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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Ooh, nick, what have you got? On a 24" related note, has anyone ridden a Zoot and can you compare it to a Ciguena or other 24? I'm kinda tempted to get a 24 to be a bike for all things, from BMXey stuff at the skatepark to a trials bike etc and quite like the idea of getting a Zoot and swapping a few bits over to dial it in (cranks, BB, rear hub, single speed kit, front disc etc). Good idea/bad idea? Dave
  2. Well you lot need to sort something out because as Ben said, the whole thing's just pathetic and a complete joke.
  3. Am I the only one to find a video of the same gap about 100 times, mainly not making it, occasionally making it, incredibly boring? Obviously so!!
  4. Hey Fred, I don't see why anyone should be defending any situations though. From what I've heard the comps you've put on have been very well received with good turnouts etc. I guess if they had been official Brit rounds (please note, that's in no way a dig, just a statement for want of a better phrasing), they may have lost a bit of their carefree fun character because of the weight and seriousness with which a lot of riders (not me...) take such comps when Worlds rankings are involved. I'm also happy to admit that all things considered, the people running the official series certainly haven't exactly helped things with this recent episode... I couldn't make the first Kelly Farm date due to doing the Beaulieu demo's but if I'd known when it was going to be held I would've liked to enter as I'm free this weekend. Ah well. What I'm saying, and I'd like to think that there isn't a single person (rider/organiser) who wouldn't agree, is that trials is far too small to have all this in-fighting. Things have always been run very well and professionally in the past, by all those involved, with each club putting on one or two Nationals per year and I just wish things would get back to how they used to be. I thought when the UK held it's first World round a couple of years back that things could only go up but it seems I was wrong. Surely the differences between the two 'factions' are not too big to overcome and something really needs to be done before next year before the whole National comp scene implodes... Dave
  5. Somebody close this topic please before the shit gets stirred some more. Why should we have to 'take sides' at all? Why the f**k can't everyone just get over this shitstorm and try resolving whatever issues are braking the UK comp trials scene apart? The Euro/World organisers must be pissing themselves hearing all the crap that's going on in our national comps. Quack.
  6. There's seriously something not right with this Danny Mac chap... absolutely insane! Very cool vid, cheers guys! Dave
  7. That's what I like to hear!
  8. No no no no no. That was all wrong. 1. that first up should definitely have been to manual. 2. shoulda been a wee wallride on the brick wall as he turned the corner. 3. fufanu had a hop in the middle. 4. the 180 drop to rollback didn't work. Let Fred rock the 24UK, none of this leeson poop!! Now next time Fred's out on his bike I want that line redone properly! Dave
  9. Lost makes me angry...
  10. But the rule hasn't been dropped from the BIU Worlds yet has it? Only the UK series'...?
  11. I thought 26" was the OD of the tyre (ish, give or take a bit of variation as Jamie_Neal said). The second rule stating tyre size means you could in theory run a mod rim with a hiauge tyre on it to make the OD up to ~26". Obviously would never work in reality but you get the idea...
  12. Where were you when I started riding back in '97 Chris? I phoned Chris Ackrigg at Aire Valley to find out where he got his bashguards from... he was no help and I ended up waiting 'til mid '98 when Blackspire released their first 'Ring God' to cover a 32T ring!! Old school is a state of mind... I don't know if I'm old school or not, I'm definitely old guard and not new school... Dave
  13. Good to see I get a mention...
  14. Possibly (?) a silly question but did any riding go on at Nass itself? And did any of the FMX boys pull a backflip? Looks like an entertaining weekend... Dave P.S. Boy does Hobbsie need a haircut!!
  15. See, now that's what I thought and sounds utter crap... the whole point of video games is to give you control over what's happening and from what I've seen (as said before I've never played one) the Wii has to be at least partially removed that control... It's the same with a lot of games I can think of. Taking a classic example, I don't think Street Fighter 2 (or any other fighting game) could ever work with the Wii because all you can do is punch and block, the control of the character movement, jumping, special moves etc would have to be compromised by the 'novelty' control system the Wii uses. Dave
  16. Got a quick question for you Wiiers... I've never tried one and think playing one looks a bit odd from the ads I've seen. However, how does the control system actually work and is it as versatile as using a joypad? As an example, I've seen clips of a tennis game- I can understand the wierd controller thing working for actually hitting the ball and deciding on what shot's required but how do you move around the court itself? I have this strange idea that the games have to be partially automated (player automatically moves to where the balls heading so you can hit it) to allow you to do what's required with the controller thing when necessary... please explain!! Dave
  17. ^ agreed. 18/15 is the way forward for stock (at least when running 175 cranks). Dave
  18. It can't be that old can it? He's riding an '06 python isn't he?
  19. Yeah, sorry- Freecoaster as in what flatland BMXers use to allow rollbacks. Pickup when you want to go forward is usually very sluggish (although tunable) but tends to be about an eighth of a crank turn so useless for trials. Also about twice as heavy as a profile... Sorry to be so negative!!
  20. It's a freecoaster that's been around for years. Think the guarantee is for the freecoasting mechanism which is very different to what you need for trials...
  21. Huh? Carbon fibre components are (usually) made up of layers of prepreg carbon fibre sheets, the one closest to the surface is the one you see... The only aesthetics involved with the surface one is the orientation i.e. whether you want it front to back, left to right or at 45deg or whatever. With regards buffing it up, it depends what is scratched. If it's just the clearcoat then fine wet and dry to smooth it off then re-laquering would probably be best. If it's the actual CF sheets I'd be careful as you don't want to start getting into the fibres themselves as things could start fraying and splintering... Brendan's link looks pretty good for lacquered surfaces though. Dave
  22. I didn't watch it because I thought from the adverts I saw that it looked shite. Think I may have been right... not for me from the sounds of things! Are the clips all the program is or ar there presenters or what?
  23. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Apparently it's something like one in every 8 parcel's, chosen at random, is stopped and checked to see whether there's any VAT/import duty etc to be paid. I just got stung a month or so back when I got a Scorpion exhaust sent from the US. Even if you get it sent as a 'gift', if the valu is over £18 or something stupid you have to pay... sucks ass big time but I'm pretty sure there's no way round it if you get caught. If you want to appeal, it has to be done retrospectively so whatever you're going to have to go and pay the £100 to collect the parcel and take it from there. Dave
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