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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. They have an insert in the end to stop them splintering don't they? Good idea would be to remove these and put them back in the cut bars when you're done. I'm about to do the same as my 28" ones are about 18 months old and could probably do with being replaced for safetys sake but as they no longer do the 28" versions reckon I'll have to trim them down... Dave
  2. Nice pics, Chai looks wierd on a 26!! What is the wierd thing in the middle of the London Eye?
  3. Ahahahahahahahahaha... they're possibly the most fecked up footwear I've ever seen, unless you're a 3 year old girl. No offense intended like.
  4. They're not made to be driven though are they, purely for 'artistic value'...which means they should look really special which I don't think that does. All the details are there and nice on their own, but the car as a whole just doesn't work IMO. It doesn't matter that it's however many cars either- it still looks wrong. Best description I can think of is 'close but not quite'. Dave
  5. But unique doesn't necessarily mean better, or even nice... there's obviously been a hell of a lot of work put in to make it look like that but I just don't know why anyone would bother when it ends up looking like that. It's a wannabe lowrider (best pic I could find), Without the looks or class (possibly wrong word there) of an American custom jobbie. The roof line looks like an old style Vauxhall cavalier... Ah well, I'm sure he loves it very much and more than likely never drives it anywhere . Dave edit: something a bit closer to what I was looking for
  6. I'm with stupid him ^^... The Shelby (and possibly the mini, can't tell from the engine only shot) are the only things there of interest. I'm doubting there's more than 1% Morgan in that monstrosity... if any at all. Looks like it's based on a Ford Granada or something equally lame! Dave edit: this coming from someone who drives a 2003 silver Nissan Almera 1.5... HELL YEA!!
  7. Yeah but it's a pastime that tends to make people want to progress with their riding to keep it fun. The thread's gone a bit off track (probably due mainly to me... sorry) but the guy's asking whether he'll be able to progress faster if he goes to the gym to develop specific muscles etc. Dave
  8. 2% of the world's population is a hell of a lot of people!! Regardless of body type, what about the fact that I could live on McDonalds and my body would just turn everything to muscle and I wouldn't gain any fat... is that just down to an overly fast metabolism? Dave
  9. Yeah it was Mike who had a laptop to look at his pics so I assume he's your man...
  10. Aww, love you too Rob!! Hetro kisses
  11. I was just thinking that about the Limey 26"- the disc mount in the pics reminds me of the ones on the old Hawyes Giant Team Trials frames = snap happy.
  12. Still not convinced... I take it from that pic, you're saying I'm closest to the dude on the left? 'Cos that really, really doesn't look anything like my body shape. From behind (ooh, err missus) my back looks like a give way sign- very broad shoulders and very small waist. That's the only bit that matches- the narrow hips bit of an ectomorph which is also a trait of the mesomorph. The reason some people call me Action Man is because my arms, shoulders particularly, look like those from the dolls- unusually large and very defined. To me that sounds far more mesomorph (Google: This body type is angular with broad shoulders and narrow hips (or “wedge-shaped”). A mesomorph is well muscled and have little body fat.) Dave
  13. Still available online it would seem... edit: also still on the Kellogg's website so they must be around somewhere.
  14. Hahah- he'd have tailwhipped the gap... Looked like Chris was kind of outclassed in that field. Boy's got serious skills but that's not what those comps are about. Dave
  15. Just had to google that... The ECTOMORPH * Definitive "Hard Gainer"-------------Dunno what that means * Delicate Built Body-------------------Nope * Flat Chest-----------------------------Nope * Fragile---------------------------------Nope * Lean-----------------------------------Yes * Lightly Muscled-----------------------Nope, reasonably built upper body * Small Shouldered--------------------Nope, broad and quite built * Takes Longer to Gain Muscle--------Nope * Thin------------------------------------Yes-little bodyfat I guess that's a no for the ectomorph then! Dave
  16. Sounds like a fairly grey area. You shouldn't be on the pavement (legally speaking at least) but she shouldn't be pulling out without checking... That said when she gets home and speaks to her hubby he'll probably decide that the damage will cost about £800 to repair and that they shouldn't lose their no claims for some damn kid on stupid a seatless bike... Let us know if you get a call later!! Dave
  17. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen to me... I'm 25 now and my dad is pretty much the same, although skinnier- think he's been like 9.5 stone since he was 18 (he's now 58 I think)... I really ought to try selling my body to medical science. There must be fat people out there who would kill for my genes!!
  18. I've got sweet FA bodyfat if that's what you mean... but certainly not skin and bones skinny. And it's mainly down to a very wierd metabolism I think. I eat and drink what the hell I like and never put an ounce of fat on. Dave
  19. Ok, does anyone have any vids of a zoot being used in anger? Also, I take it they're MTB spacing? Surely it would make more sense for them to be mod spacing? I'd be quite tempted by one if they could do that (and maybe a rear disc mount...). Anyhoo, looking pretty swish there. Don't think I'd like it for myself but certainly looks different! Good job on the masking too- looks very neat! Dave
  20. As a follow up to Ben's post- I've never been to a gym in my life (and never would...). Doesn't seem to have done me any harm! Riding is by far the best excercise to improve your riding- nothing else will work the necessary muscles in the right way, particularly weights. Bulk also doesn't really matter provided you have a good technique, as has already been said. Dave
  21. :$ Awesome top tube humping moment captured forever... Cheers Dan!! And I'm pretty sure I don't have any stomach bones Danny... Dave
  22. Is there a better reason?! Anyway, good to see you again, hope it won't be another 3 years before I see you again!!! Dave
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