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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Riders have been shot at in soton... with an air rifle from those dodgy flats opposite the train station. Nice folks down there!
  2. I thought you were sponsored by Gu Ash...
  3. Am I the only one who's kinda disturbed by this pic... That looks as unnatural and wierd as I've seen in a posed shot... and what is that kid looking at/doing?! To be completely honest with regards the site, if you're planning making a go at charging people to design their site, take that down or completely redo it. And that stupid 'made on a cac' thing is still there... Sorry for being so negative but there you go. I like sky blue when used well though... but not striped like a Jean Paul Gaultier tshirt
  4. Will see what the weather's doing... tempting. Dave
  5. Get your blinkered fashionable 24" head outa here!!
  6. Looks strangely familier... not sure why Looks really good mate, hope you enjoy it!! Dave
  7. Already seen to Just can't be bothered reuploading pics for such a minor change! Stem was advised by Ads so I'm not going to complain- I thought it might be too long but seems to be working out great, gives you a bit more room up front but can still bunnyhop to the sky when necessary! Dave
  8. People need to watch The Story of Biketrial...
  9. My comments extend beyond trials coverage. I'm interested in bikes in general, and am happy to see stuff on downhill, freeride, xc etc but for a good year or more before I cancelled my subscription, the mag was just a bit, well, pants. The stories bugged me and you could tell they just make half of the crap up to make the story sound better. The reviews were biased and often incorrect and I just couldn't deal with it anymore. The fact that trials only got a couple of pages an issue was a minor reason as to why I can't stand the mag. I guess I just grew out of it.
  10. MBUK has pissed me off for many, many years! Haven't bought an issue for probably 6 years now. Completely agree with their annoying take on trials and lack of any real coverage, hence why I don't bother with it anymore. Rank's a good description. Boggin's not far off either
  11. Umm... not really. The best way I can put it is that the heatsink is a streettrials and the Inspired is more a streettrials bike... does that make sense?!
  12. Sorry for replying (again) but they are kinda designed for different riding styles. The heatsink is a shorter frame making it a bit more flicky and BMX like but the Inspired is a little longer with more trials-oriented geometry. For me, as a trials rider first and foremost, I like the trialsy feel of the Zoot/Inspired which still feels really nice for more streety stuff as well. But then I would say that!
  13. Shaun went away on a tour of duty (he's a Navy chopper pilot by day) and left the business in the incapable hands of some skater punk who basically let the business crumble around him. A guy called Tim from Portland took it over and from what I understand still occasionally does a little bit of trading as X-Street but nothing much. Shaun's still around, saw him the other day being a marshal at the Weymouth beach motocross but haven't spoken to him for a while. Dave
  14. At present Inspired have just released the Fourplay frame. I think there may well be other products in the future but for now it's just the frame. The first limited batch sold out in about 2 days and the next big shipment is due in in the next few weeks. I don't think there will be an Inspired complete bike available but Tarty will be more than happy to custom build one to your spec. Dave
  15. I think the full build in one go would retail at around £1000... So not exactly cheap, but built over a bit of time it's not too bad. I bought the Zoot for £350 and upgraded a load of bits then changed some more bits before changing to the Inspired frame. Got on really well with the Zoot- it's a really under rated bike. With a few minor changes it was set up as a really good street trials rig. Only just got the Inspired but so far so good is all I can say. Just have a look at Danny Mac to see what's possible on a 24"! Dave
  16. Umm... I think that's what he wants advice on... excellent post there You know you want one
  17. Bike looks aweful IMO and brakeless trials sounds like a swear word (phrase?) to me!! Will be interesting to see what he comes up with though...
  18. I had a Macneil slim on my BMX but didn't really like it, kinda wished I'd gone for something a little more padded and comfy. Also all the damn pivotal stump posts are only available in 25.4mm... DMR (rebadged Macneil) and Macneil standard are the only ones that offer 27.2 but you can't properly slam them. Will change the saddle eventually but need to track down the right one first. Dave
  19. That boy is simply insane! Love it!! Can't wait for the full vid You seem to have missed the link for the high quality versions (I may just be being blind...) so for everyone else check out Inspired Bicycles and navigate to the media section . Dave
  20. But it's not big enough to support a pure trials shop when people can buy stuff from Tarty and have it delivered the next day (usually!). I also don't really see any advantage to having a shop to visit. Most components can be purchased without problem online without seeing it in person. Just doesn't seem financially viable...
  21. Good luck but I doubt you'll be able to take much trade away from TartyBikes/Select etc. Hard to improve on perfection Ok, so I'm not exactly unbiased but still...
  22. Cool. I'll give you sixty quid for it, yeah? lol To be honest, the weather's been so bad I haven't had a chance to ride it properly yet. First impressions are that it's fairly similar to the Zoot but more stable for manuals 'cos of the slightly longer back end. Will update when I've had a proper chance to ride it! I'll probably eventually get a 'proper' seat like a Shadow Conspiracy or Fit but will ride it as is for now. Dave
  23. What motorbike do you have? Make sure to post that up when it's done- you have a real talent from the looks of things!
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