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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Interesting. Still think they look stupid. I'm sure they function great in a lot of circumstances but they do look odd.
  2. Yeah, not sure I'd trust that for trials.
  3. Don't know much about the Elite's but I know the old standard Profile MTB hubs were not to be trusted for trials...
  4. Well they're just stupid if they hated their 29" test rides yet bought them. You must be a hell of a salesman.
  5. A high BB bike is easier to 'loop out' so you can cope with a harder gear. For a low BB bike the gear same gearing will not loop you out so easily. I'm guessing anyway...
  6. I'll take that bet. On this subject you're way too close to the American stereotype I'm afraid! Maybe there needs to be an example based on guns, ammunition and burgers...
  7. Wow, eengoedidee.nl is still going! I remember that from the Section 7 days!
  8. I think their bishops or whatnot voted that regardless what the outcome of the legal issue is, the CoE and the Church of Wales will not allow same sex marriages in their cribs. So yeah, not so much banned as choosing to be sexualityist.
  9. I've got one similar somewhere for a 13T but it doesn't really help that much because gripping the sprocket isn't usually the problem it's getting enough leverage to undo it.
  10. Yeah, I think Sam's thinking of 'My name is Earl'...
  11. Yeah I know, the comment was relating to Americanz and their lazy language in general
  12. My (little) understanding of the catholic system is that it doesn't matter how much of a scumbag you are, so long as you repent before you die (and don't commit suicide) it's all gravy for you.
  13. There's always the undertone of threat and fear though (to those who believe, hallelujah). They teach people to be compassionate and lead a good life OR ELSE if you know what I mean. I would have said even more so with Islam and it's Sharia laws- why else would people be quite content to murder their own children because the child looked at someone of the opposite sex or got themselves raped or whatever? That's pure fear for their own safety in the eyes of Alladin .
  14. I'm going to go against the grain and say I don't really like it but can't put my finger on why... The body looks good and I'm sure the function is spot on but the blade itself just looks 'wrong'. Not just the embossed logo but the shape and simplicity as well. It seems like the body should deserve a more special blade along the lines of a Hope Tech lever, just a bit more detail...
  15. Bastardise the English language. Just not in this instance since here you just use different words to indicate the first two steps.
  16. That may the case in parts of America and I guess many strong Islamic countries but in the UK, today, that's far from relevant. Maybe in 1400 it was the case but today religion (rightfully) means f**k all to 99% of young people (thank Christ()).
  17. You're obviously further up the list than me as I didn't get the Adobe email until 12:15!
  18. Fair enough. I'm kind of only thinking in terms of what it was like when I was at school and kids can be mean!
  19. Following a post by Rich P on Facebook, what are people's views on same sex parents bringing up kids? From a equality point of view I have nothing against it but I do still feel that society isn't at the stage when a kid won't be bullied like crazy when people find out that he/she has two dads/mums. I'm not sure it's fair on the children if it will have a detrimental effect on them having a fair crack at life.
  20. I think in general the Brits aren't overly extrovert so I can understand why we may appear less 'happy' from the outside and why our cities looks more boring. We also tend to play by the rules more making us generally more 'serious'.
  21. Marriage is a way of formalising a relationship (and in a way conforming with society I guess) but not necessarily 'in the eyes of Jebus'. Neither my wife or I (or either of our families) are religious but it just seemed to be the right time to become Mr & Mrs (I guess both coming from stable families with both (original) parents etc. can't have hurt). For things like bank accounts, mortgages, pensions, life insurance and all that jazz it just seems to make things easier. Now we've got a son as well again it makes sense I think, while being complete separate from religion.
  22. So basically it's something they can get over? Good to know. On a similar but different note, it's commonly accepted by most sane people that homosexuality is something that is determined at birth, like being transgender or whatever. With that in mind could it be that the likes of paedophiles are also born that way and for some biochemical/physiological reason they are attracted to children in a sexual sense in the same way heterosexuals are attracted to the opposite sex and homosexuals the same sex? Socially and morally unacceptable at present, as was homosexuality in the not too distant past.
  23. There was a case recently about a B&B who asked a gay couple to leave because of their sexuality but I can't actually remember the outcome...
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