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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. lol. Post a pic if you can so we can see how you've got it set up.
  2. Nope. That's an opinion. I personally don't mind having a kickabout and I don't even mind watching the odd game but I can't stand all the cr@p that goes with it, namely the 'fans'. It pisses me off so much when people say 'we should've won'- no, YOU didn't do a damn thing apart from probably get wasted watching and maybe trying to start a fight with the other side. The majority of the players are also a joke with their diving etc and are over paid by such a stupid amount it's not even funny. All in all, I agree with Krisboats.
  3. Ok, so me and Adam seem to have had our wires crossed. Turns out there was a white one of the first batch still available which I've now duly snapped up! Should arrive on Monday Now... anyone want to buy an Onza Zoot frame in sky blue?... Dave
  4. You know you want to 24's mucho fun!! As I've already said, the frames look completely awesome- welding and general look is soooo nice! Look forward to seeing some other products in the future and also some more of Danny Mac's insanity... And you can definitely put me down for a white frame when the next batch come in Dave
  5. I think he means that the only compulsory item of clothing on a motorcycle (of any kind/capable of any speed) is a helmet. Apart from public decency laws you could legally ride a motorcycle in nothing but a helmet and a loin cloth.
  6. I remember reading somewhere that drivers tend to leave more room for cyclists who aren't wearing helmets so if that's the case you're actually safer not wearing one when riding on the road...
  7. Only in certain states in the US. Never in the UK. I'd say maybe they should be compulsory for under 16's or something but not necessarily everyone... they're obviously a good plan though
  8. The way I see it, Microsoft is insanely successful (first with the technology and no one can get close now) and fair enough I guess but Apple are just plain obtuse and awkward for the sake of it.
  9. It's a shame Apple made the iPod... I would absolutely hate them if they hadn't. As it stands I quite like (the functionality of) iPods but I really can't stand Apple. I agree with Scopse- they're 100 times worse than Microsoft, nothing is compatible with any of their products if they didn't make it. That's just cr@p if you ask me. Hate their computers and hate the way they operate as a company. Meh. But then again I own a nokia 5140 and don't care what it looks like or does so long as it can send messages and make/receive calls... which it does just fine!! Guess I'm just an unfashionable old fart.
  10. Edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit edit
  11. I'm really happy with the Zoot geo- feel like I can mess around with spinny streety type stuff but can also keep up with most when it comes to 'proper' trials. I'm running 18/14 with 165 cranks which was a little harder than I'm used to for trials but have got used to it and am happy with it. Dave
  12. D'oh. Ah well, at least you won't see the Scot's burning cars and rioting just because they lost...
  13. Video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video video. Please.
  14. There used to be a free 'student' version of ProDesktop available for download from their site but I don't know what the score is now. I personally use something a bit special which I'm not going to name on here but it's very good Solidworks is quite a good package but not my favourite.
  15. Threads don't get toleranced. 1.37" x 24 tpi is what it is. The die used for tapping that thread is as accurate as the tool makers make it, end of story. Dave
  16. Depends how old and battered it is and what components it's got. If you're talking just a frame though I'd say no... Do you have any pics? Dave
  17. The real question you should all be asking is what would jesus do?
  18. Dunno if this is much use but for something simlar to what you're talking about (totally different topic) I used the following structure. Introduction What it says on the tin, introduce the topic and the reason a lit review is necessary. Justification Again, giving very brief info on the papers you've chosen and why you've chosen them. Why are they relevant? What areas do they look into? Overview Using necessary sub-headings, discuss fairly briefly what is contained within each paper and their conclusions and findings. State any reservations the author has with the work or any issue's you've picked up on but don't go too far. Critical Reflection This is where you can start being critical of the papers, picking up on problems you can see and any discrepancies between the papers. It's about picking holes without being too nasty... I used the same sub-headings as the previous section so that it all kinda relates and flows a bit better. Discussion This is a kind of summary of what you've found out. I basically did a paragraph on each of the papers/topics, indicating the shortcomings of their work but also the positive, useful aspects. Concluding Comments Short and sweet indicating whether you've sussed out what you hoped to in the Introduction... References Finally, you need to list the publications you've cited in the text. Hope that's of some use to you... Dave
  19. Inspired all the way! Or a zoot if you want that long low and UCI look
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