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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. My brief investigation makes me think that it just says 'picked up by the Italian Post from 13 Arturo Martini Road in Oderzo' (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@45.8179273,12.4754501,3a,75y,320.54h,82.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shfTwi9hhECla-2-G0BeqfA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en).
  2. Set fire to it and claim the insurance?
  3. Would love to see Verstappen get the seat but I think it's probably fairly unlikely.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/38185846 Did not see that coming!
  5. The one I had a go at was ally and I blew a hole in it faster than you can say 'shiii...'. I had already bought and fitted a replacement so that was just playing to see what would happen.
  6. Have you tried welding a radiator? I have and it didn't go well!
  7. Quote from Red Bull site: Did you have any safety measures in place?Yes, otherwise it would have been totally irresponsible. Although I was just secured by one guy and a rope, which wasn't really a safe way to do it.
  8. Yeah, it would be obvious if things were going tits up so you'd just yank him towards the road to stop him heading left.
  9. Not surprising really but yeah, I'd go with that. Considering the effort that usually goes into his videos with multiple cameras, drones and all sorts that doesn't follow suit.
  10. I'm guessing he's being followed by someone who has a safety line attached to him just in case... Damn sure I wouldn't do that without some backup.
  11. What a(nother) pile of drivel. So much pointless crap in it I only just managed to make it through. Might not bother with the next one.
  12. Worth trying to sus out where the movement is occurring. definitely haven't stripped the clamping bolts in the axle? If you do dismantle it try wobbling the axle once the freehub body is off to see where the play is.
  13. That Lycra thing is genius though.
  14. Good stuff . It increases the diameter so you are applying more torque while also improving your grip on the job.
  15. Are you trying with the wheel built and the tyre still on the rim? That always helps. Getting someone else to help as well usually makes a difference- both yank at the same time to try and shock it loose.
  16. I hope so. I don't think it helped that they were in America trying to be funny to yanks which just came across as desperate and a bit pathetic. Celebrity thing was entirely pointless, RAF thing was wholly unnecessary and stupid, the American driver is a mistake if they're not actually going to get anything from him... I actually fell asleep watching it which says a lot!
  17. That's some collection! Here's mine:
  18. Got a KHE Evo in the garage but it doesn't get out much...
  19. Didn't really do much for me. Silly bits were just stupid and pointless and the car bits were all too much show with very little information or interest. All a bit meh.
  20. You would think so but I wouldn't bet on it!
  21. Agreed, though I didn't mind the new series that's just been aired on Dave. A bit more like the originals compared to the other later series' with the wrong Kochanski and too much CGI.
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