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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. That's a really wierd place for a crank to break... it must've been cracked for a good while to do that.
  2. Jebus Christ man, take a deep breath and chill the hell out!! With regards 'accusations against an innocent person' the only reason I put this up on here was someone on here might recognise the bike *if* it was stolen... you've got to admit that ad doesn't sound like anyone who's ever ridden a bike at all, let alone own a Coustellier high spec trials bike. So basically shut the hell up
  3. I'm using the Echo hub/tensioner set up on my Zoot and so far am really liking it. When I put the wheel in I pinch the bolts up to get the wheel in the right place then push the tensioner down while I do the bolt up properly. Hasn't slipped once and the only slack created is because the chain's new and is stretching a little. Nice. Simple. Works. Dave
  4. I think as an 'ex' police officer you seem to be overlooking some pretty strong evidence that this looks dodgy! Everything about that ad and the responses he's given to people screams STOLEN to me. Can't have been a very good police officer!
  5. 100% sure it's not a T-Rex. No square stays, onza plate gusset in seatstays or integated headset. Could be a destickered early Pitbull... Post up if you guys get a reasonable response from the seller... Dave
  6. As you say... interesting song choice. Next one gonna be to 'it's raining men'... or 'YMCA'?! Are those the places we've seen TRA ride in some of his vids? Looks immense! Nice vid fella, some nice lines in there. Dave Oh yeh, is your town twinned with Peterhead in the North East of Scotland?
  7. Hey guys, this may be genuine if it was put on by someone's dad or something but the description just makes it sound wrong so thought I'd post in case someone's lost a bike. Looks like a Coust or Coust copy... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/trials-bike_W0QQitem...meZWDVWQQrdZ1QQ I apologise for wasting your time if it's real. Dave edit: stupid link wouldn't work
  8. Heheh Let us know when the segment's likely to be on- I can't get Extreme but my mum and dad should be able to tape it for me . Cheers fella! Dave
  9. Ahahahaha... Jonny you stalker you!! I saw you eyeing her up after we'd finished... bet you have video footage that you watch again and again on your own hehe
  10. See, that could be a problem because the ones in those pictures have EVO mounts so you may have to pay to get 4 bolt mounts for them, unless you already have mounts in which case you're sorted!!
  11. Nope, when you undo the 5mm allen bolt that holds the lever blade onto the lever body the blade will come away without going near the piston or water/oil. Would be a straight swap for the red plastic one which should take about 15mins max.
  12. Hey dude, I've been riding for nearly 10 years (eek) and just got myself this to play on and so far really love it! Seems a really fun mix between proper trials and street. It bunnyhops like a beast and is nice for manuals, wallrides etc but I can also backwheel ~50" and sidehop ~48" just messing about. So yeah, good bike! You may want to upgrade the cranks and possibly rear hub but other than that it's a cracker! Dave
  13. New style lever? If so they do that. Threads in the plastic red bit mess up and the TPA screws up. Buy a 74Kingz thingy.
  14. Nice vid- those sections looked pretty extreme! Damn those boys are good... I've never understood the UCI events... ok so Kenny won every single UCI World Cup round this year and is World Champion... but Vincent won the UCI World Championships so he's also World Champion... That always bugged me about the downhill stuff too. Ah well, congratulations to Kenny for a clean sweep of the real championship!! And also well done to Ali C!
  15. Local bike shops are rip off merchants...They'd probably charge you a fiver to do it. As you say, just buy some loctite and do it yourself and you're sorted. Maybe you could then charge your mates £5 each to do theirs
  16. I've won... something. Got two main numbers and one of the random star numbers which apparently means I win something but the site haasn't updated the prize allocations yet. Not expecting much!
  17. Just whack some threadlock on the bolts and do the cranks up good and tight. Should do the job. Dave
  18. Just bought a few tickets... not gonna win if you don't try! Can't even start to imagine having access to that much money but hell would it be good!!
  19. Ok, new forks added 'cos the ones Spunkey Monkey Boy sold with the bike were cracked . Also got the EA30's on now and changed the tyres to something a little more 'streety' (still not sure about the front as it's a cheap Tioga Comp III 2.125 but seems to do the job, may end up getting a 2.4 Moto for the rear and sticking the 2.2 on the front... good idea?). More comments welcome. Dave
  20. I've used them a few times (actually got some bars and a stem stacker coming tomorrow) and most of time their on a par with CRC. One thing to note is that all my emails from them went to my Junk folder in Hotmail so be sure to check... For this order they didn't tell me they were having to order the bars in from Easton direct but when I phoned they let me know the score and all was well again! Dave Edit: Oh yeah, and Samdoman... cheers for the brake- got it on and set up and it works perfectly!
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