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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Is this still on? Poole tomoz? Might make an appearance if so Dave
  2. Where did you get the Action Man sticker from Matt?!! Dave
  3. Sh!te. My uni sponsors have asked me to start work at their Cumbria base on the 22nd, so I'll have to travel up on the Sunday. Don't think I'm gonna make this now (Y) Dave
  4. Don't know what you mean Rich B) Dave
  5. Meh, you never know! (All opinions expressed are unsubstantiated and (possibly) fictional) (Y)" Dave
  6. I'm not going to bad mouth the Butlers as I've only met them a few times although I've known them for many years and have never been exposed to the bad attitude people are mentioning. What I do know is that they are very talented riders and based on riding ability I have no doubt that they deserve to represent the UK. Dave
  7. I'll be at the Hampshire comp. Wasn't overly impressed by NASS last year to be honest. Ah well. Dave
  8. I think the main concern people have here is that two of this countries best riders have been left out of the squad. Clearly certain criteria have not been met by these riders which means an exception would have to be made to allow them to compete...So why can't this exception be considered? If Martyn Ashton had entered late a couple of years ago (when he still competed regularly) I doubt there would have been any hesitation with allowing him to compete for his country. Maybe they should be officially adopted by the Coustellier family and ride for the French team... (Y)
  9. Person: George Bush Reason: There isn't enough time in the universe to explain why I'd like to kick his retarded redneck child molesting ass! Boy would I like to open a can of whoopass on that lame excuse for a human.
  10. Wear gloves...or take a chalk bag with you like rock climbers...
  11. Is anybody else wondering why we would even want the olympics here? It's just going to cost us billions and screw everything up for a long time. As for trials I hope to Satan that it never becomes an olympic sport. The olympics is quickly becoming a farce. I mean SOLO synchronised swimming for fooks sake? Come on. Meh Dave P.S. I thought XC was already an olympic sport...
  12. Sameer, give me a shout if you do end up in Soton. Just finished my Masters here and am doing an EngD now. City's ok, nothing special, but the uni itself is good. What subject you looking at? Dave Marshall
  13. Who's involved in the team selection process anyway? That seems VERY odd to me... For sure Danny is one of the best talents the UK has to offer at the moment and it looks like petty biketrials politics may have struck once again. Anyone on here with an 'official' standpoint on the matter? Dave
  14. I'll be there too. Should be good fun! I likes man made sections!! Dave
  15. But they probably have rims that match their hair colour/underwear! (Y)" Dave
  16. Aren't the newest Montys around the 21lb mark? There is no such thing as 'too light' provided you aren't sacrificing strength (i.e. drilling stems/steerer tubes etc!). Think my T-Rex is about 25-26 running singlespeed...Don't really care to be honest!! Dave
  17. Sorry, going against the grain with this but it didn't do anything for me. I guess if I had any idea what the comic was about it might of made more sense but it was just too wierd for my liking. Meh, too arty farty for me!! Dave
  18. Video This used to be on the biketrials.pl site but has since disappeared. Perfect technique (Y) Dave
  19. Correct. If it was cops standing at the side of the road with a radar gun, all they get is a readout of the speed. If you were going to be done, they would have pulled you over half a mile down the road. Dave
  20. I've never understood speedway... to me one of the main things about our kind of sport (read biketrials/mototrials/motorsport in general) is that it's effectively man against machine and it's a solo sport. Motorsport simply doesn't lend itself to being a team game, and so Speedway just seems wrong!! Ah well, Dave
  21. I'd happily pay £10 if I knew all 'profits' were going to the Deej fund. Dave
  22. lol. I don't download all that much music, only when I see a good album that I fancy hearing. As JT said, if I couldn't download it I would VERY rarely go and buy it. The only CD's I've made a point of actually buying were the Rock Against Bush compilations as I totally support them trying to get that faggot retard out of power. I tend to download more in the way of illegal software and films to be honest. Dave
  23. TRA and Marc Vinco seem to do quite well on theirs... Is it not a case of getting used to how best to transfer power through the bike? Since seeing TRA's new vids I'm really liking the idea of trying something similar, just for sh!ts and giggles like. Dave
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