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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I finished my masters in June but am now doing an EngD developing the aerodynamics for a rally team which means I'll be based in Soton for at least another 2 years. Dave
  2. Hey dude, the 20" was sold quite a while ago- I just didn't have enough time to ride both bikes. I'm not sure if I'm gonna make the comp as just I booked my CBT for Sunday :P If I get finished early I'll pop by and say howdy ho though. Dave Edit: To Matt- it is indeed your RB booster- Well spotted! The rocks are on Portland on the South Coast by Weymouth and are some of the nicest in the UK IMO! Anyone within 100 miles should go there!
  3. ;) That's a new one!! I'd have to say Rowan's right about me being 'old guard'... This is my first edited vid in the 7 and a half years I've been riding! I'd say I'm fairly old skool though. I don't know what it is about the sleeveless tops... I pretty much live in them all year round. Just a ponce I guess! lol Thanks again for the comments :P Dave
  4. Where is mr TRA and his Mint loving ways? Does he still frequent this establishment? Dave
  5. I want a Limey too! Very nice vid there, looks like you have some sweet ass riding round you! Very impressive riding. Dave
  6. Heheh, cheers for the comments guys, keep 'em coming! I knew the music wouldn't be to some (a lot of?) peoples tastes but thought 'to hell with it, it's my vid!' (Y) Could've probably done with a bit more footage, there are a few lines in London I'd really like to get on film but never really got a chance to get up there. The footage is only from about 3 or 4 sess's but I think it turned out ok. Dave
  7. Are we talking 11 at the station as usual? Will pop in for a bit but am riding like pants recently Dave
  8. Have PM'd you. I live right by the uni :S Dave
  9. It should be said that (to my knowledge and correct me if I'm totally wrong...) the white population of Australia are primarily the descendants of criminals exported from Great Britain a long time ago. After release they started setting up home over there and colonising the place, being utter b@stards to the Aboriginal people, treating them like sh!te and taking there land. Just thought I'd throw that in there... Anyway, on the whole immigrant/racist thing, I agree with virtually everything written before this. I don't have a problem with a small number of people, who are in danger if they stayed in their home country, seeking asylum in the UK but once here they need to adopt our lifestyle to a certain degree and accept our traditions. Most people who know me know I think religeon is at the bottom of every major conflict in the world and is an excuse used in the murder of millions and millions of people throughout history. Religeon is the problem, not it's ideas but the way people accept and use it to theeir own gains. Ah well, good topic peeps!! Dave
  10. I think you'd be right to threaten him with going to the local papers or maybe over his head at the council? The event was effectively an elaborate fund raiser for DJ and in my mind no 'profits' should go anywhere else. If you do have to give him half the 'profit', fudge away and give the council (not him) as little as you can get away with. In my mind councils are one of the most inefficient organisations in the known universe, employing 10 people to do the work one person would usually do in a company. Don't give in Mr Green!! Dave
  11. I was insured with CIS for a while and they had the option of monthly instalments (although that was slightly more expensive). Depends on the company I guess Dave
  12. 'I might' isn't incriminating anyway, you might only ever use it for legit downloads. Go for it! I'm still in the stoneage apparently using emule but it has everything I want, just needs patience to get it! Dave
  13. Hey guys, I'm desparately trying to track down a copy of SDRC I-DEAS NX10 so I can do my postgrad. I have version 9 but need 10 to be compatible with the company I'm involved with. Any help would be much appreciated. If anyone can download it and whack it on CD I'll give them some dosh too! Dave
  14. Don't bother with Weymouth, not much to ride particularly during the day when the place will be packed with holidaying grannies...instead go straight to Portland and ride some of the best natural in the country!! Dave
  15. Megamo ran 20:13 on their mods when they used to use 175 cranks. However when I got my first Echo EM2 I had to change my gearing to get the chain length acceptable. I was running 20:13 on 158mm Monty cranks and got on just fine with it. I'd say 20:14 will be too easy (unless you're a newbie) and would go for 20:13. Or you could just go 18:12 like 99% of the mod world... (Y)" Dave
  16. Well I'll be back in the south next weekend but like last weekend I need to be in Cumbria on Sunday evening really so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do the comp (Y) Indeed the minivan was crashed into a couple of months back so I have the wonderful piece of engineering known as an 03 Nissan Almera! Bit of a change from the yellow peril I tell you!! But much more reliable... Dave
  17. Kendal's doable. I'm at Cockermouth, South of Carlisle on the A66. I've got my car so travelling isn't too big a deal, it's just timing as I'm working 'til 5:30 every evening. Dave
  18. I've gone back up to Scotland to see my folks this weekend and will most likely be heading down to southampton for next weekend so am only really available in the evenings during the week...which is kinda limiting!! Cheers for the info though guys! Where abouts are those spots Ad? Dave
  19. What about Workington? I haven't had a chance to get down there yet. It looks like I may be in the area for a bit longer, possibly 'til the end of September so will try and get up to Carlisle somewhen soon Dave
  20. If you want natural then head half an hours drive West and ride Portland. Some of the best rocks I know of. Dave
  21. I may be able to come up for the day, but won't be competing. I'm based in Cumbria at the moment so shouldn't be too bad to get to Fort Bill. Dave
  22. Cool, I'm staying in a hotel between dovenby and maryport I think. Gonna be working in the days but should be free in the evenings. What's the riding like? I've been told Carlisle's good for street... Dave
  23. Ok, so my uni sponsors are based near Cockermouth in Cumbria and I'm going to be up there from the 22nd August until the 2nd of September and will have my bike...so where is there to ride round there? Carlisle looks fairly close but there also must be plenty of natural up there. Any info would be gratefully recieved :) Dave marshall
  24. I'm sure I used to have his address but can't find it. Might be worth giving Bonney@X-Street (on here) a shout as I think he's in regular contact with Tim. Also, I don't know what mobile number people have but the last one I got to work for tim was 07900010194. Good luck! Dave edit: just had a look on multimap and the best I can do is Tim Hargreaves Delhi Lane Portland Dorset DT5 2 I don't know if he actually lives on Delhi lane as his house is kind of on an offshoot of that and I don't know the number but with a bit of luck it may get to him.
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