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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. From my experience at work these type of cases are really quite heavy. No problem when you're transporting a 200kg wind tunnel model but more of a problem if you're trying to convince Ryanair not to charge you £100 for excess baggage to transport a 10kg bike in a 20kg case. Just food for thought.
  2. I've put my ER6 pretty much back to stock and am going to see what I get offered as a trade in on an XT660X... I don't know why but I've always had a soft spot for the overweight and under powered pseudomoto. Maybe I'll regret it but we'll see! Dunno how much they'll offer me for the ER- it's in really good condition but it has done 30k so not expecting the world.
  3. Out of interest how do the high rises measure up relative to the tactics? The numbers say that the Dabomb's have a smaller rise but the pictures I've seen don't look like it.
  4. That sounds suspiciously familiar...
  5. So does removing a chainstay but that doesn't mean everyone should do it.
  6. Just to stay off topic for a touch longer, I thought this was fairly standard in all bikes. Or am I thinking of ally frames where the temperature required is different?
  7. That pisses me off soooo much. I've been caught out a few times and it really grinds my gears.
  8. It wasn't really a comp though was it? Looked like an extended demo in the middle of a mototrial comp. Definitely agree that Aurelien looked far more comfortable and appeared to be riding bigger and better than the others.
  9. Ah ok, so yeah raw steel but not raw, welded heat marked raw. Fair enough.
  10. Heat treating still leaves it raw doesn't it... Just get him to lacquer it afterwards.
  11. That I have certainly not ever wondered. I do however wonder if oil is in fact a self renewing resource or at least far more abundant than what our science teachers tell us. Note: That's not a foil hat comment but a serious consideration.
  12. I would've thought you'd be able to tell if the elements are heating by feeling the exposed part when powered up. As Mr Seamons says if they have power are you sure it's not something silly like your thermostat is set too cold, the timer isn't operating and that the water is actually filling the tank beyond the elements?
  13. Actually, I'd also point out that I had two of those frames, ran them with bashguards and each one dented the chainstays the first time I used the bash. The mounts just kind of folded into the stays. Wasn't impressed... I can see Paul reading this and that second frame went when we were riding Rownhams services and may remember it!
  14. I guess it all depends on whether it really is made from squished dinosaurs...
  15. As I'm sure you know it was originally built to use the Megamo bash (I assume because Chris Doney had a bunch of them kicking about when he helped to design the Revell).
  16. It was an arranged 'stunt' and he was with the guys in the car .
  17. Well, it's a static 'bunnyhop' from on top of the car...
  18. So 0.51°C increase since 1983. Taking the most optimistic case, 0.6 - 0.2 = 0.4°C increase since say 1883. Sooo... something doesn't compute. That would indicate that the temperature rose, then fell then rose again in that period? Not making any kind of argument just saying that even within one statement it doesn't add up.
  19. I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. As said before, climate change is clearly happening but the theories of what's causing it, what the end result will be, if we can affect it etc. are varied and much of it apparently guesswork. I'm still not convinced either way but also don't see a massive point in us going to the nth degree to do all we can when countries like China, India and America are burning everything like it's going out of fashion and causing far, far more damage than we can ever hope to fix.
  20. Theoreticians won't save the planet. In fact academics researching what's happening won't save the planet, especially if the Illuminati are hell bent on taking over the world with big businesses and are in it purely for profit. And if the governments are spraying shit in the sky that's making things worse we're really f**ked. But then http://www.globalwarmingawarenessblog.com/globalwarming-is-due-to-sun-activity-and-not-co2.html
  21. Wind tunnel manager at Southampton Uni but the way my brain works (knowing 20", 26" wheels but M5, M6 screws etc. from bikes) I tend to switch almost seamlessly depending on the application. Below about 50mm things are in mm, it then becomes inches and feet up to maybe a metre and then changes back into metres beyond that (for the most part). I guess it doesn't help that our main wind tunnels are old imperial units (one being 7' x 5', the other 11' x 8') but when I speak to customers on the phone I convert those to metric again!!
  22. Tonnes and tons don't come into my line of work much- it's all about Newtons or kg's... Unless we're talking dimensions at which point (probably thanks partly to biking) things go from being metric at small scales, to imperial part way through, to metric again at larger scales again. "That needs to be about 10mm, but it needs to be placed about 6" from that nut and 3m up on top of the tunnel".
  23. That can't be driveable surely?
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