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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Bollocks edit: At least that grumpy Spanish arse didn't win the Championship though.
  2. he can still do it... I'm very worried about the gearbox though. Every part of me that can be crossed currently is!! GO LEWIS!!
  3. Just came accross this on Pijin... taking weight saving just a little far methinks? They've removed the actual cups which the headset bearings should sit in and left only the 45deg mating surface for them to rest on. How long before we see it on a trials bike or is it a bit OTT?
  4. Off on another tangent... would anyone care to explain to me sidecar trials? It just doesn't make sense to me. Trials=riding over obstacles (on a 2 wheel bike which wants to fall over) while maintaining balance and not putting your feet down. Sidecar=vehicle with 3 wheels which is inherently stable meaning you ought never have to put your feet down. So yeah, does everyone go round clean in sidecar trials or what?! Just sounds stupid to me! Sorry for the OTness
  5. Excellent use of the Queen's English!! Yeah, those sound like the Zoot wheels. I've changed the rear hub on mine because I wasn't sure about the Onza rear hub although it felt reasonable- nice solid feeling engagement (I didn't actually ride the bike with the hub though...). Haven't had any problems with the rims though. Dave
  6. Hope Lewis can do it but wonder what it'd be like for him if it did... His entire life he's been fighting to become F1 World Champion... he wins it at his first try (like most other things he's tried) so what next? There is no bigger achievement in motorsport other than doing it 10 times over. Would still be incredible if he did it though. Fingers crossed
  7. 131 but I really hate those things... I swear some of the questions are totally random! Meh.
  8. My only experience has been that they take ages and suck arse... Last ones I received (never sent any) took around 2 weeks and then eventually failed. Great.
  9. Can't say I've ever stripped a pedal thread in my life, on any type of crank of any material... good idea if it were a problem though!
  10. I would've been tempted by Middleburns on my 24 if they would just make some to run FFW... They're really missing a trick there. Out of the two options though, I'd probably say Try-All although I really don't like the way they look and would never buy a set myself!! Dave
  11. It's hardly new but I do love it for some reason... It should annoy me due to it's complete random irrelevance but I love it!!
  12. As I said before all the scousertrials bashing, I posted because this is a trials forum with a large (inter)national membership and as such someone might recognise the bike if it were stolen (the ad is mighty suspicious... I don't know anyone who would ever own a Coust who would know so little and doubt anyone would accept such a specialist bike as part exchange on a car if they had absolutely no idea of it's worth) and may think twice before bidding on it incase it were dodgy.
  13. Never done a database in my life... Best I can do is this or this? Top hits from Google
  14. You really are a grumpy Scouse arse aren't you? Back on topic, sad news to hear you're leaving TB, Dave but the company is as strong as it's ever been from what I can tell and fantastic oportunities simply don't come around every day. Grab it with both hands and run with it. Good luck with the new venture fella!! Dave
  15. Indeed. Or over half the weight of a Monty 221Ti in trials terms!
  16. Yeah, sorry, for those who don't know the name, Michael has ridden for many years at the top level, competing until very recently in club, national and world level representing the UK at the BIU rounds. He also appeared in a 'Hop Idol' type thing in MBUK a few years back riding an X-Street labelled Saracen X-Tort. He still rides the odd Hampshire trial (which his dad Terry runs and his mum Hazel regularly observes at) and the family are possibly the nicest bunch of people in the world!
  17. Got a call from Terry this morning to say that Michael and his wife Lucy are the proud parents of a 10lb bouncing baby boy! Born at about 2am this morning and named Finlay (spelling not confirmed yet!!). Terry's already treated him to a Monty 202 so watch out in about 14-15 years! Anyway, congratulations to Michael, Lucy and of course proud grand parents Terry and Hazel. Dave
  18. *applause* for thoroughness and time spent on that Yar, yar.
  19. Damnit people, stop telling him it's fine- that's not a crack, it's SNAPPED! Completely dangerous to carry on riding it like that. Zipties?! Drill it?! WTF?! Buy a new one mate! I prefer to think of it like an Aero... full of little air bubbles. Awesome quality. Awesome.
  20. To be fair, I've ridden Monty cranks for probably 5 or 6 years and have never bent or broken a single one... Only problem I ever had was stripping the thread so I couldn't use a crank extractor on an arm once. And I'm not exactly the smoothest rider and I regularly go pretty big. I'm with Scopse
  21. Hey dude, I've been riding for nearly 10 years (eek) and just got myself this to play on and so far really love it! Seems a really fun mix between proper trials and street. It bunnyhops like a beast and is nice for manuals, wallrides etc but I can also backwheel ~50" and sidehop ~48" just messing about. So yeah, good bike! You may want to upgrade the cranks and possibly rear hub but other than that it's a cracker! Dave
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