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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Usual suspects: Photo by Tessa Lunn Photo by Dan Campbell Photo by Chris Killops Another by Chris Killops And a final one by Dan Campbell for good luck Dave Edit: Sorry for the size and quality but they're all either scanned in real pics or compressed.
  2. Oh Danny boy...will you never listen to me? Rowan's finally gone the Maxxis route... their slow reezay's are awesome. For the record El Gato's would be fine if they had a touch more pinch protection and were about 0.2" fatter at the rear. I reckon you'd get up that first time on the HiFi (in the same conditions) though. Nice harsh grind too. Your brake looks like it's slipping like a biatch on the Pure! Still lovin the 'yeah, first time...' quote! Take it easy fella Dave
  3. The frames look like rebranded/repainted DDG's, Planet-X's etc... rather than custom, 'own designs'. Just an observation to be aware of. Interesting choice of names by the way!! Cock=penis in English if you didn't already know... Dave
  4. In which case the colour enhancement is crap in places. Only a few balls, which the eye is drawn to which simply look wrong. Dave
  5. There's no way all of those are real! I've watched the ad on TV a few times and there are quite a few that simply look wrong. The majority clearly are real and were filmed as described but methinks a lot were added electronically afterwards. Dave
  6. Most of the bits from the rex with new frame, forks, bars, stem, tyres, rimtape, grips and BB!!
  7. Awesome riding as usual TRA. That ramp to wall is just huge! Glad to see your riding again, and hopefully still consuming mint chocolates as part of the rehabilitation process! Also that screw looks like a cross head jobbie from Halfords!! Although I guess it's titanium?! Dave
  8. I'm reasonably local and concur (!) that Bournemouth's a bit pants but Poole's quite good. Locals are all very friendly too. Apart from that Dan Jones...he's just downright unsociable :lol: Dave
  9. You can't extrude carbon fibre. It would have to be laid up from pre-preg sheet form onto a mould to make a tube. But of course it can be done. Here for example Dave
  10. Lol, lovin the front page of the site! Did you get a fine or anything?! Dave
  11. The problem is that I need to be able to update and overwrite them on a regular basis (like every half an hour) and that'll take ages with a CD-RW or similar. Cheers for the ideas though Dave
  12. Beasty vid Rich!! very nicely put together covering all the bases. What's this about another play day at Doney's place? Take it easy Dave P.S. So glad you got my bail on the 'crete ring at Doney's on film :( ... twice!
  13. Ok, so I'm going to have some files on my computer that I don't want anyone to have access to. I've got a copy of CryptoExpert which creates kind of virtual drives which are hidden and encrypted when not in use and password protected when I need them. However once I've entered the password anyone could come along (i.e. hacking) and steal the files. I don't know how effective Windows firewall is but I just wondered if anyone knows anything about this sort of thing...'cos I don't!! Dave
  14. 'm going to be riding Portland this weekend so if anyone fancies riding some of the nicest rocky natural in the South pop along!! Dave
  15. Yar, some nice shots peeps! For the record I got an Adamant (loverly frame IMO) last Monday so if anyone fancies a custom painted Rex frame let me know! lol Dan-that pic of me 'on the front wheel' in Poole makes me look like a freak!! Where's Prawn?... proof if proof was required :D Laters guys Dave
  16. yar, sounds good to me (Y) See you all there (Y) Dave
  17. Very nice indeed. Some sweet riding in there as usual from you boys. Looks like your really enjoying the 24 thing Matt! Dave
  18. Which Steven's this? I sure do remember riding in Aberdeen! Did you ever go to the trials club at the AECC? To be honest I'm just glad to still be riding at all and still enjoying it! dave
  19. I've always wondered about that actually! The wierd thing is I've never been to a gym in my life, don't work out at all and eat cr@p!! My metabolism is just strange I guess, turning everything to muscle! Dave
  20. Like I said in the vids thread I've got my CBT on Sunday but if I get finished early enough I'll come along to say 'howdy ho'. Dave
  21. :blink: I was wondering when that was going to appear! Umm... thanks Dan... lol Dave
  22. Cheers Vincent. You see, when you're as old as me there's little point trying to be as good as some of the little whippersnappers of today so you just have to ride for fun! Take it easy Dave
  23. Careful! :D lol I'm 23 now... full on old man! Unfortunately the Minivan is no more. I got a damn VW Golf up my arse in June and it was written off :P Because my (uni) sponsor is up in Cumbria I've had to get a dull, sensible car. Catch you later Dave
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