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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. The amount of power you have is just silly. Doesn't even look like you're trying for most of those sidehops and bunnyhops!! Also Kenny is so damn good at bouncing over people!! He must practice that a lot... Awesome vid!
  2. Jim Conner but from what I've heard he doesn't like just letting anyone go up there who he doesn't know so it's best if you can find someone who know's him (someone on the mototrials circuit for example) who can ask for you...
  3. Say what now? Last time I checked both frames are made of aluminium alloys...
  4. I don't believe how well Andrei was riding. He got round a whole lap of yellow on 3... His total for both laps was less than everyone else managed on their first lap alone!! Incredible ride without a doubt. Well done to everyone for making another wicked trial and for making sure it stayed dry! I'm a bit annoyed I didn't manage 3rd in Senior 'cos I was fully capable of it but just made a couple of stupid mistakes. 4th isn't too bad for an old timer though I guess!
  5. I want more more MORE!! Very nice and smooth Fred, really liked it. Dave
  6. You can run a seat on the Zoot. As with the T-Rex frames the conversion plate type thing can be used but looks a bit... ghetto. edit:
  7. Who do you know to get validated so quick?! With regards wheelies, there's probably stuff in the Wiki section but as a bit of advice you will never have perfect balance while wheelieing (how do you spell that?). You're always altering the fore/aft position of your body/the bike using the pedals and brakes and left/right balance is controlled with the bars and your knees. Takes time to get them dialled though like anything. Dave
  8. Get off your bloody high horse and shut the hell up!! Back on topic, I used to run a red Echo EM2 which came with blue stickers. I then went with blue rim tape, headset, zip ties etc and it looked pretty sweet. Usually works quite well if you pick up on the colours of the stickers on the frame or component colours. Dave
  9. 1) Chains stretch over time. One that's 4 years old (sidenote: do you want to die?! I change my chain every 3 months) will have stetched quite a bit compared to a new one. It's probably due to that stretch that it's now too tight. If you count the same number of links and then hold the chains up to each other, your old chain will probably be an inch longer than the new one. The pitch of the links will have been the same when new though. 2) I had a cheapy BB tool that wouldn't reach my ISIS cups due ot the uber long axle so bought a Race Face one. So really it should work... Did you put the BB in in the first place with the tool?! In which case you must be doing something wrong!! 3) Just get a KMC Kool chain and replace it around every 6 months and you're unlikely to kill yourself...
  10. I've used RS Graphics before and been really pleased with what they do... Don't know if that's any use?
  11. Loverly! Do you have a new rear rim yet Steve?!
  12. To be fair, if you saw him (and I use the term fairly loosely) walking down the street you'd probably think 'artist' or 'poet'... together with a few other stereotypical derogatory comments I won't mention here Is he really calling chavs romantic heroes?...
  13. Meh. I'm perfectly happy with XP and couldn't see a single advantage to Vista, particularly when it's fairly new. In a year when they fix all the bugs and release a Service Pack or two maybe I'll reinstall it. If the security is better, it's only until the hackers and virus people haven't had it long enough to expose the weaknesses. To clarify a bit, my GF's laptop is one of the cheap HP ones going for £299 on ebuyer with 512k RAM. When the box was opened the first thing we saw was the notice from HP saying that to run Vista MS recommends at least 2gb...
  14. My GF's new laptop came with it installed and I couldn't see anything that was better or easier than XP. The main differences I noted were 1) It slowed the computer down loads because it's so damn memory intensive and 2) Every time you click on anything it pops up asking you if you're sure you want to do that and flagging up possible security issues. Wasn't having any of that so wiped it clean and put XP on instead...
  15. Right click on the desktop and then select 'Personalise desktop' or something along those lines. Alternatively remove that Vista cr@p and install XP again...
  16. It's definitely a bit Marmite. Personally I think it looks really nice. The hump is a bit wierd but the rest of the bike is sexay. How long before they use the design on a Pr level bike though 'cos there's no frickin' way I'm spending £600 on a bicycle frame!!
  17. Strange question!! I really enjoy watching both. I've skateboarded and BMX'ed in my time and have to say that skateboarding is seriously difficult to get any good at. I have sooooo much respect for someone like Rodney Mullen it's unreal. Proper BMXers are also incredibly skilled and stupidly ballsy. Love watching BMX vids. I think you need to add 'inline skating' to the poll though 'cos that would get my vote. I used to be an 'aggressive inline skater' in my yoof and really enjoyed it but watching the X-Games 10 years later and nothing's progressed. The stuff you see today is exactly what Arlo Eisenburg (great name!) was doing back then. There's only so much you can do when you're attached to the skates. Meh.
  18. Cheers m' dears, have bought myself some hi rise (2") Easton EA30's and a pimp 20mm carbon headset spacer to finish the bike off.
  19. What's the concensus on bars? Would need to be 31.8 clamp and preferably have the same sort of sweep and rise as Onza Carbon risers (!). Are Easton EA30/50's strong enough for trials stuff? What about the Wingbars as mentioned above? Other options? Daylight pic: Dave
  20. Completely depends on gearing. Saying a rally car can only do 90mph is silly- they will be geared to only hit 90 if the rally demands it. However in somewhere like Sweden speeds can hit 120-130mph. If you were to use a standard power WRC car on a tarmac runway I'd guess it could hit 100mph in around 5-6 seconds.
  21. I know this thread was pretty much dead but would like to share: One of a few he signed for me. Got Jimmy's and Alistair's too. Part of a massive collection of my dad and I's including everyone from Ayrton Senna and Nigel Mansell to Graham Hill and Jacky Ickx. Dave
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