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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Of course. It's just I've been keeping an eye on ebay for Zoots and the only ones it ever comes up with (including when I searched after you mentioned the one here) are the ones Supercycles sell... Just confused me a bit. Good luck anyway! Dave
  2. Any chance of a link? The only ones I've seen on ebay are the ones being sold by Supercycles at £449 which is only £100 less than what TB are doing them at. There are however a few differences I can see like the bar and stem but are these the ones you mean? Dave
  3. I'd say that was more than a few holes... The holes help with heat dissipation and water/mud clearance but also some manufacturers seem to go for the 'less surface area=more pressure' route. If you want to give it a try, go for it and post your results. be careful when drilling though because the discs are pretty hard steel and the Marta rotors don't have much room for error!! Dave
  4. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Yeah but we all know he's insanely good at balance beams. But then I also saw Ohler riding onto the bike rail from the side and linking another few moves from that. Leech has just never really done it for me... probably stemming from Revolution where he always lands like a sack of spuds! Dave edit: How do you know these things Johnny?!! Your knowledge of cameras/lenses etc is insane!!
  5. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Seemed to be Thomas riding like an absolute beast, riding seriously cool lines including big moves and Leech doing a blunt... Going against the majority of the trials community here but I've never really rated Leech that much and that vid didn't do much to improve my view. Thomas though... sick!
  6. Seriously cool video Jonny- you really managed to capture the day well. Awesome as ever. Dave And it was a silly game... was just jealous that I was having lunch when the first few pallets went on otherwise I'd have been up there too!
  7. I thnk you'll find that Dougie rides mototrials...
  8. This thread is doing a great injustice for camp sounding Scotsmen...
  9. It was made for Channel 5 and then repeated many times on Challenge TV. Filmed back in 2001. Never found any pictures or videos online though. Have my one and the one with Tibeaux Moreaux (Sorry for the spelling Tibo!) but don't think I ever saw the one with Martyn Ashton in it. I have a few pics of the course at home (Scotland) where I happen to be going today so could scan them in and post them up if anyone's interested. The organiser was keen to run the program as trials only the following year but the UK people in charge weren't up for it so he was going to take it to the Germans or something if I remember correctly. Fraz Milloy was also on it (OldSkoolKool on here in NMC) being very cheesy. Crazy day. I was up against Rich Johnson, Eddie Tongue, Chris Ackrigg, Ian Cooper etc etc and never expected to do any good though. I do kinda wish I'd done something with the win though- with the publicity and stuff I could probably have got a good sponsor deal out of it but I was about to go to uni and just kinda rested on my laurels!!
  10. That's gotta be 'shopped?! Must be unstable as hell... like ridin a bloody penny farthing downhill!
  11. Damn those forks are fugly... Looks nice other than that. Dave
  12. Plus name of account holder and branch location. Think that's it...
  13. Yeah, I just found that in the angry thread... damn him!!
  14. Don't you love Uni connections? Mwahaha
  15. Do you mean that everything was easier on the A1? I remember a few things being easier, some things just being 'different'. I went from an Onza T-Rex (woodstock spec) to the A1 and did like it but didn't really notice a massive difference. Dave
  16. I really liked mine. Didn't mind grinding the Tensiles and it happily took my 2.5" with a few mm either side to spare. Wayne just doesn't like anything that isn't French
  17. So how come I ran a Maxxis High Roller 2.5" in my A1 without any problems?
  18. Agreed. Also pretty sure it wasn't really a crap back brake stopping you keeping it edit: Also agree that tapping, when you do it, really isn't the way to go on mod. You can pedal up to back wheel over 50" quite easliy on a mod and bunnyhop even higher with a good run in.
  19. ^ exactly what I did with my Tensiles when I got my A1. My cranks weren't new though.
  20. It is quite cool... Transformers rock. I wonder if the film will mean a new cartoon series will be on it's way... Also wonder if that's quite a worrying question for a 25 year old to ask himself... Dave
  21. Ah, don't worry about that, I'd have my bestest friends in the whole world at TartyBikes to do that for me Andy- might be tempted but because of not having any stock/24 bits to put on a 24UK frame I think I'd have to get a Zoot as a base anyway... still not sure yet. Dave
  22. I didn't think the 24UK's were available in the UK at the moment?
  23. Heheh, I was just kinda confused by the statement... still am to be honest!! Yeah, Anthony PM'ed me to let me know they will be accepting entries on the day also (as he says in his topic) so if you're free head on down. The venue is really good, although I've never ridden it in the wet! Dave
  24. But think of what? It's just another alternative to MySpace, Bebo etc but a bit more uniform and tidy. Main reason I got on Facebook was because it's really easy to upload pictures to... but that's hardly innovative! I also don't understand how something like facebook can be worth $8bn... there's only one advert per page... meh.
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