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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. It's surprising the difference a new chain can make. Everything becomes far smoother and quieter!
  2. Haha, fair enough . I used to only ever join chains 'properly' but have been using the same three piece joiner jobbie for a couple of years now with no problem. Definitely makes life easier when removing and changing my chain but ought to change it more regularly...
  3. While on the subject of 3 piece connectors does anyone know where you can buy one for a 3/32" chain? Can't find them anywhere...
  4. Oops... may have just ordered a stealthy Ribble R872 with 105 black groupset. Not sure how much use it'll get but it is pretty. That means I'll've spent £2500 on new bikes in the past month. Eek.
  5. Broken axle or dodgy bearing would also be a possibility.
  6. I'm no expert (shut up then I hear you shout) but surely the job of the CPU is to carry out as many calculations as possible to undertake the task as quickly as possible. If the PC is carrying out a CPU heavy task like exporting/encoding a video or whatever I'd hope it uses as much of its CPU power as it can... If it was using 85% just surfing the interweb I'd be worried.
  7. Shouldn't even need to measure it... If you can't tell the difference between 25.4mm and 31.8mm learn how to!
  8. That's better! Slam the seat and get some black headset stackers on there and you're done
  9. But your response was far more detailed! I'm with you though- quite quickly stopped using the pants QR and would probably opt for a good V setup instead.
  10. Get a different booster (or run without- those Maggy ones were always a bit crap). The elbow bits sit against the inside of the frame to stop the setup from rotating outwards when the brake's applied.
  11. To be fair I doubt the races have ever been real- it would be impossible to film them if they were.
  12. Humour or stupidity?... Again, entertaining on a silly level but overall just trying too hard.
  13. Yup- comp frames designed to last one season as a comp only bike with another bike being used for 'training'.
  14. Looks really good. Is that rattle can or done properly?! I take it you're running only a rear brake at the moment? I keep on thinking about it but then remember the stuff that relies on the front that I might miss!
  15. Gah some people need to wind their f**king necks in... (not anyone on here).
  16. Hehe, cheers Sonja! I nearly looped out the first time I bunnyhopped it because of the change in geometry. It's definitely a bit heavier and different but certainly comparable! I guess in the end it's that little bit more focused at the street side of things which brings it that bit further from pure trials.
  17. Bought this second hand the other day and have now got it set up just right. Most of it is stock with the exceptions of the Rohloff tensioner, drilled sprocket, SLX cranks, machined bash, 70mm x 25 degree Hope Stem, sawtooth rotors, Hope bar ends, Eclat seat and Trialtech singlespeed kit. Oh and grips. And headset spacers. But on the whole stock. Edit: more pics further down. Comments welcome .
  18. The fact whenever they showed footage of the dash (showing revs not speed of course) the car was clearly in neutral pissed me off. Richard's Ferrari miraculously fixing itself in time for the race was also impressive, particularly since he made mention of the accident during the race when his car hadn't yet had the accident... Would rather have watched the new Sherlock.
  19. And Danny did one ages ago for that recruitment place and Andrei did one fairly recently for Berocca. Smooth and good riding for sure but not exactly novel!
  20. I'm not so sure... did you ever see a snapped ally Magura lever? Those things look like an Aero chocolate bar inside! Having said that I haven't used one of the 'modern' plastic composite levers so cant really comment.
  21. Just got £50 for a random abandoned bike I found in the woods a few weeks back . Handed it into the police, waited 28 days then claimed it back and just flogged it for £50 cash! Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug5zKwJuWbU
  22. Come on, the dude's got pink hair, purple walls and an Orange Skye with purple and green bits. The Hello Kitty plaster fits right in!
  23. Yeah, and one that is guaranteed to have shitty stiff links from day one too...
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