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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Carful now Simon... careful Aye, t'was supposed to be a GCSE ride but I crashed the party. Need to take every oportunity to ride though these days!! Dave
  2. Hey huys, didn't even realise this was goin on until Fred asked me if I fancied coming along this morning! Sorry I couldn't make the morning but had a wicked time for the 2 odd hours I was out Take it easy peeps, Dave (Adamant A1)
  3. Appologies if this has been posted before... MirraCo short vid from Mirra. Have always had serious respect for him and look forward to seeing what his new company has to offer. No handed 360 backflip anyone? Hmm Dave
  4. Aye, I'll be there...probably riding shockingly and getting sunburnt/stroke! At least it won't be muddy! Dave
  5. Terry Graves mentioned that they (the BIU I guess) were thinking of removing the 6 speed rule in the near future... because it's pointless when 90% of riders run a nice simple singlespeed setup and never change gears... might be wrong though.
  6. "How dare you disobey the lord our god" Arghhhh!! That shit winds me up so damn much. It's people like that who just confirm my thoughts on the f"^king retardedness of anyone who reads the bible and takes it as more than just a crap fictional book about magic and incest. It takes all sorts but the world would be a much nicer place without extremist w@nkers like that.
  7. Sorry for being a selfish bugger but I'm not too disappointed... because 1. I'd lost my entry form so couldn't go anyway, 2. I havent ridden in the last month and 3. my shoulder's fooked from falling while snowboarding anyway!!! Should be ready for the next one though!!! Dave
  8. yeah, that's the puppy. Like Anzo says it's not essential at all but makes life a bit easier. It really isn't difficult! Dave
  9. I whacked a new master cylinder on the bacl of my TDR and bled it myself. First off I have one of those one man bleed kit things which basically is just a tube with a one way valve that goes on the caliper end. I shoved that on the caliper bleed nipple and took the cap off the reservoir. If you then undo the bleed nipple slightly (like half a turn) and then pump the rear brake lever it'll pump fluid through the system. Just keep the reservoir topped up and bob's your uncle! Once you're happy it's done tighten the nipple up again, top up the reservoir if needed and you're done. Dave
  10. lol... I chickened out in the end, not helped by the fact I forgot to put my watch forward so would've rolled up an hour late even if I'd decided to go!! Dave
  11. Not sure if I can be arsed... I've entered but don't really fancy paying £8 to get muddy, cold, wet and miserable!! Dave
  12. *Ahem*... mighta done !! lol saves me going all the way into town (about 3 miles), parking, walking to the shop etc... lot of effort involved you see! Dave
  13. For those who are interested Animal Bikes new 'All Day' DVD has landed in the UK and is available right now. Just ordered my copy from Pijin with free postage Dave
  14. Not sure I like being called 'f**ked up'... Dave
  15. How are google getting away with freely distributing copyrighted material?! Just so this isn't totally offtopic, there's a new video up on bmxigans. Nothing overly special. Dave
  16. But if you look at the pictures of the 'demonstrations' in London etc, there were both men and women in large numbers asking for the murder and beheading of the French and Danish and anyone else who would dare to make fun of their fecking prophet or whatever the feck he was. These weren't just the odd extremist. Religion is a bad thing, and possibly the cause of most evil. The Muslim faith seems to breed these retards and gives them support saying it's all right to kill whoever you fancy, so long as it's in the name of ala. Watching the news just makes me angry these days. Please leave Dear muslims, If you do not like my country, please leave. If you do not like the way our women dress, please leave. If you do not like our separation of politics and religion, please leave. If you support violent responses to criticism of Islam, please leave. If you support terrorism in any way, shape or form, please leave. If you cannot accept satirical cartoons in our newspapers, please leave. If you do not support democracy or the freedom of speech, please leave my country. From the following site which shows the cartoons which have upset them so damn much: http://face-of-muhammed.blogspot.com/
  17. Dude, look at it again... The guy in the video clip is not Bin Laden. I'd never seen that before but before the narrator said (in his frickin' annoying voice) that it wasn't him it was clear it wasn't. However, that doesn't prove that much as we all know people like Osama and Saddam have about 30 people who are made to look like them so you never quite know who's who. But the guy in that video isn't the real Osama. Dave
  18. The bombs in the tower thing's a bit strange in some ways too- if it was government organised then surely they'd blame the bombs on the terrorists and accept that there were bombs along with the planes. To Anzo, it's not only the little things. I agree that these conspiracy theorists take it too far sometimes which detracts from their believability but if you look at the video, or a number of websites, you'll see that a plane did not crash in Pensylvania and a plane did not crash into the pentagon. In my mind those are facts outwith any video I've watched. And therefore, if the US blatantly lied about those, then what the fook's going on with the rest of it?!! Dave Of course there's also the possibility that the consiracy's are partly led by government agencies to cast doubt on what did or didn't happen anyway!! Also, regarding moon landings... We may or may not have landed and walked on the moon but I'm 95% sure the majority of the footage and all the photo's are fake.
  19. Now was that really necessary to put it on here?!!! It's already in your video...twice!!! :$ Dave
  20. Just been havinga scan on t'internet and found this which, along with the stuff shown on the video includes some pretty convincing videos and photo's of the Flight 175 hitting the second Tower firing a missile into the tower before it hits... Again, these guys are obviously looking for something but do appear to have found what they were looking for!! Dave
  21. I've 'known' that an airliner did not crash into to the Pentagon for a long while now. I'd never seen that stuff about Flight 93 though. Again, a plane did not crash into that field which they claim. That cannot be proved without black boxes or video footage etc but in my mind I'm 100% certain that those are facts... In which case, if the government lied about those, then what the fook's going on with the Twin Towers?! I'd also never come accross the Trade Centre building 7 which conveniently fell down, containing the DoD, CIA, Secret Service etc. I have to admit I've always liked a good conspiracy-for example I imagine they did get to the moon but I very much doubt the famous video from the surface is anything but a fake, filmed in a studio. Everyone knows the (slightly insubstantial) evidence behind that but there you go. What makes me think about the 9/11 stuff is that if, as it would appear from the stuff presented in that film, the secret service were behind the attacks why would they do it? Surely the oil in Iraq and getting rid of Osama is not a big enough reason to kill thousands of innocent people which leads me to believe that the reason may well have been misdirection. Which is where I'm going to end this blurb because it's starting to sound like Swordfish. Anyway, very very interesting film highlighting some seriously strange stuff going on which, as said before, simply doesn't add up. I wonder what people like Tony Blair would have to say on the matter... Dave edit: Just to keep things correct, it was a B-25 that flew into the Empire State Building, not a B-52. The mistake is corrected on the Loose Change website.
  22. I tried plaz V pads and they fell apart after a couple of weeks. I'm currently using the Koolstop ones that come with FlyBikes brakes on a chrome rim and it feels fine. Dave
  23. Not sure if this'll work for anyone else but if you go here then the arrow points to where the track is. It's quite a tight turn and you kinda double back on yourself and run parallel with the coast into the grassy area. Dave
  24. Yeah, aim for a 10-10.30am start and people can filter in as and when they arrive. Word of the wise though, don't park in the main car park as you'll have to pay. As you come down the road towards the Bill there's a bird observatory on your left then a left, right kink in the road (before the pub). On the outside of the right kink, on the corner itself, is a dirt track that passes alongside the houses and leads to a grassy area where you can park for free. Hope that makes some sort of sense!! laters dave
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