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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Not thoughts, just plotted. Totals: Men: 3362; Women: 2821
  2. Have you noticed it being extra hard on drivetrain (or indeed suspension, brakes etc.) compared to non Eeb?
  3. Ok, so crypto sucks. Now £25 down. There goes my early retirement plan for this week!
  4. I finally dipped my toe in and went the most lazy way I could by buying £50 of Litecoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum via Paypal. Currently around £7 up. Might retire next week...
  5. Just watched the copy of Ghostbusters I found and also really enjoyed it. I actually didn't know Harold Ramis had died until the bit at the end. Really quite touching. That must be crazy for his family to watch 7 years after he passed away.
  6. From what people have been saying in here houses are going for over their asking prices anyway so surely in the grand scheme of things paying £10k over what they've valued it at is utterly meaningless!
  7. Ah fair enough. I found A Boy Called Christmas over the holidays and used my GiffGaff data too actually though I did that through some random mobile VPN thing I downloaded.
  8. When you find a copy of a film, all legal like, what VPN do you use? I'm all for finding films but paying for a VPN sucks.
  9. I don't think we had to have life insurance (this was 11 years ago mind you) but we decided that it made sense to have a policy that just covers the mortgage (amount reduces in line with the mortgage left over the term) in the event that one of us were to become critically ill or die. It's like £25 a month and I'll cancel it when we pay the mortgage off early.
  10. I saw this on Paypal earlier but what's driving the dip? Normal markets seem to be following the same trend but I don't really get why...
  11. That is impressive! Hopefully means removing it will also be quite satisfying when it just peels away in big lumps!
  12. That's mental. What are the restrictions based on? Do you know if the workforce are being usd to manufacture other things for 'government projects' or just sitting at home with no income?
  13. @isitafox what's the garage roof like under that lot? I can imagine the inside looking something like this:
  14. They could've done it on the 1st of January. That would've been worse. Or the 2nd. Or the 3rd. You get where I'm going with this
  15. Yeah I know! Just a bit of a whim/ experiment for shits and giggles. It's also one of those 'make a change rather than buy a new bike' things...
  16. I swapped to a 3/32" chain I think from what was an 11 speed.
  17. Not sure I can really help much but just to piss you off I recently went single speed on my Whyte T130 with an Acor two wheel tensioner and I've been surprised how much quieter it is! I didn't expect it to make any difference on noise but it's basically silent which I'm digging so I can understand where you're cocming from!
  18. It might be worth stripping the caliper down and greasing what moving parts you can get to in order to stop water getting in or sitting there. I reckon at the temperatures you're talking about the water will be the issue.
  19. Or any moisture in the system freezing completely? Will it be getting wet at all?
  20. I feel like there's a Spongebob meme for things like this... (Reported).
  21. Just to go a little further on that from a quick glance at the link Adam posted it doesn't seem that the GP personally is remunerated for giving a jab but the surgery/practice. Whether they then just divvy it up and take it home I don't know but chances are some of them will invest that back into the surgery to buy new equipment, carry out renovations, buy better PPE for their staff etc. It doesn't seem to be quite as clear cut as GPs running round singing 'We're in the money'...
  22. And what a beautiful couple they make!
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