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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. You just answered your own question didn't you?... If you turn out all the lights at night it's dark because there's no light... The void has photons travelling through it from stars etc but there are no particles etc there to reflect the light and make it visible.
  2. Oh, no, wait... that was the Matrix
  3. My guess is Spinergy... I'm sure Libor Karas used to run them on the front at one point... Dave edit: Review Libor's mentioned there. edit2:
  4. Never say never... There's always the possibility of wormholes etc to allow transport through great distances without actually travelling. Agree on the other life thing though. No one in their right mind (actually, scrap that- retarded christians/religeous types would contest it) could think that Earth is the only planet which has created the right conditions for life. There must be millions of other planets containing life in the universe, some older more than likely far far more advanced than we can imagine. I'm also partial to the belief that there may be an infinite number of individually universes besides our own, i.e. beyond our own universe many other big bangs occured creating other universes. Not so sure about the parallel dimension thing... that seems a bit sci-fi to me. Also quite like (like isthe wrong word but you get me) the notion that the human race is basically a virus consuming all the resources on Earth to the point where we'll more than likely have to start colonising/infecting other planets which could sustain life...
  5. His great niece surely? Nah, climbers have something called the 'ape index' which is your armspan divided by your height. Anything over 1 means you will be able to reach higher holds etc. Only random fact I can think about myself, keeping on the body facts thing, is that I can't fully straighten and lock either my arms or legs. The joints ought to be able to bend slightly backwards when fully extended but mine simpy don't! Dave
  6. Golf is the work of the devil so... Go for a play in the woods fo' sure. Or maybe start drilling random holes in your trials bike just for fun!
  7. Think that was Kris Leeson. I've done it myself when it's been snowy and you'd be surprised how grippy they are... don't get much feel through them though. I usually ride in normal skate shoes (DVS's at the mo) but do have Ribo's for competing in. When doing comps I like knowing that it doesn't matter if I stick my foot in a 2 foot deep bog whereas if I was in skate shoes I'd be really annoyed! Used to use Monty pixie boots too and although they lasted much better than the Ribo's they were a little... bright shall we say?!
  8. See Ash's post. Pictures of built bike in there. Dave edit:
  9. Can the admin not trace the IP of Wayne Hater and link it to a real account to find out who it is?...
  10. Also, for the sake of criminal damage offenses it may not be the best plan to write your name on his bonnet... just a thought.
  11. What a random thing to say... care to elaborate on the reasoning behind your hatred?
  12. Seeing as you're from Soton, your best bet is the Hampshire rounds, info here. The next one is actually next sunday in a quarry down by Corfe Castle and should be really good if it stays dry. Dave
  13. Hey dude, I learned backwheel's watching Martyn Ashton on Tricks and Stunts. Slow motion for the win!! I roll into the move with my good foot down. I also roll in surprisingly slowly, allowing more power to come from the cranks when you go for the move. One thing to remember is that it's quite an explosive move. When I get to the right distance from the wall (closer than you think as has been mentioned but just work on it) I start pedalling, raising the front wheel quite steeply. As the crank comes round to having my good foot forward I put in the final kick of the cranks which is where most of the power comes from. That final kick is literally in the final 1/8th of a crank turn and is quite important in my eyes). At the same time you need to be exploding upwards pulling the bike with you with both your arms and legs. Once the bike's (hopefully) off the ground you want to bethrowing the bike out in front of you and aiming the back tyre at the edge of the wall. From there it's just a case of shifting your weight a little forwards to get the front wheel down if the momentum isn't sufficient and smiling!! Dave
  14. Fair enough. Still not that old though... and I don't think it's been up here yet. It seems to be lacking the 'couple of cool features' Tim mentioned too- looks pretty conventional in most ways. Dave
  15. Looks good Nick. What are the cranks/bash like? They look like unbranded Tensiles... Wanna see the colour too, sounds lush! Where did you get the paint from by the way?... Dave
  16. Well I still 'work' in Southampton- I say 'work' as I'm doing an EngD at the Uni- so am there everyday during the week. I live about 25 miles West of Soton though as my GF works in Poole. Dave
  17. I dunno... That's the exact same setup he's riding trials demo's on now (mixing between the Justice and the License) except he's currently running rigid forks. Gearing is pretty trialsy and the rest of the bike's set up like a street trials beast, certainly not a big wheeled BMX that's for sure. Dave
  18. Unfortunately the majority of riders in and around Southampton have gone to the dark side and only BMX these days. There is quite a lot to ride though and there are always a few riders around from Fareham/Pompy etc so you won't be alone! Also usually fairly regular organised rides on here at the weekends too, meeting at Central Station. Dave
  19. The Raid is a budget(ish) street/24" cruiser/park/jump bike. From the looks of it it is in no way designed for trials in any shape or form. The License however is a do everything trials bike, for use on the street, at the park, natural etc but leaning more heavily towards street trials rather than pure street. I'm guessing that the License will be mainly available as a frame only like the ET was and like the Justice is, although pimped Martyn replica full builds probably aren't out of the question. That's my take anyway. Edit: Oh yeah, and Martyn said on Monday that he was hoping for a release of around October. Dave
  20. I used Smart Guys on my T-Rex for around a year with a Hope Trial brake with absloutely no problems whatever. Really good forks if a little weighty and seriously ugly!! Dave
  21. Haven't found any more pics yet... The blurb from Tim: ...when planets correctly align.... ***. Who/what is ***? Frank The Welder. This year to be inducted into Mountian Bike Hall of Fame. Why? Because the man knows frame design and construction like few other on the planet. Intrigued by the sport of trials, Frank has taken a clean sheet of paper and designed something that is intuitively logical. Strength, stiffness and simplicity of design are hallmarks of a great trials frame, and here we have an example like no other. Pics are of prototypes, more details to follow. What we can tell you is that for hand built in USA frames they will be quite reasonable (somewhere around $825), come in one color (hey....we are selling a precision competition machine, not lipstick fashion) and feature engineer principles versus buzz words. A couple of cool features that will be announced shortly. Look for Frank to be welding them up sometime this fall, the initial run being limited to approx 25 for world wide consumption. Geometry to be something like 72 degree headtube angle, 378 chainstays, 15mm up BB and 1080 wheelbase. If you want to know more, call us or zip an e-mail. Dave
  22. *** Can be deleted as Tim's made a proper topic in the News section here. *** Sorry if this is a repost (I did search and found nowt). Anyway, I've just been on Trialsin.com and Tim's put up a couple of interesting pictures of a new frame in the prototype stages from 'Frank the Welder'... The second one expecially gives the impression of (quite) a unique design kinda like the Vario Styx. Dave
  23. This is already over in the 'random pics' thread but I likes it! I appologise for the pants quality but the original's too big for imageshack to handle. Dave
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