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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. But of course! Although I#ve only ridden a couple of times in the last month due to being on holiday so don't expect much from me!! Dave
  2. Hey dude, yeah am now back on the 20" beast full time- sold most of the adamant off, just a few odds and ends left. See you on Sunday! Dave
  3. Not sure actually. Dan didn't have any complaints, I know that much. Probably worth dropping him a PM to ask though (think he's now Dan Jones on here- imaginitive no?!) Dave
  4. Rims were £10 each to sand blast and powder coat (2 thick coats) at Ferndown Powdercoatings. They did Dan Jones' frame in yellow for £20 too which I thought was very reasonable. Dave
  5. Cheers for the comments guys! Yes, drilling holes does weaken the plate but not too much if you're careful about placement (look at the Echo ones which come pre drilled). What can I say- I was bored and in the middle of milling a bit of ally with an inch (might've been 25mm) cutter. P.S. the rims are because I think the factory Montesa's look kinda sweet with the Repsol rims and decided the Monty would suit it too. Dave
  6. Here's my ride since around December last year. Fairly standard 221Pr with Eno, KMC Kool, Hope Trial's, Onza sealed front hub, Monty Ti rear hub, powder coated rims in Repsol orange... and Onza carbon bars. Also drilled a few inch holes in the bash 'cos I got bored in the workshop last week... Big shout out to Ads and Dave at TB for helping me out! Enjoy. Dave
  7. All you need to do is sort out the chain length/gearing so you can run some chain tensioners. With horizontal dropouts, the wheel WILL move when you put trials forces through them when gapping etc. If you can't use snail cams, get yourself some BMX 'lollipop' type tensioners and it'll sort it. Also get a new rear sprocket, for the sake of your chain/back/head if nothing else... Dave
  8. Aye, fair do's. I've never had a body fat test thing done but I'm just saying that my body 'doesn't do' fat, on the outside at least... And Chris- full time job? Pah, never set foot in a gym in my life! Sit at a desk 8 hours a day, eat the normal crap and ride my bike every so often is enough for me. Seriously should look into selling myself to medical science... also of note for that case is that I never get bitten by mosquito's. Could be worth millions to the right people Dave
  9. Sounds like just because he's a councillor he feels he has the right to do what he wants. You don't see anyone else moving next to a road and complaining that cars use it. Surely on a small minority of the traffic are actually going to Addingham? Fair enough if it's the noise of 100 2/4 stroke trials bikes every day that bugs him but traffic on a ROAD of all things... how dare they!! Dave edit: Did Dougie Lampkin not grow up in Silsden and learnt his trade at Addingham? Reckon if a 14(?) times world champion was to state a case for keeping it open someone would listen...
  10. Just over 6' and about 11 and a half stone. Probably 1% body fat... if that! Dave
  11. Aye, she's a beast!! Looking very swish Ads! Getting my rims powder coated this week and will be giving you (or Dave) a ring tomorrow to sort out a new rear hub as cup and cone just isn't for me! Dave
  12. Lol, fair enough. Comments respectfully withdrawn!! Post box is in fact the post box from hell- Appologies for doubting you... Dave
  13. Yeah, I get that... but look at the picture and it's clear that the spikes are not part of the postbox moulding and are almost certainly not metal. Didn't realise it was April 1st already...
  14. But if you look at the picture you can see they're not part of the postbox... Looks to me like it's a circular rubber mat with moulded in spikes. The way the spikes point follow the contours of the rubber mat. Explain!! Dave
  15. Guessing it's actually similar to what you get on window ledges etc to stop pigeon's landing on them and cr@pping everywhere. Most likely fairly soft rubber/plastic so wouldn't actually do any damage to anyone or anything, just a little uncomfortable if you're a bird and try sitting on them!
  16. And "If you had of hit him with the crow bar, a few times in the face or head etc" you could've kill the guy... He may be a big time to$$er but what you're talking about is getting out of hand. Not that it's any of my business but it sounds like someone needs to go to anger managment classes and stop carrying round crow bars in their car. Your either going to get done for carying a dangerous weapon or get arrested 'cos they think you're a burglar!!
  17. Just had a look through my posts in this thread and I can't find anywhere that I've criticised anyone, except maybe criticising everyone involved for letting this spiral into what it's become. All I've been trying to assertain is why a divide has occured at all. I'm happy to admit I'm not exactly the most committed trials rider out there but then for me it's just a hobby I do when I can- it will never be my livelihood. In fact I think you'll find that it was you that started 'poking the fire' inserting sarcy comments and accusing me of making biased comments! Anyway, I'll be sending my BIU form off (without payment) to Barry Deeks and will be attending Hook Woods next month to ride for fun!! Dave
  18. Pretty sure that has nothing to do with anything Mick... I've probably ridden a total of 7 or 8 nationals. I ride trials for fun, and because I enjoy it. I simply don't (and don't want to) take it as seriously as the hard core riders who travel the length of the country to ride every comp going. At the nationals in particular (understandably) people get very serious and stressed when they ride below their ability and face the wrath of their dad, or even themselves for that matter. That just doesn't do much for me. I ride the national rounds I do because the places they're held are some of the best in the country and I enjoy making use of those facilities such as Hook Woods. Sorry if you feel I'm a sub-standard competitor!! Dave
  19. Well said that man! That's what I wanted confirmed, although I still don't know where the BIU license holders stand with the insurance thing but it seems like the AMCA is to play the ACU role in the Northern clubs... As Phil's said there, I think the ACU have done a lot to help biketrials out and see it as a bonus that we can be included and supported under their 'umbrella' as a bike sport organisation. I've been able to meet the head guys of the ACU a couple of times at Beaulieu, along with Sammy Miller and there's one thing that shines through which is their love of all things two wheeled! I appologise for my swearing in this thread, I find it hard to express how strongly I feel about things like this on a forum without resorting to potty mouth! Emotions are obviously running high on this topic and I hope things can be sorted out amicably... it'll all come out in the wash as they say. Dave
  20. Can anyone confirm or clear up the situation with insurance under the BIU? I was under the impression that if you hold only a BIU license there is no insurance incorporated in membership. That's why the majority of clubs make it compulsory that riders enter under the ACU umbrella which insures participants and spectators for up to some silly amount of money in case of injury etc. Hence why the Southern clubs wish to continue to be associated with the ACU and provide riders with free BIU licenses as before. Maybe I'm making that up though. I'm still not sure why there's this divide at all though! Has it come from the six gear rule or the license debate or what? Seems like some people need to take a step back, take a deep breath and consider what would be best for the sport. At the moment I imagine the World's organisers will be wondering why the hell the UK should be allowed to hold another round if they can't even agree a National championship amongst themselves. Sort it out peeps!! Dave
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