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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Why do you have 4 mototrials bikes? Can I have one please?!!
  2. I should actually be able to make it this year (first time ). Will be good to catch up with some old faces. Dave
  3. Hahah, I knew that was coming!! I saw him and thought 'that looks like Barry'... and they've just shown pics of him riding trials. I'm sitting going through some data on my laptop at home and it just happened to be on... honest!! Dave
  4. Is Barry Deeks on BBC1 'Cash in the attic' right now? Looks a hell of a lot like him... Dave
  5. Funnily enough I was thinking exactly the same... I ran the old style ones for a good 6+ years before getting one of the newer style ones. I Broke a lever body on the older style and also went through numerous TPA's. However function was always top notch and lever was comfortable. The newer style ones felt very similar powerwise and feel to me. I did however manage to break a TPA on one of them too... What I would say is that when you break a magura, the material looks similar to an Aero chocolate bar- full of bubbles and just seems very poor grade and badly cast. I haven't tried a Dengura but Sam Wheeler was raving about his on the DJ ride. Dave
  6. Dan Jones got his Echo sandblasted and powdercoated yellow for £20 at Ferndown Powder Coating. I also got my rims done Repsol orange for £10 each. Might be worth getting in touch. You'd just have to send it to them and then apply some new decals afterwards. Dave
  7. This is my plaything... Have removed those horrid mirrors and replaced them with Oberon bar end jobbies since that pic and got a Scorpion can coming this week. Dave
  8. I'm not so convinced by Hope... ok so I run front and rear on my Monty but... I still prefer my old Hayes HFX 9 that I used to run. I've always found Hope quality to be rather shoddy, especially the levers- rattly with loads of play. Only down side of the Hayes was that bleeding was quite a hassle. Dave
  9. Yeah, that's the old style FAG ones (brand name not a derogatory remark!). I expect Malcolm Rathmell could sort you out with a tool although I used to use one of those metal jar opener things on my old X-Hydra! Kinda like that one: Except it had rounded locating lugs which fitted the BB perfectly! Dave
  10. There are a couple of vids of derF here. Another Ben Rowlands one here. Dave
  11. Not difficult really, is it?!! There was a picture of you in the last issue wasn't there, Sam? This threads just pushed me to subscribe- as Sam said, support the cause! Dave
  12. Nah, this is totally different. It's proper magazine sized and 95% mototrials with comp run downs, bike and gear reviews with a few little bits thrown in on biketrials. Last issue had an article on Ben Savage and a review of the Atomz frame if I remember correctly. I'm going to pick it up when I remember as mototrials interests me as much (more?) than biketrials. Dave
  13. I never really considered getting the 'scotchbrite' one to be honest. There are far far too many silver bikes around these days and I like the red/black/white/carbon look- it's just a bit different if you know what I mean?... I also got my rims powdercoated repsol orange to make it look a bit like a factory Montesa which I've had some mixed reactions over but mainly positive. Each to their own I guess. Dave
  14. I didn't know Cesar could even ride a 26! Looks... different, which in itself isn't a bad thing. Trying new things and all that. I'll wait til I see something a bit more final before passing judgement. I'm still waiting for the new style 20" Monty's to surface... those things have been in the pipeline for a good couple of years now. Dave
  15. Cheers to everyone for a wicked ride. I haven't actually been on a proper organised ride in ages but it was good to see some old faces again and very glad the weather picked up a bit in the afternoon, even though I was riding a bit pants and not making stuff I should be able to do in my sleep! Looking forward to seeing some pics Dave (Monty 221Pr with the oh so gorgeous orange rims!!)
  16. Nah, got them powder coated at the same place you got your frame done . There's a thread somewhere in the bike pics forum with my bike. Take it easy dude, Dave
  17. Yeah, you ride what's available. To be fair to the HBTC, we have a good and varied selection of venues, some like that (which is still surprisingly fun to ride) through rocky and semi man made venues to full on rock quarry's we get use of. I personally prefer nice rocky sections but have learnt to love the more slippery stuff and am finally starting to get the hang of evil muddy banks! Dave
  18. That's gotta hurt... Hope the happy sacks weren't too badly bruised Rowanetta! You gonna get a rim/wheel sorted for Sunday?... You know you want to! Dave
  19. Somebody get that man a rim!! Or a complete rear wheel loan for the day?... Haven't ridden with Mr John's for years!! Dave P.S. Yes I'll be there
  20. It's kind of illegal... hence it being taken down repeatedly... won't be long before this thread's closed either... Downloading now.... Dave
  21. Didn't think this needed a new topic and sorry if it's already up somewhere but a vid of the whole comp is on YouTube. Some crazy riding going down... and some rather scrappy, sketchy riding too!! Dave
  22. I think there's only an admin fee if you change vehicles within the same policy. However, if you find that insurance is much cheaper elsewhere and want to cancel the insurance on the Scooby it tends to work on a sliding scale- if you're 3 months into a year policy you might get 60% back, 6months in get 35% back etc. That's how Bennetts do it with bikes anyhoo. Dave
  23. I personally think that a lighter bike only really makes a big difference in comps. On streety stuff it really shouldn't matter how light the bike is (within reason) and in fact a slightly heavier bike ought to equate to a bit more material and hence strength and lifespan. However in comps where you're going to be hauling the bike around in 2 minute sections all day then you will of course use less energy chucking a light bike around than a heavy one. Having said that, a good technique will also mean using less energy used. I ride local comps and the occasional national and am perfectly happy lugging round my 221Pr rather than a Ti because I ride the bike on street and practicing in between and don't plan to change bikes every 5 minutes! Dave
  24. Thanks to all the observers and people who set up what was a really good trial. Sections were long and tough but not too long or too tough... Shame my freakin' arms were pumping up so badly (that's what you get for not riding enough) although I somehow still managed to come 3rd in Senior which I was quite pleased with. Dave
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