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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Not in this thread just in general posting mindless drivel and generally trolling like a goodun'. Edit: In fact your attitude in this thread is enough to support the theory.
  2. Ever wonder if maybe people would be more helpful if you weren't such a dickhead on here the rest of the time? Can't be arsed offering advice so yeah, unlucky and good luck sorting it I guess.
  3. I've got one of those Beto ones too and for the number of times it gets used it's spot on.
  4. Sorry dude, secrecy act has it under wraps until around 2016 I believe!
  5. I wasn't so much saying it was faux/bad rather that it's supposedly a drift ute yet they've added a diffuser to potentially produce downforce (and therefore increase grip and stability) when my instinct tells me that a drift car wants to be inherently unstable with as little grip as possible (within reason). Edit: happy for someone to point out why a bit of downforce/reduced lift might be good for a drift car but doesn't seem to tally with how I see drifting! Cheers Ad... that page (and photo!) leaves a lot to be desired! But yeah Aero Engineering degree followed by a doctorate in rally car aerodynamics and now manage and consult for the University wind tunnels .
  6. I would also hazard a guess that the software in anything from a mobile phone to a set top box and maybe even a microwave involves maths and series' of some kind. As for using maths in jobs the list is pretty much endless. Any kind of engineering from Civil to F1, manufacturing, software development, computer science, electronics, accountancy (!)... surely even being a bike mechanic involves some maths in the form of geometry etc.
  7. Basically provided the floor upstream of the ramp is reasonably smooth and the transition to the ramp doesn't make the flow separate then it should help reduce drag while increasing downforce. If it's done wrong then I think the worst that could happen is that it won't be able to do anything but it probably wouldn't make things worse.
  8. In theory yes. Because of the ramp you can effectively reduce the size of the wake of the car and so reduce drag.
  9. Not really. In motorsport terms (i.e. F1) basically you have high speed, low pressure air under the car acting on the floor (creating downforce) and the diffuser's job is to return that air to atmospheric pressure as efficiently as possible. The diffuser itself is basically a pressure recovery device.
  10. But diffusers don't generate downforce at the rear, they allow the floor to work harder so the force will be effectively exerted between the axles somewhere, increasing both front and rear downforce.
  11. You're kidding, right? I'm struggling to think of much in the real world that doesn't use maths. You can't be serious...
  12. That makes no sense at all. Edit: but then I have just googled 'rear diffuser drift car' and found some very bad science on aerodynamics so there you go.
  13. Not a fan. The bike in the background looks interesting though. KTM turned cafe racer? Engineered to slide complete with a downforce inducing faux diffuser?...
  14. Can you not model it quickly in excel or something and see what the sum of the first 15, 30, 50 or whatever terms tends towards?
  15. Burnt Candy Orange is always good: Or that nice Candy Green like Chris Forster had his Skye painted, similar to this:
  16. I think the Christian fish really sets it off and screams 'HARDCORE'...
  17. Any Nitromors you buy now will have had all the good stuff (read nasty chemicals that were good at removing paint) removed making it far less effective. I think you'll need to look for a more industrial stripper to work on anything beyond rattle can paint jobs now.
  18. Cool beans, cheers guys. May have a play and see what happens. Could probably actually turn the freehub body itself down a little (leaving enough thread of course) to give some extra room. Bit of a project I guess.
  19. Out of interest, does he acid dip/prep the items first? I assume it costs more if you provide a powdercoated part rather than just raw etc.?
  20. I did not know you could specify what site Google searches in. Most useful- cheers Ad!
  21. BUMP What did you end up doing with the Pro2 and spoke tensioner? Would quite like to go that route but not keen on messing around with a spacer on the inside of the frame... boss on the dropout/hanger is doable though.
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