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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. That's what I like to hear!
  2. No no no no no. That was all wrong. 1. that first up should definitely have been to manual. 2. shoulda been a wee wallride on the brick wall as he turned the corner. 3. fufanu had a hop in the middle. 4. the 180 drop to rollback didn't work. Let Fred rock the 24UK, none of this leeson poop!! Now next time Fred's out on his bike I want that line redone properly! Dave
  3. Lost makes me angry...
  4. But the rule hasn't been dropped from the BIU Worlds yet has it? Only the UK series'...?
  5. I thought 26" was the OD of the tyre (ish, give or take a bit of variation as Jamie_Neal said). The second rule stating tyre size means you could in theory run a mod rim with a hiauge tyre on it to make the OD up to ~26". Obviously would never work in reality but you get the idea...
  6. Where were you when I started riding back in '97 Chris? I phoned Chris Ackrigg at Aire Valley to find out where he got his bashguards from... he was no help and I ended up waiting 'til mid '98 when Blackspire released their first 'Ring God' to cover a 32T ring!! Old school is a state of mind... I don't know if I'm old school or not, I'm definitely old guard and not new school... Dave
  7. Good to see I get a mention...
  8. Possibly (?) a silly question but did any riding go on at Nass itself? And did any of the FMX boys pull a backflip? Looks like an entertaining weekend... Dave P.S. Boy does Hobbsie need a haircut!!
  9. See, now that's what I thought and sounds utter crap... the whole point of video games is to give you control over what's happening and from what I've seen (as said before I've never played one) the Wii has to be at least partially removed that control... It's the same with a lot of games I can think of. Taking a classic example, I don't think Street Fighter 2 (or any other fighting game) could ever work with the Wii because all you can do is punch and block, the control of the character movement, jumping, special moves etc would have to be compromised by the 'novelty' control system the Wii uses. Dave
  10. Got a quick question for you Wiiers... I've never tried one and think playing one looks a bit odd from the ads I've seen. However, how does the control system actually work and is it as versatile as using a joypad? As an example, I've seen clips of a tennis game- I can understand the wierd controller thing working for actually hitting the ball and deciding on what shot's required but how do you move around the court itself? I have this strange idea that the games have to be partially automated (player automatically moves to where the balls heading so you can hit it) to allow you to do what's required with the controller thing when necessary... please explain!! Dave
  11. ^ agreed. 18/15 is the way forward for stock (at least when running 175 cranks). Dave
  12. It can't be that old can it? He's riding an '06 python isn't he?
  13. Yeah, sorry- Freecoaster as in what flatland BMXers use to allow rollbacks. Pickup when you want to go forward is usually very sluggish (although tunable) but tends to be about an eighth of a crank turn so useless for trials. Also about twice as heavy as a profile... Sorry to be so negative!!
  14. It's a freecoaster that's been around for years. Think the guarantee is for the freecoasting mechanism which is very different to what you need for trials...
  15. Huh? Carbon fibre components are (usually) made up of layers of prepreg carbon fibre sheets, the one closest to the surface is the one you see... The only aesthetics involved with the surface one is the orientation i.e. whether you want it front to back, left to right or at 45deg or whatever. With regards buffing it up, it depends what is scratched. If it's just the clearcoat then fine wet and dry to smooth it off then re-laquering would probably be best. If it's the actual CF sheets I'd be careful as you don't want to start getting into the fibres themselves as things could start fraying and splintering... Brendan's link looks pretty good for lacquered surfaces though. Dave
  16. I didn't watch it because I thought from the adverts I saw that it looked shite. Think I may have been right... not for me from the sounds of things! Are the clips all the program is or ar there presenters or what?
  17. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Apparently it's something like one in every 8 parcel's, chosen at random, is stopped and checked to see whether there's any VAT/import duty etc to be paid. I just got stung a month or so back when I got a Scorpion exhaust sent from the US. Even if you get it sent as a 'gift', if the valu is over £18 or something stupid you have to pay... sucks ass big time but I'm pretty sure there's no way round it if you get caught. If you want to appeal, it has to be done retrospectively so whatever you're going to have to go and pay the £100 to collect the parcel and take it from there. Dave
  18. Just had a look on Wiki and it appears you're right. Parkour is David Belle's baby and Sebastien Foucan went a different direction to create 'free running'. Either way, it really is impressive what they do, just a shame they dress like such chav's!!
  19. Really? I thought Parkour was the french name for freerunning, started by David Belle and Freerunning is just the english name for it. When I've seen David Belle talking about Parkour he always talks about making the moves 'beautiful' and perfect. It's also called Yamakazi in some circles... I've always used them interchangably.
  20. I doubt you'll get any argument from anyone that, when used sensibly and rationally, health and safety is a good thing in the workplace. The majority is of course common sense and people who tend to work in that sector seem to be called Norman and look like train spotters... just an observation! The joke part is when people aren't allowed to use a power drill without first having to attend a 3 course explaining that the drill should not be used to pick your nose because some retarded american did so and turned the thing on before successfully suing the manufacturer for not clearly telling him it wasn't for that purpose!!! I certainly agree that H&S could do with a major shake up and 'streamlining' to remove the vast amount of BS... H&S seems to be the same with most things in the UK and as such we could really do with taking a leaf out of the French's book. The EU provides us with millions of stupid rules and regulations covering everything under the sun. We blindly follow them and get screwed and waste time as a result. The French follow the bits that make sense and will actually help them and ignore the rest. Dave P.S. I didn't know that Rich alhtough I'm not 100% surprised... but then I've never smoked and never will- disgusting habit!!
  21. I think Rich is a bit 'special' though... I'm surprised he's never been in a fight for chain smoking while wearing his Cancer Research t-shirt!! Edit: I'm also looking forward to smoking while driving being banned... that pisses me off- messing around with naked flames and burning sticks while driving is just dangerous and the sooner the rozzers can do people for it the better.
  22. Balls... think they've noticed and removed it NO FAIR!!
  23. lol... just an observation made of the majority of BMXers around here. Even when riding my BMX around Southampton, if I saw other riders they would 9 times out of 10 not even acknowledge me. There seems to be a whole 'too cool for school' attitude which goes with a lot of the 'fashionable' BMXers... probably the ones who have the lightest bestest bike and sit around all evening talking about riding but never actually doing anything. Don't think it applies to trials riders who have gone to the dark side but James may well have been tainted!! Dave
  24. Nope And it's also the first one which is now not a Googlewhack thanks to the post on TF!!
  25. Neither of those are recognised as real words so it doesn't count
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