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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. My bad, the steerer of the Pr ones are chromo, Ti gets all alloy forks. Dave
  2. Makes you think about how close to the truth Matt and Trey were with Team America's portrayal of Kim Jong Il... Anyone want to hazzard a guess at how long it'll be before good ol' George Dubbya wages war on North Korea? Dave
  3. Hey guys, I had a search and there are similar posts but couldn't find anything that answered exactly what I want to know... Basically I rode mod for about 5 years before going 26 for the last 2 and am now wanting to go back to small wheels. I really like the look of the new dual disc Monty's and would like a bit of advice from people with experience of the bikes. I'm kinda torn between the 221 Pr disc and the 221 Ti. There's a big price difference between the two and I'd like to know if the Ti's worth the extra, particularly considering I'll be riding this for both practicing and comps, (soft) street and natural. Is the Ti a full on comp bike which is likely to die quite quickly if used for streety stuff?... Cheers peeps Dave edit: for those who don't know the difference, the Pr uses marta sl discs rather than the hope items, it has chromo forks rather than alloy, has an inferior freewheel (which I'd change anyway if I got a Pr), less white bits and less titanium! (awaits abuse from Rich Pearson...)
  4. It used to be 10% + 5mph so in a 30 they tended not to do you for less than 38 but I guess it's always going to be down to the individual's discretion (sp?). Speeding fines are all just revenue makers anyway... an article in MCN stated new research showed that only 4% of accidents are due to excessive speed yet the police continue to make millions out of drivers in the interest of 'safety'...
  5. ffs dude, give it a rest Really sorry to hear about this Smo. I saw it on the BBC website this morning and for a split second I thought it was Quigley. I keep seeing stories like this from the I.O.W but it just keeps happening. Take care dude. Dave
  6. That sounds seriously harsh... At a real speed of 30mph virtually every car in the UK will be reading at least 32mph I'd have thought. I think it's actually illegal for manufacturers to sell a car with a speedo that under-reads therefore they always play it safe and configure them to over read. The difference becomes more noticable up the speed range but I expect at 30 there'll still be a bit of play. Are you sure he was only doing 34? Dave
  7. Very very true. They're also the sort of w@nkers who do 40 in a 60 but then continue doing 40 through a 30 limit... now that really pisses me off! It just proves that they have no idea what's going on around them and are the biggest danger on the roads. What I'd give to have a snowplow on the front of my car somedays to push the arseholes off the road... Dave edit: on another note there's just been a case heard at the European Court of Human Rights which tried to prove that it is against the law for the police to force someone to admit they were driving the offending car, thus incriminating them. If the case is successful there's talk that all speeding offences could only be dealt with by fines and the point system would have to be scrapped... fingers crossed!
  8. Don't bother editing Prawn, sounds fair to me!! I fully understand that it is a tiny minority of Islamic f@gs that are doing this but it is down to their stupid religeon effectively allowing it that's the problem. In which case Islam and Muslims are all bad IMO. On a similar note did anyone see that program a few weeks back on 'what british muslims want'? The majority of muslims living in the UK can't stand british people or their way of life and think we should be using Shariah law. That sh1t just makes me so f*****' angry. Don't like it? What the f*** are you doing here then?
  9. I found the whole Mulsims vs. the Pope stuff funny as hell. The fact that their reaction to being called (effectively) crap and violent was to start rioting and burning Pope dolls was just classic. I really don't mind admitting that I'm probably racist against Muslims after all the sh1te their religeon has caused and I wouldn't think twice about being uneasy about getting on a plane with an obviously practicing Muslim. It's not just Muslims of course, I quite happily can't stand any practicing religeon because it's all bull turds and anyone who seriously believes that cr@p needs their head examined! Meh, nothing's gonna change the way I think, I just enjoy riding bikes and having fun how I want to. Peace out Dave
  10. Woo I would've come 4th in Expert if I'd had gears!! Quite impressed with that to be honest! There have been rumours that things might change regarding gears... to me it makes sense. It's not like modern stock bikes look anything like a mountainbike anymore but I guess at the end of the day it's what Monty decides... Dave
  11. If you washed it down with some PVA glue you coul make a papier mache cast of your stomach...
  12. Best advice I could give you is to watch some BMX videos. Check out any rider who rides brakeless particularly and you'll see the perfect technique slightly exagerated. As Krisboats said, it's all about keeping the perfect balance point by shifting your weight forwards and back while using your knees to sort out left/right. I've always found it easiest to do them on a slight downhill, that way you can afford to use the brake a bit more without losing too much momentum. Dave edit: try At the end of the day, you probably know the correct technique, it's just a case of keep practising and you should get there.
  13. Sorry Chris, I didn't realise you were no longer Section 7 on here. Good to see you again at the weekend, maybe I'll make a couple more next year... All the best, Dave
  14. ...not too sure about that Jonny! You obviously didn't see me on the 5 sections in a row that I 5'd each lap!! Managed to get few a good few sections though and did a lot better than I'd expected to. As has been said, sections were all very good, if a little long for my unfit ass!! Arm pump big time! A big thanks to all the organisers and well done to all the riders who made a very good day, as always! Dave edit: Any idea what Chris Ratcliff was planning to do with the photo's he was taking?
  15. Dude I love Chamonix Never taken my bike there, only been for some mountaineering/rock climbing etc. Really love it there though... Nice one guys Dave
  16. It's a Northern John wheel. Araya aero rim on Odyssey Vandero hub. Alans did a run of them a while ago as a signiture front wheel. Blue looks kinda cool with the peely wally green frame methinks! edit: here.
  17. Don't think I've posted this yet... Fly Mosca frame with the usual suspects of components. Dave
  18. I was seriously considering giving up after the first lap but reckoned I'd just be annoye with myself if I stopped so decided to stick it out. Wouldn't really say it was a fun day but of course I'd do it again! Dave
  19. If i remember amd the weather looks ok, i may take my bike to work and pop in for a wee while. Lookin forward to seeing mr manning on a mod!! Dave
  20. I'll be there... hoping it's gonna be dry though. Last time I did this one it was rank with about 6 inches of sticky clay everywhere! Dave
  21. I'm running single speed and there doesn't seem to be an option of running 'out of class' like there used to be on the form... The 'open class' runs blue route and I should be doing red. Just thought I'd check before sending it off Dave
  22. Haha!! That's my old beast that is!! Was that on trialsin.com? I went through a phase of dual disk mods but they all broke. About 4 of those Echo EM2's all cracked at the disk mount, a megamo equip pro which cracked at the mount and then two revell frames which the less said about them the better... Dave
  23. Very very cool video Rowanda, super smooth as usual and really well put together vid. But please get a frickin' brake that works... Your seriously gonna hurt yourself one of these days boyo!! All the best fella, Dave
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