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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Fair enough, it's just there isn't a 221Ti stem which isn't carbon effect so I was just wonderin'. Dave
  2. But they're not actually carbon... Or at least they never used to be.
  3. No fair! I want one Looks seriously lush. Really think Montesa should sell the Repsol bikes with the orange rims though... so much nicer! Have fun Ben. Dave
  4. I cracked a couple of older ones, maybe 2/3 years ago but MRS told me it was a dodgy batch. Was yours a new version?
  5. All the ones I've seen that have broken have been the newer style ones without the recess in the front of the arms... is that the case?
  6. Had an account for ages but never bothered to do anything with it so here you go. Currently only have 1 friend so feel free to add me if you fancy... or just laugh at me for being such a social retard. Dave
  7. That's beautiful, even with the ginger rims... Always loved the look ofthe Kot since seeing Matt Staples' in London. However... how long before we see a full build Inspired belonging to you on here Mr Tart?!
  8. I've ridden trials for 10 years. For about 6 of those years I've ridden Monty cranks. Never bent or snapped a single one. Only problem I've ever had was stripping the crank extractor thread on an old set a few years back. Still happily running the standard PR ones on my bike after a year and all good. Tensiles wise I had a set of the older style UCI ones for about 2 years and managed to bend one once but never snapped one or had any problems. Conclusion: You're all obviously fat. Dave
  9. Ah, ok... when I open it in IE it turns at about half the speed it does in firefox and I can make it change direction and see both ways. When it spins quickly in firefox I can only see the anti-clockwise. Wierd
  10. I must be wierd 'cos I can only see it go anti-clockwise (from the top)... I am a very lefty brain person though so that's what I should see... right?
  11. I thought the British Championships had finished? Last round was at Hook Woods... you must mean the UK National Biketrial Championship Nice trophy anyways
  12. Seriously impressive stuff! As Scott said, looks like a wicked event too. We all know Kenny's incredible but Raga really is rather special too! Dave
  13. I've always managed to ride and save... well, ride and also buy expensive toys and put some away for a rainy day. It's quite wierd 'cos I earn very little really yet I save more than my sister who works for UBS in Canada earning ~£45k+... guess it's down to lifestyle in the end. Dave
  14. Really? I'm really liking my Zoot, although I have nothing to compare it to 24" wise... Think an Inspired may well be on the cards when they're released though. Just gotta decide what colour to get... Dave
  15. It's a new thing on ebay where they basically keep bidders identities secret. They are reaal bids and if you placed a bid your ID wouldn't be shown, you'd just appear as 'Bidder 4' or whatever. Doesn't seem to happen on all auctions though which confuses me...
  16. Yup, it's Bikerider's... found here and here. He's been trying to flog it for months... I offered him money for some parts if he split but he seems determined to sell it complete! Dave
  17. Sounds like a good night... was the 'criminal damage' evidence riding vids/pics?!!
  18. Don't want to give anything away that isn't in the public domain so until Dave or someone comes on and clarifies, have a look at this. Dave edit: Frame Geo: wheelbase - 1040mm chainstays - 385mm bb rise - +35mm head angle - 73 brake spacing - 90mm seatpost size - 27.2mm seatclamp - 31.8mm bb shell - 68mm Frame Spec: weight - ~4.5lbs (2kg) tubing - 7005, extra thick downtube and chainstays tyre clearance - 24x2.7 The frames are coming in powdercoat gloss white with grey graphics and gloss black with white graphics. 24" specific but designed to run perfectly with 26" fork length (400-405mm ideally). Price is aimed at £299 or less, depends mainly on shipping costs. Should be available in November as mentioned in Dave's blog.
  19. At the moment 20" for comps and 24" for playing on so can't vote. Started on stock back in 1997 and changed to mod in around 2000. Then went back to stock in about 2004/5 and then went back to mod in 2006. Just got the 24" a few weeks back.
  20. Some interesting choices... honda civic type R's and anything VAG. Mmmmkay! For me it would be the McLaren F1 LM. Probably the most perfect car ever produced.
  21. Yeah but Toyota could pay him more than he can imagine so if all he wants is $$ he'd be laughing (to be fair I'd quite like him to retire and disappear from the circuit)! Yup... the kid's very fast in Champ Cars so could be interesting. Reckon he may be in the real Red Bull team in 2009 if all goes well, by which time they may have even worked out how to get the best out of Adrian Newey's car... and with a bit of luck his leaving the US scene could give Justin Wilson a run at the Champ Car Championship
  22. ok, so I'm the exception to the rule but my muscle mass is still explosive- there's very little true 'strength' there.
  23. But as has been said many times before, it's quite a specific type of muscle which is required to be useful for trials. Bulk on it's own doesn't really help, in fact it probably hinders more than anything. What's important is that explosive power which doesn't have to mean high muscle mass (look at phil williams, CLS or even Sam Wheeler (sorry Sam!)).
  24. To be honest you use most of the muscle groups for virtually every move in trials. Just backhopping you can tell you're using your arms, shoulders, back, stomach and legs so it'd be almost impossible to identify any important muscles.
  25. David Belle rocks. Also on that page I have to laugh when I see the 'Tour De France Extreme Jump' where the freerider jumps and crashes over the roadies... Woulda been cool if he hadn't crashed and burned like that. Foo'
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