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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Fair do's. They came with the bike so I wasn't about to change them before ever riding them! As well as looking like they're made out of scaffolding poles, I don't think they're the lightest forks out there... Ah well, give em a while. To be fair I can't fault them on function, they seem really well put together and I really like the integrated top bolt/cap. :blink: Dave
  2. Got them from www.rsgraphics.co.uk. They were really quick and helpful and not even that expensive. That lot (two big ones on downtube, one big one on top tube and two smaller ones on the forks cost about £15. Dave
  3. For anyone after directions, it will be 'signed off A272 Petersfield to Winchester road, approx 2 miles west of Petersfield at 'Seven Stars' Pub' Dave
  4. It's just Chris's hobbie. We ride bikes, he takes pictures! He's got a full time 'regular' job and gets out the camera gear in his spare time from what I understand. Dave
  5. Only ridden with Matt a couple of times in London. Stupidly good rider! I'm slowly getting there with the tech UCI moves though...slowly Dave
  6. :P Cos I want to win the series and don't stand a chance against Donut!! I'll be there :) Dave
  7. What the hell is being put in the water oop North?!! That was awesome! Brilliant riding and a sweet vid to boot. Dave
  8. hehe, I think I was actually in the middle of a conversation with Chris about trials while doing that drop! My favourite's the first one with Chai's cheeky mug in the background! He was a bit unsure how happy people would be if he just randomly started taking photos of them as he only really knows me and Paul. He's really sound though so if you see him around taking photo's say hi! I like that move, I've always taken great pleasure doing big awkward 'ups' and that's a good 'un!! Cheers for all the comments guys, will pass them on to Chris :lol:. Dave
  9. Paul from Southampton ran a 22T flatland sprocket on the profiles of his 24 Curtis for about a week. Can't remember what make it was but I expect James (666ers on here) could help there... Dave
  10. Not the best pic of it but here's mine Standard Woodstock UCI spec with RB booster and now a mono trial up front. Dave
  11. Cheers, but like I said at the top, they were all taken by Chris Killops who is a keen amateur photographer that I met a couple of years back while riding London. I let him know when a rides happening and he comes and shoots us then sends me the pics to do with what I like! He definately has a good eye for a shot though. Dave
  12. It was more of a pedal bunnyhop, hooking the front wheel before swapping to rear. Didn't have enough confidence with front touches on that ride so used my mod technique! Dave
  13. Some pics I got back from Chris Killops, the guy who was there with the full on pro photographer gear! Please do not reproduce these without consulting with myself or Chris. Me with wheelswap to manual over a strange sundial kinda thing after getting up the awkward side. Quite a cool arty shot, me in the background doing god knows what. John Shrewsbury with a sweet bunnyhop gap to manual. Br3n with a monster gap, not quite pulled...next time :blink: . Me about to drop off the aforementioned wierd sundial thing. Me about to drop off that cage thing. Matt 'Hermance' with a crazy line-momentum gap from the block, to up to front wheel on the platform (that you can't see). Me getting up the easy side of the wierd sundial. Andy P with a nice rolling gap, smooth as ever. All pics hosted by Pinkbike Dave
  14. No arguments people!! That drop gap at ocean village looks brilliant from those angles. As I said before- you're a nutter Fletch! Dave
  15. One of me crept in I see fletch!! You're a nutter dude, just need to work on your consistency :-" ! Look forward to seeing the vid... Dave
  16. I know this isn't very useful but I wouldn't bother with EBC reds. I tried some on my Hayes and they worked ok for about a week then fell apart. As far as disc brakes go, I've always found the manufacturers own are always the best. Get some Hope replacements and save some £'s. Dave
  17. I love the really poorly fitted oil coolers (Y) There are some major retards in this world!! Dave
  18. It's my brithday too today (Y) Do you know we share our birthday with Adolf Hitler? Interesting fact that... Dave
  19. D'oh, sorry guys I've just realised I'd already agreed to do something on the Sunday so won't be able to make it :P Have a good one Dave
  20. Interesting choice of music there Matt... :P" Still got the Python but finding so much more confidence riding big wheeled bikes! Dave
  21. Now you need to convince Dan to leave Hellfrauds too! Should be a good ride if the weathers ok. Dave
  22. Nobody got any more pics vids from the ride? Chris (the photographer with the mahusive lenses) has processed the pics and sounds really happy with them. He's posting them to me today so will try scan them in and put them up when I get the chance. Dave
  23. It's hardly anything on 26 or 24 but on mod 25psi at the rear feels solid as you like so 20psi isn't too bad. I'm sure sam wheeler runs around 10psi... Dave
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