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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. You big gay. I wasn't too impressed with Maryport when I rode it... Is it the rocks just down off the path leading from town or are there secret spots further out?
  2. Ok... so I'm bored at work... assuming a 32H rim (starting with no holes), that's 30 possible holes. Taking out a 25mmx30mm section from each, say 3mm thick (possibly a bit high but you get the idea) and using the density for aluminium of 2700kg/m^3 means that the total mass of metal removed would be 182.25g. So I guess 100-200g per wheel isn't actually that far off!! Sorry Rowan edit: Oh yeah, the bike! For some reason I really like the look of the Boxx and Vince's looks like one pretty dialled machine! Sorry if this has been answered somewhere but is the frame mod rear spaced?
  3. What is EP cycles? Don't tell me Pete actually runs a trials business?
  4. Haha, that's clearly the answer!! God I hate Pete Wright... and I don't think I've ever even met him!
  5. Am I the only one to notice the ~10mm hole drilled in the CNC'd section? It's been machined to snap or summink wierd.
  6. I learnt them from Martyn Ashton on Tricks and Stunts... Roll in fairly slow, start good foot down then do 3/4 of a pedal stroke and put the all the power down in the final quarter. Seems to work for me- can pretty much pedal up stuff that most people tap. Dave
  7. Haha, like it! Damn you beat me Ed... ah well, I'll just have to swim to Canada and save the planet single handed.
  8. 10.96 tonnes total... mainly due to flights I think- 2.36 home 0.31 appliances 8.29 transport Usually only do a couple of domestic and maybe a couple of short haul but this year I've been to Kenya and am off to Canada in the Summer... Ooh I'm such a carbon terrorist!! Winning so far... Dave
  9. If you get bored at the weekend, come down to Beaulieu. It's their big Motorcycle World show and we're doing demo's in the trials arena most of the day when the moto boys aren't playing. Should be good for a laugh. Mototrials wise they've also got Steve Saunders and Grimbo Graham Jarvis coming along among others which should be quite impressive too. Dave
  10. I've never been overly impressed by them to be honest. They used to stock Onza and sell lots of nice shiny bits for XC etc but are very expensive. Likewise there's not much they can't do mechanic wise but you'll pay through the nose for it. If you need parts and advice I'd say TartyBikes, or CRC for XC stuff. If you need something fixed then do it yourself!! However, if you do go in to GA, say hi to Matt Vokes who works as a bike mechanic there (Matt Urban on here I think) who used to ride trials, then went BMX and is now riding trials again!! Dave
  11. You confused me there... I didn't think I'd been involved in any video's recently!! T'other Dave M
  12. The problem I have with golf is the poor attitude that the club members have towards everyone else in the world... I don't know if they take the game too seriously, or maybe just themselves but they all come accross as up their own arses. I also resent the amount of parkland that is wasted for them to walk around hitting their egg with a stick!! I'm sure it's quite fun to play but all the BS that goes with it just makes me angry! Back on topic, there'll always be rivalry and disagreements within the sub divisions. It's like trials riders thinking XC is for jayboys and that downhillers and freeriders have very little skill but big cojones. It all depends on what makes people tick- for us I guess it's the challenge of doing something that most people wouldn't believe is possible on a push bike which doesn't need the Alps to undertake. At least we can practice on a kerb whereas he'll always have to travel to get some riding... Dave P.S. Happy Gilmore all the way!! P.P.S. Cheers to Scopse for returning the Torx key
  13. Oh. So you do! Will have a chat with TB... cheers Mike. Dave
  14. They have an insert in the end to stop them splintering don't they? Good idea would be to remove these and put them back in the cut bars when you're done. I'm about to do the same as my 28" ones are about 18 months old and could probably do with being replaced for safetys sake but as they no longer do the 28" versions reckon I'll have to trim them down... Dave
  15. Nice pics, Chai looks wierd on a 26!! What is the wierd thing in the middle of the London Eye?
  16. Ahahahahahahahahaha... they're possibly the most fecked up footwear I've ever seen, unless you're a 3 year old girl. No offense intended like.
  17. They're not made to be driven though are they, purely for 'artistic value'...which means they should look really special which I don't think that does. All the details are there and nice on their own, but the car as a whole just doesn't work IMO. It doesn't matter that it's however many cars either- it still looks wrong. Best description I can think of is 'close but not quite'. Dave
  18. But unique doesn't necessarily mean better, or even nice... there's obviously been a hell of a lot of work put in to make it look like that but I just don't know why anyone would bother when it ends up looking like that. It's a wannabe lowrider (best pic I could find), Without the looks or class (possibly wrong word there) of an American custom jobbie. The roof line looks like an old style Vauxhall cavalier... Ah well, I'm sure he loves it very much and more than likely never drives it anywhere . Dave edit: something a bit closer to what I was looking for
  19. I'm with stupid him ^^... The Shelby (and possibly the mini, can't tell from the engine only shot) are the only things there of interest. I'm doubting there's more than 1% Morgan in that monstrosity... if any at all. Looks like it's based on a Ford Granada or something equally lame! Dave edit: this coming from someone who drives a 2003 silver Nissan Almera 1.5... HELL YEA!!
  20. Yeah but it's a pastime that tends to make people want to progress with their riding to keep it fun. The thread's gone a bit off track (probably due mainly to me... sorry) but the guy's asking whether he'll be able to progress faster if he goes to the gym to develop specific muscles etc. Dave
  21. 2% of the world's population is a hell of a lot of people!! Regardless of body type, what about the fact that I could live on McDonalds and my body would just turn everything to muscle and I wouldn't gain any fat... is that just down to an overly fast metabolism? Dave
  22. Yeah it was Mike who had a laptop to look at his pics so I assume he's your man...
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