say that I'm religionist or whatever you'd like to call it- I'm an aetheist but I hate the stupidity shown by those who truly believe the drivel spouted by religions. I'm quite happy for them to do what they want so long as it doesn't affect me or my way of life. For sure be a Muslim just don't murder your daughter if she looks at a white boy (or girl for that matter)...
  2. It'll do the job on a kart track but I wouldn't want to wear it on the road. Looks reasonably 'proper' from the outside which I guess is the main thing! In unrelated news I went to Nitro Circus Live last night at the O2 which was pretty awesome. Not as much unscripted craziness as I expected/would've liked but some impressive shit going down. Special flip on MX, side by side body varials on MX, triple backflip on BMX. All good stuff!
  3. Love it, really easy watch and some wicked lines in there from Mr C. By the way, what bars are you running Ali?
  4. I think in general a lot of the more successful British comedy is more 'intelligent' comedy- irony, satire, clever play on words etc. Whereas the comedy I've seen is using stupid voices and yo' mamma jokes... I guess the comics have to aim at the average IQ of their viewers which in the states equates to that of the average British PE teacher. Edit: Actually that probably relates more to stand up. They have certainly put out some good stuff with TV etc- the obvious one that sticks in my head being Family Guy which is kind of stupid humour (baby wants to kill mum, fart jokes, drunk jokes) but with some fairly off the wall direct hits using satire.
  5. The cheap ones are usually just a variable resistor to fool the ECU into thinking the engine's always cold so it runs richer. It'll give a power boost right until his engine melts I'd guess.
  6. Natural camo is done freestyle, potentially with some freehand masking using fern leaves or similar, digital camo I can imagine being more tricky...
  7. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/174351-trying-out-new-koxx-2013-prototype-frame/#entry2410437
  8. I did my old Inspired in camo. Looked quite cool:
  9. Awesome to see Nyquist take it seeing as he must be like 50 now.
  10. Giffgaff all the way. Hit me up if you want some free money for being referred.
  11. We all know he's far too busy giving AIDS to babies in Africa to worry about crank bolts.
  12. Doesn't look obviously mullered. Try a replacement bolt and keep checking for bolt tension for the first few rides.
  13. In the car enthusiast circle. Couldn't care less. Go and do some debadgering!
  14. Do you not throw sump guards onto cars so low to at least try and protect things? Yeah, I've just never got into the car scene. Turning up at a car park/field or whatever and walking round looking at what other people have spent/wasted their money on offers no interest to me at all. Mini's however are different and come into a different bracket. Looking at lowered/stanced/bodykitted chavmobiles is one thing but with Mini's there's a far greater character to the cars and more of a community atmosphere I guess. Your generic Vdub/Honda or whatever stanced can't hold a candle to a real enthusiast in a Mini. I miss my Minivan .
  15. Is nice! I would've been tempted to go for black or white rims and bash but it looks good- definitely stands out from the crowd .
  16. Yeah looks green to me and it just happens that the next light board is further down the straight. The lights on his steering wheel aren't 'legally binding' but the marshall's flag is. I'm not convinced anything will happen...
  17. Saw this on Facebook earlier. Interesting for sure but I'd say it's now too late...
  18. I see it from a different angle... Although the aesthetics aren't for me, I think making your car look like an RC could be kinda cool but what makes me think they're destroying their cars is the fact that they've effectively ruined the handling and usability making them completed pointless as a car. What's the point in owning a vehicle that you can't get onto your driveway or take down some roads that have small speed bumps or whatever. If they were track cars only that'd be something but these twats actually try and drive them on the road... all that 'if it ain't rubbin' shit. If it is rubbin' it shouldn't be on the bloody road!!
  19. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not...
  20. But when you say you've been meaning to 'properly debadge' the boot and post a pic which blatantly hasn't been debadged in the traditional sense then it ain't debadged.
  21. Yeah, I thought debadging meant, well, debadging. Meh.
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