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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I wanna know where he's taken off from in that bottom one... doesn't appear to be in the shot and must be pretty large! Never been keen on that 'kissing tyre' thing... Gay pose kind ruins what could've been a very sweet shot IMO. As Rob said... his arms aren't that big heheh Dave
  2. Wish I coulda stayed now... Looks like the riding went from strength to strength! And Rich even got to show off his Tattoo! See you on Sunday... on the ikkle wheels... Dave
  3. Interestin to see yours came with a standard bash too... Monty have advertised it as coming with an eagle claw but it seems like they've been shipped with normal ones Ah well. dave
  4. Get mine tomorrow alhough I've also got a set of Hope trials and an ENO freewheel to upgrade straight out of the box. Will update once I've actually ridden it...
  5. Awesoom Looks like Christmas has come early!! Cheers for your help Ads and putting up with my mind changing every 5 minutes! Getting a set of Hope Trial brakes and an ENO with the 221Pr so hopefully it'll be close enough to a Ti without the $'s
  6. Listen to Adam... he sells the things and gets them from MRS, the UK importer. From what I've heard the 221Ti's were shipped with the wrong freewheels or something so needed to be changed. Hoping to get my 221Pr in the next few days too Dave
  7. Definitely very different to other Pitbulls... colour's lush! Stick some pics up once you've sourced an Ashton 'seat'. Take it easy bud, Dave
  8. Those make a fair difference but there are others. New rims and bars are better quality metal, rims are predrilled and of course they're white... Cranks are ISIS instead of square taper, freewheel is the new Monty one instead of an ACS... Other major difference is the frame construction itself. I believe both frames use the same geometry but the Ti is triple butted for higher strength:weight ratio, uses an internal headset and no magura mounts. It's basically a lot of little details really. I've actually just ordered an 07 221 Pr disc with a set of hope trials and an eno. Reckon in the long run I don't really need all the fancy stuff on the Ti. Dave
  9. I did this on my old BMX and yes it will work. The evo mounts will have to be upside down and you may have to file them down a little bit to allow enough adjustment. Tyre clearance around the little arm things as well may be an issue. To be perfectly honest it's hardly worth the bother. My current BMX has a chrome rim and well set up Fly U-brake and it's easily as good and less problematic than the maggy ever was. Dave
  10. Where are these pics?! I wanna see what it's like built up before I order a mod... Dave
  11. He used to ride for Monty back in the day didn't he? When he was a 20" Junior beast!!
  12. Team Trialsman?... "Trialsman team is nearly complete, we have our 20" riders, once negotiations are finished with a prominant 26" rider I'll put some news up."
  13. I'm very tempted by the a3 myself... I've been told a monty will be too short for me so I guess I'll be dropping the dual disc idea and going for something a bit more traditional (!) like the adamant with a rear maggy
  14. How the hell do you carry out a sight test on a 10 month old baby?!! I've never suited glasses, or at least never liked the way I look in them so got contacts when I was about 14. My case is slightly extreme though as I'm fairly sure I have the worst eyes on trials forum... Dave
  15. I'd agree with rowan if it wasn't for the lack of bashguard mounts on the python... I'm old skool y'see
  16. I don't believe it!!! You mean Fraz is still riding?! His dad used to be the Managing Director at the AECC so if you give them a call and ask after Clarke Milloy they may be able to help. Failing that, I may well have his addy/no. at home. It used to be something along the lines of 'The Schoolhouse, Whiteford, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire....' but would need to check that unless that's what you already have? Lol, Fraz quit riding about 5 years ago as far as I was aware not long after doing Under Pressure. If you get in touch with him could you please PM me his email or something as it'd be good to get back in touch with him. Dave
  17. Regarding the moon landing, we may well have landed on the moon, but I'm fairly convinced that the photographs, if nothing else, were faked. It was as much a propoganda thing between the US and USSR anyway so the US had to be shown to win, even if they didn't make it they had pictures set in a studio as backup. Interested to hear what Inur has to say... just had a scan on NASA site and at least one picture you can pretty much see what looks like the edge of the set where the background screen begins. Also saw some stuff on this before where the same rocks turn up in locations which are supposed to be km's apart, and shadows and lighting which simply could not be. Still not sure on 9/11. There were some seriously wierd goings on that are highlighted in loose change, although they do take it too far. It's one of those things that if the real truth came out there would be anarchy and I'm surprised if there is so much 'evidence' the worlds press haven't been digging to get to the bottom of it all. Re JFK, as said before, I don't really care. Wouldn't surprise me if he was topped because of all the stuff that he got up to... Dave edit: not sure how well this will show up after resizing but here goes... spot the join.
  18. Before I went snowboarding I was of the opinion that snowblades looked kinda cool and far less gay than proper skis... however in hindsight... snowblades are gay. However I still think proper skis are gayer. And don't even get me started on this.
  19. lol... that's the funny thing-never work out and have never stepped foot in a gym! mwahaha To be honest though, it's all show. There's not actualy much power in them, only explosive trials power anyway!
  20. I reckon there's a god chance they'll stick you in with other english people. When I went there were 6 of us and we were given 2 rooms between us and shared with another english guy. If you do try and learn the basics before you go out, make sure you get someone who knows how to do it to show you. It's very easy to be a bad snowboarder but if you do it right it'll be worth it in the long run. As for the lessons, when you arrive they'll ask you if you've done it before and put you in a group of similar ability. I'd never been before so was put in the 'beginners' group but was upgraded after 2 days 'cos me and another guy were kicking ass lol. Dave Oh yeah, and Mr McCaw, is that with Action-outdoors?
  21. Just out of interest... is a sidehop on a unicycle just a vertical jump from a hopping position? Cos you should be able to do that as high as you can do on your feet surely? Not really having a dig, used to have a unicycle for a while but never for trials... but to be honest, my thinkings kind of along the lines of Matt. It is quite impressive and I'm sure it's harder than it looks but it's still a rather strange sport... even more so than biketrials!
  22. Hmm... I'm currently leaning towards the 221 Pr with an Eno, purely down to the price. Does anyone have any experience with the magura marta sl brakes? A quick search on observedtrials.net shows that americans absolutely hate them and have take to replacing the levers with shimano units... On another note, how do modern Monty's compare to Python's etc as far as geometry's concerned? Cheers, Dave
  23. Take a look at Action Outdoors I went with them with some friends to Tignes in the French Alps and their system is really good. You stay in a kind of youth hostel with up to 4 people in a room and the prices include full time lessons (if you want or need them) and all food, lift passes and equipment hire as well. I had my reservations before we went but it worked really well and was properly organised. Not sure if they do anything as far afield as Bulgaria but if you can find somewhere you like the look of they're worth a go. Dave
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