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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Similar but different concept: http://www.tubliss.com/
  2. Theory's been around for a long time on vehicles (https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=future+tyre+technology&espv=210&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=2_LzUvDBG8ae7Ab65oEw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=959) but interesting to see that they seem to be using parts of normal tyres so just replacing the innertube/sidewalls (?).
  3. Trialtech site agrees with yours: http://www.trialtech.co.uk/product.php?product_id=78
  4. That's a very good point. Tiff and Jason (and Vicky) actually give proper feedback on what's good and bad about the cars they drive and can give real comparison while making the program entertaining. Top Gear's just plain stupid these days.
  5. Almost certainly won't have had a diver in the water. Risk assessment may have indicated they needed a designated life guard on standby but a diver would be way OTT.
  6. If you're going to make a stupid bogus topic at least link to something that's also related. Skip to 7:01 to see a proper beastly nose manual. www.youtube.com/watch?v=irlsOHGb3h4 Or for the lazy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irlsOHGb3h4#t=421
  7. It really, really doesn't! Yup, good to see he's still riding .
  8. The real question is does she actually call him Nad and if so is there more to it than that it's Dan backwards? Now I'm not one to make fun of monorchism so a serious discussion regarding how such a condition may affect a young man may be in order.
  9. Gary Young's new edit: http://www.vitalbmx.com/videos/member/Gary-Youngs-First-Ever-All-Street-Video,52739/kylecarlson,363 Also: Animal Bikes Vimeo Video -> Original Video
  10. I guess it's an in-between. Danny rode a few modified Fourplays with different geometry to the production models and they would've formed the basis of the Skye. Whether it's a custom geo Fourplay or a prototype Skye would be fuzzy I'd have thought.
  11. Yeah, if you're on your own in a pub and approach a girl (or more likely a gaggle of girls) it kinda screams PSYCHO RAPIST.
  12. The pedals must've been clicking like a good un for a while...
  13. I tried it (very briefly) on my old Inspired but very quickly found that the gearing is just too low on a trials bike to realistically use. I'm sure someone like Ackrigg could give it a good go but it's not for mortals.
  14. 13.5t up front (well, 13 or 14 obviously)... No chance!
  15. Yeah exactly- Alain Robert is mental but massively talented as well. I can imagine him sitting in his living room watching 'Don't Look Down' and just saying 'pussies' (in a strong French accent of course)!!
  16. Technically there's nothing to it in terms of climbing- none of that was challenging (face it- most of the places were accessed by ladders) and the hanging again is not technically difficult in any way, just a bit mad. The most impressive and dangerous thing in the whole program was the backflip on top of Moscow bridge which could've gone wrong so easily. None of it made me feel queasy at all though. That failed base jump above... fuuuuuck.
  17. Ah gotcha. Looks like they're after force coefficients etc. initially but beyond that velocity vector plots, surface pressure plots etc. well show areas of separated flow round the leading edge of the cab and how the wake changes with changing flow angle. If there are extra credits for going a little further think about adding radii to the trailing edge of the trailer or giving the top surface some curvature like some lorries or there to prove the effect small changes have on the wake and hence forces. You could probably even relate those back to improving fuel economy to give it some weight.
  18. If you can view a velocity vector field horizontally through the domain (x-z plane) somewhere within the height of the model you'll be able to see what happens at the boundaries. Looking at pressure contours won't necessarily make it obvious. I'm not 100% sure how it will deal with the inflow at 20 degrees or 40 degrees since the flow incident on the lorry will actually need to be coming through the side wall of the domain rather than the 'inlet'. It have been easier to make the domain a bit wider and yaw the model while keeping the inlet conditions the same...
  19. Why? Danny deserved that and I still quite like the version you did with the pale green wheels! Hopefully it'll converge ok and give you some sensible numbers out. You should quickly be able to tell from the vectors whether it's doing what you expect. Some of that will depend on what the sides of the domain are defined as- obviously if they are 'walls' the inlet velocity will be forced to flow down the rest of the domain and won't give the desired results...
  20. See my edits. Yeah without knowing what way round you'd created the domain he would've assumed you had z as the vertical axis and told you to leave z as 0 but because of your orientation it's y that needs to be left zero.
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