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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I think you're right. The Zoot has lower bars than my Monty at the moment... even with about 20mm of stackers! Reckon the Adamant bars may go onto the Monty and I'll get some big rise beasts from CRC...
  2. Silly boy, you make it sound like I've actually ridden it!! Rear brake's a bit dead so won't really be able to play properly 'til Friday at the earliest. The Adamant bars are seriously low rise which is a bit annoying but hopefully with a few stem spacers it'll even itself out. Yeah, still rippin' the Monty, will keep it and ride it on natural and at comps but reckon I'll have more fun on the streets with the Zoot.
  3. That's actually the main reason I'm trying 24". I used to ride BMX but always wanted to be able to do trialsy stuff as well. I reckon with this I can mess around down the skate park and play at more streety stuff with manuals, wall rides etc as well as doing the usual trials stuff. Still got the Monty PR for comps but will probably play on this most of the time between them. Dave
  4. Haha, easy fella!!! Now I just need to sort out a new rear brake lever 'cos the body on mine's cracked and the lever blade's proper fooked... any offers?! Forgot to add the Viz white rim tape for pimp value... Dave Edit: Thanks to Samdoman for sorting me out with a brake
  5. Ok, so for messing about on I decided to give this 24" thing a go. Bought a Zoot off of Spunky Monkey Boy on here and, well, it was a bit of a heap to be honest so I had to pimp it up a bit. Let me know what you think. From this... To this... Main changes are a new paint job (not 100% on the colour, expected something a little paler and lighter), Echo 07 rear hub, echo forged cranks, ENO, GU bash, modded threshold booster, Simtra stem and Adamant bars... think that's about it... Anyway, leave some comments please! Big thanks to TartyBikes for sorting me out with all the bits (the stickers will be going on once the paint's dried ) Dave Edit: Sorry for the poop pictures, will get some proper one's in daylight when I get the chance.
  6. I'll sponsor you if you cycle the 140 miles in two days on a trials bike Chris...
  7. Some really nice locations there and nice tech natural lines pulled smoothly as I'd expect from Dan! See you on Sunday
  8. Very very sad news. Especially that his 5 year old son and 6 year old friend were killed too. Just Tragic. My thoughts are with Alison, Jimmy, Alistair and the rest of the McRae Clan. RIP to a legend. "Those who risk nothing, do nothing, achieve nothing, become nothing." David Jeffries.
  9. I'm sure Tarty would be happy to send stuff to the US... also, Trialsin USA if you're after a shop actually in the US. Tim's been around for years and knows more about trials components than most. Dave
  10. That was immense Rowanda. Well worth the wait! Some really really nuts lines in there... manual to hook at Shell centre... did I really see that? You're a monster! Dave Bails were also pretty extreme!
  11. Is this still definitely going ahead? Just wondering how careful the ACU etc are being about foot and mouth... I know Hook Woods isn't exactly farmland but there'll be a lot of people coming from all over which could be a little iffy if this current outbreak starts to spread. Dave
  12. My personal view on this is that people who do believe in god, like people who go to church and believe in an allseeing being and heaven and hell etc, is that they are too stupid to think for themselves. They've been brought up with it in their lives and they just follow religeon blindly like sheep. I don't believe anyone with half a braincell can believe such a proposterous story. It's almost like devoting your life to worshipping Santa Claus, just in case he really exists. Don't get me wrong, religeon has some good (common sense) ideals: Don't kill people (although I think the old testament does allow you to kill most people different to you), don't steal, treat people nicely (unless they're different to you) etc. But to believe anything of the stories the bible is just stupid, and if the stories are all BS then the whole concept of god, religeon and everything that goes with it is bogus. Anyway, I think you get the point that I don't like religeon so I won't bring it up again. Promise. Edit: 7/01/08... just read this again after the topic was bumped. Damn I was in a crappy mood when I wrote that
  13. good man!! The original was stupidly expensive wasn't it... like £80 a wheel or something silly.
  14. Whatever happened to the Plazmatic rim coatings they used to do? Did no one ever bodge a copy of that?!
  15. Estimates are that the Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy has a mass around 3.7 million times that of our sun... That's based on the amount of matter which is caught in it's gravitational pull. Quite large really.
  16. Yeah, sounds like your instructor's a bit of a w@nker... That would bug me soooooo much! Asking for an accident from the sounds of it.
  17. It has yet to be proved for sure but most astronomers believe that's the case... although the Sun doesn't really orbit the black hole, our solar system and millions of other planets/stars etc are all orbiting round the hole which is at the centre of our galaxy (the Milky Way).
  18. Agreed. Great frames for the money. Get one. Get several.
  19. Madeline was the oldest there (4? years old), who was in the room with her 2? year old twin brother/sister. No WAY should kids that young EVER be left alone anywhere!! Edit: and yeah, three kids in the room, two much smaller and only one was 'taken'. Or she could've just walked out but then she'd have been found
  20. Especially seeing as they're bloody doctors!! Come on people... how stupid are they?! I also read in the papers at the weekend that they may have regularly sedated the kids to keep them sleeping while they went out in the evenings... seriously not right.
  21. No, that's the picture I saw but I can't make out what class that was he won... Go Stuart!!
  22. I've thought from the start that it was very very dodgy. Even if she was kidnapped, the parents need dragged into the street and beaten for leaving their 3 children alone in a hotel room in a foreign country in the first place!! The whole thing didn't seem right. Then they went on a 100 day holiday to meet the pope, raising over £1000000 in donations and selling frickin' "Find Madeline" wrist bands! Then when a paper starts looking too closely at them they threaten to sue?! I mean, ffs, you have a child missing, the LAST thing they should be thinking of is sueing a damn newspaper for calling tehm suspects!! From that report though it looks like they are going to go down for it... if they don't commit suicide and kill their other two kids before that can happen... Too wierd
  23. Haha, James and Joe looking mighty impressed there!! Also, what class did Stuart Matthews win?! Quite a showing for the brits.
  24. Hi Tim, cheers for the info. Can I ask you how the BB's compare to something like an Echo or Try-All BB? The Moe is a good bit cheaper than either of these and seems to include neat design features which actually makes the Moe a better bet... Cheers, Dave Marshall
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