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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I got a pair of Halfords advanced roof racks new on eBay for £50. They're identical to the Thule ones minus the branding. Also swapped the lock barrels so that the same key locks them to the roof rails (never used) and the same key unlocks each of the downtube clamps. Definitely worth doing if you go for a pair!
  2. Odd story gets stranger... I never really heard what happened with her accident.
  3. Be careful with overheating. In unducted cooling systems you obviously need a way of allowing hot air to exit the engine bay so if you fully seal everything up it can of course cause problems. Watch out for the fire risk too!!
  4. So... TrialsAdd Ict acting all growned up?
  5. Never heard of it before but glad it's gone if I'm honest. With a bit of luck they can also now track down some seriously nasty bastards who were involved. Watch yourself Ben!!
  6. You can see the guy on the white sports bike (at about 0:26) pulling in front of the Range Rover and casually brake checking him. You don't actually see contact but considering the closing speed I'd say it's pretty obvious they touched, although it doesn't look like the bike went down or anything.
  7. I'm neither of those things (I don't think I'm trampy... could be wrong) and I wouldn't spend £100 on a pair of tyres.
  8. It isn't clear what happened before the video starts as it seems something must've happened to make them have a go at the driver. Still proper mental though. Good job it didn't happen where everyone carries guns otherwise there'd probably be 20 dead.
  9. Full story slowly coming out. Basically comes down to the squid bikers being wankers, causing a minor accident by brake testing him then him taking off in fear of his life when they started smacking the car and trying to open the door. He had his wife and 5 month old baby in the car apparently. Judging by the faggots in t-shirts and trainers I'd say the bikers were in the wrong the whole way and am ashamed to be associated with cunts like that.
  10. I liked it when G took up downhill.
  11. G in attention grabbing, controversy shocker. Please delete the images from imageshack and ask for this thread deleted immediately otherwise the Universe may implode.
  12. Agree 100% with both of the above posts.
  13. Vimeo lied to me? Bastards. Where's that Ofcom address?...
  14. Not necessarily. The theory is great- send all your waste for recycling and save energy and the planet. I'm sure in some instances it works nearly perfectly (things like metal, paper etc.) but it seems a lot of our 'recycling' just gets loaded on to container ships and sent half way round the world to be dumped elsewhere... TheCircus...
  15. I guess it depends on what you're after in terms of handling. I bought mine new in 2006 and have done ~32k miles on it and will be honest that I haven't ridden many other bikes (TDR125>GS500>ER6) and although it is a budget bike, with non adjustable suspension etc. it's a really nice general purpose bike. I've occasionally thought about changing it but to be perfectly honest I would only be doing that for the sake of it. It's plenty fast enough for the roads, can be used daily without ever needing to worry about anything, still looks incredibly clean for a 7 year old bike that certainly isn't a dry day only bike and I just really like it still!
  16. Was he really the chair of the Stoney council? If so that makes it far worse than your average ignorant numpty having a go!
  17. Cool beans- I thought that was probably the case. Looking forward to seeing what you can create when given a clean slate and a pile of SS tubing!
  18. You know what we were saying about aesthetics not being the be all and end all but that they can be very important especially for custom frame builders? Goes for design of frames and gussets as well as the look of the welds. I know you're doing this as a favour to the guy but if you're serious about maybe setting up as a frame builder the devil's in the detail.
  19. Ah fair enough. Didn't realise that.
  20. Which after a quick Google is found to most likely be a bunch of crap made up to create an email forwarding frenzy. http://www.snopes.com/medical/potables/redbull.asp
  21. I imagine it will function but because the ratios of piston sizes/areas will be out I wouldn't be surprise if it doesn't work very well...
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