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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Sounds like a fairly grey area. You shouldn't be on the pavement (legally speaking at least) but she shouldn't be pulling out without checking... That said when she gets home and speaks to her hubby he'll probably decide that the damage will cost about £800 to repair and that they shouldn't lose their no claims for some damn kid on stupid a seatless bike... Let us know if you get a call later!! Dave
  2. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen to me... I'm 25 now and my dad is pretty much the same, although skinnier- think he's been like 9.5 stone since he was 18 (he's now 58 I think)... I really ought to try selling my body to medical science. There must be fat people out there who would kill for my genes!!
  3. I've got sweet FA bodyfat if that's what you mean... but certainly not skin and bones skinny. And it's mainly down to a very wierd metabolism I think. I eat and drink what the hell I like and never put an ounce of fat on. Dave
  4. Ok, does anyone have any vids of a zoot being used in anger? Also, I take it they're MTB spacing? Surely it would make more sense for them to be mod spacing? I'd be quite tempted by one if they could do that (and maybe a rear disc mount...). Anyhoo, looking pretty swish there. Don't think I'd like it for myself but certainly looks different! Good job on the masking too- looks very neat! Dave
  5. As a follow up to Ben's post- I've never been to a gym in my life (and never would...). Doesn't seem to have done me any harm! Riding is by far the best excercise to improve your riding- nothing else will work the necessary muscles in the right way, particularly weights. Bulk also doesn't really matter provided you have a good technique, as has already been said. Dave
  6. :$ Awesome top tube humping moment captured forever... Cheers Dan!! And I'm pretty sure I don't have any stomach bones Danny... Dave
  7. Is there a better reason?! Anyway, good to see you again, hope it won't be another 3 years before I see you again!!! Dave
  8. Hahah, I only joined 6 months after you, all the way back in 2003 apparently!! I'm sure that warrents Senior Memberness...!!! Dave
  9. Many thanks to Sue and Charlie for an awesome day. Weather was crazy hot but everyone was on top form and great to see some old faces again. I'm just sorry this was the first one I've managed to get to!! Dave Marshall (red/white/black Monty 221Pr (yes, Chai a Pr!!) with orange rims.
  10. That was definitely last years record... MCN are showing his fastest practice lap to be at 129.084mph... Reasonable possibility for a 130mph lap in the race though? Dave
  11. That may be true for building muscle mass (bulking up), but I'd have thought that for the explosive power you need for trials, fast reps like that probably doesn't do any harm... Just a thought. Dave
  12. Hahahahahahahahahaha...ha. Can't wait to see everyone, and also to finally meet Sue and Charlie. Gonna be gooooooood Dave
  13. Dan Jones got his done at Ferndown Powdercoatings for £20 including sand blasting it first... I also got my rims done there for a tenner a piece. Pretty reasonable in my book. Dave
  14. There used to be a site (anyone help me here?) in Japan run by an ex american guy (Pat Morrow?) who mentioned the possibility that in the future he could see suspension being used like that to create a kind of wheeled pogo stick to help with static moves but I don't think he ever got round to it... It works in mototrials so it's not an impossible idea. Dave
  15. 1) Why were you posting at 5:17am Dan?... 2) How's the disc? Looks pretty monsterous!! Dave
  16. Yeah, that's definitely a mod frame- you can tell be the bashguard but also the brake mount positions. Can't remember Giant ever producing one though so it's either a proto one used just by someone on the team or some other random frame (which I can't identify although it looks a little like one of the old GT mods...) that has been sprayed up in Giant colours. Dave
  17. Hahah, fair enough!! Yeah, should catch up with a lot of people I hardly ever see- really looking forward to it Take it easy dude, Dave
  18. Seeing as this is trials forum that bike seriously needs some scratches on it! You need to ride more Chris!! Bike looks loverly as always, just a little underused?! Dave
  19. I will definitely be attending come hell or high water. Will also be after a blue medium T . Thanks Sue, Dave.
  20. Hi Sue, I'm getting an error when I try to vote so will do it by a post for now. Was going to get in touch with you about this as my original black one has seen better days. I'd like a Medium blue one please . All the best, Dave Marshall edit: not sure if the poll thing is expecting one answer for each of the categories? It doesn't want to accept just a medium blue as a response...
  21. But will it be raced this year? Our Formula Student team seem to do the same thing every year- decide that last year did it wrong and start again! The car's been in the same state for the past 4 odd years that I've seen it. Also, was any aero work carried out on the car? CFD or experimental? I avoided FS during my undergrad because I wanted to do aero work and it tended to be a very mechanical project. Dave
  22. Can I come up with one of those trolley's from the Jackass movie and go for it 'Supermarket Sweep' stylee?!!! Looks awesome guys but you seriously need a holiday!! I'm sure it's illegal the amount of hours you must work... Dave
  23. Regardless of competition results, Vincent has to be the best rider in the world right now. Having watched that and some of the vids from Sergio at the Indoor Mototrials comps, the man is a complete monster!! Sick.
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