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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. And thou shalt kneel before me and tremble... ooh err missus! Lol, yeah I'll be riding and am still on 20 (Monty 221Pr). Hoping the weather stays (reasonably) good for tomorrow... Dave
  2. Afraid I'm with Dave... Porter was rocking, looking really solid and going big (as usual) and good to see Ed still riding (of sorts) but Ackrigg's just never done it for me and that vid doesn't do much for my opinion on him!! More from James please!! Dave
  3. Really liked that, part 1 more than part 2 but the guy has some serious skills. And, as mentioned above, some droolworthy spots!! First video in a long while that makes me want to go out and ride!! Dave
  4. I'm a bit confused... The whole thing with Direct Debits is that it happens automatically so you can't forget/miss a payment... Also you say they charged you £45 for missing the payment so you asked for £117 from them? Meh, Dave
  5. Gonna have to say The Offspring... with Guns N' Roses a very close second. That's the stuff I grew up on getting me psyched for riding. The Kids Aren't Alright still makes me go off the wall when it comes on!! Dave
  6. Dodgy. As. Fook. Let us know if it comes through ok and we'll all be buying full carbon road bikes (to resell...) and kona stabs from him like there's no tomorrow!
  7. heheh, you gotta admit those boys have got skills though (and balls for that matter!!). Better to watch than biketrials in my opinion, lines are able to flow like BMX rather than stop-hop-start like biketrials. If only I had somewhere I could practice on a mototrials bike... Dave
  8. I never actually bought it as it was always slagged off for having too much skatepark stuff. Eventually downloaded it out of curiosity and I have to say it didn't do much for me. Lots of skatepark stuff with Chris Clarke and Jeff which is quite impressive but not all that. I think my official thoughts were a resounding 'meh'. IMO Revolution was the best and they went downhill a bit after that. Dave
  9. To be perfectly honest I think that was a good thing, he really shouldn't have been included at all. Martyn , Martin I also still prefer Revolution though... got that on VHS but have no way of uploading it. emule? Dave
  10. Heheh, some little bugger back home borrowed my Chainspotting and never gave it back. I picked up a VHS copy on evilbay signed by the squad! It's got Ashton, Will Longden, Steve Peat, Rob Warner and Tom Edwards (?) scrawls inside. Think it cost me about £2.99!! Still a total classic Evolve's good but I still prefer Revolution. The JJ Gregorowicz section was the reason I got my very first Monty Mod way back when! Dave
  11. To be honest I hope it doesn't get big, and kinda doubt it ever will. Look at motorcycle trials. It's been going for a lot longer than biketrials and is still a seriously minority sport. One thing that makes a sport explode is that it's good for spectators to watch... Trials really isn't that spectator friendly. Anyone who doesn't ride has no idea how difficult it is and so tend to be fairly unimpressed by what we do. Motocross is more likely to draw a crowd because of the huge airs and speed involved but I'd still call it a minority sport. Do you really want trials to be a mainstream sport like football?!! Dave
  12. Good luck with that Fred, Oxford Brookes has a very good track record. M-sport take on a student for a placement every year and the placement scheme sounds really worthwhile. Dave
  13. Reading these I guess I'm quite unusual (surprise!) as I've known what I wanted to do since I was about 12. Always been into motorsport and specifically the aerodynamics of cars. When I was twelve I finally found out that the word for it is an aerodynamicist. All my subject choices in school were then effectively chosen for me, with the help of some advice from McLaren and Williams F1 teams who I got in touch with to ask them! Always aimed to do Aerospace Engineering at uni and was accepted to do that at Southampton (again, advised by Adrian Newey, current RBR aero guru earning something silly like £6M a year). In my final year of my undergrad I was offered the chance to do an Engineering Doctorate (like a PhD but better paid) sponsored by a successful World Rally Team to develop the aerodynamics of their car... So I'm now doing what I've wanted to do for the past 12 years! Meh, I guess I'm the exception but I do think that things tend to work out for the best and if you want something bad enough it can happen. Dave
  14. I'm in an unusual position for this thread. On Sunday my university supervisor, who I've known and been close to for the past three years, was killed in a kite surfing accident. He was only 30 and had only got married about 4 months ago. It was a major shock and I guess cos I haven't been so close to a death before it really hit me hard. It hurt so much when I first found out and for at least 24 hours afterwards and it's only slowly starting to sink in now. The funeral's tomorrow and I still can't believe he's gone. I guess it will take a long time to fully come to terms with it and fully mourn. He was the only reason I got a first in my degree and the only reason I've been given the opportunity to do my postgrad and now he's gone. In answer to the question though... I really don't think it would be good or healthy not to feel bad after the loss of a loved one. If you didn't feel bad you wouldn't be able to value life and think about how things might affect others. Having lost Charlie, it's made me think a lot about things and I think in the long run will make me value life more and become a better person. It's also given me new drive to finish my EngD to the best of my abilities so I can accredit him and dedicate my Thesis to his memory (I, along with one of my friends, were the first postgrad students he ever supervised). I think that without feeling the pain of this tragedy I would be in a far worse situation... Odd question though... Ben you really ought to sign up to some psychology/theology forums... Dave
  15. You crazy little trials monkey!! Very nice ridin' in there. I really ought to get up to Laaannndaaaannn again at some point for a ride, it's been ages since I was oop your way. Dave
  16. It sounds like you're trying to look at it logically... there's no chance any woman will ever understand that!! Strange creatures...
  17. Hey guys, I was just about to post a new topic on virtually the same thing... good thing I searched! I'm in the market for a similar camera- basically as close to SLR without the $$. I'm off to Kenya over Easter so wanter a new camera with lots of optical zoom to take pictures of lions and shizzle. I'd narrowed it down to a Sony DSC-H2 or a Fuji S6500 . Any thoughts on these? Having read the posts, it looks like the Fuji S5600 might be an even better bet though. Cheers, Dave
  18. Hmm... I've been thinking about this before posting and although at the moment it would seem a really good plan and everyone's going to say 'yeah! wicked! I'd come loads...' by the time spring comes around we have a country full of wicked natural riding and architecture which would mean that for most of the year it would be a total dead end (IMO of course). To work it would either need to be a) a permanent outdoor facility requiring no staffing and be all weather (like that one in Spain) b ) a (most likely small) annex to a permanent indoor skatepark or c) we would need to have winters that last 9 months making riding outdoors impossible! Reading that over seems very pessimistic but I don't want you to stick a load of money into something without sussing it out first... Dave
  19. That's just stupid. I think it was 2 or 3 years ago that Martin Lampkin made a conscious effort to make the sections at the Sheffield Trial lower because of people getting injured the year before... And now Toulouse are making the riders do that?! I can't believe what they're managing to do but if anything went wrong on those high sections you're well and truly fooked. Mad.
  20. Yes!! Heheheh. When are you guys going? I'm a member so I might pop by and say hi... dave
  21. I managed not to have a MySpace or Bebo account for a long time then eventually gave in and signed up to Bebo. It has been good to get in touch with a load of school friends I hadn't heard from in like 6 years but I admit it is a waste of space and the novelty soon wears off! Anyway, mines at echo-trials.bebo.com without much exciting on there... Dave
  22. Wouldn't have happened if he wasn't such a nonce wearing his little sisters jeans... I bet his face was a mess after that though. One of my mates once had his forks snap on his orange O2 jumping down like 4 steps. He didn't have time to put his hands out to break his fall and what a state he ended up! Got him into MBUK though!! Dave
  23. It doesn't matter even if the alarm does go off...provided you don't have a knife or anything on you! Every time I go through the sensor the alarm goes off, whether it's my watch or belt or what I don't know but I've come to expect it. They just do a quick pat down and check your shoes. So short answer: No problem at all.
  24. Right handed, right footed to kick a ball but also ride right foot forwards and Sidehop to the left... To throw something else in when I'm on the back wheel I prefer to turn to the left (anticlockwise from above). Dave
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