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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Looks a little like it's been taken from another picture and the background photoshopped out... if I knew any better I'd have said there should be a man standing quite close behind her... And that looks kinda like the heads been photoshopped on from another pic as well! Wierd. Excellent find, Boswell...
  2. Dude. Seriously. Being a rather ungeeky, sheltered child, I didn't even know you could use third party software. But as a hater of itunes and most things Apple I may give one of these a go too...
  3. [sarcasm]Ah, right, gotcha. Never realised[/sarcasm]. Already given my opinion, and the Santa comment is just a bit of fun in line with my views... Oh yeah, and I was under the impression that Easter also had something to do with this jesus dude you mention...
  4. Allready happened in Australia apparently, although it was not banned, as such, but up to the individual 'Santa's' discretion. They were told they should say Ha Ha Ha instead. No Joke. Edit: Link to story. My sister, who works in an accounting firm in Toronto, had a meeting the other day about what to call their Christmas Party. Apparently the word Christmas may offend people so they're going to be having a "holiday celebration" or "winter celebration" or "holiday party"... Plus all cards must read Happy Holiday. If you ask me that's just completely retarded. Everyone knows December 25th is just Santa's birthday, why is that offensive?!
  5. You should apply for a job on Top Gear, Chris...
  6. You said it ! For mod, I've always used 158 cranks with 18/12 gearing. If it's good enough for the likes of Ot Pi and Cesar Canas, it's good enough for me! But as has been said, it's down to preferance and whatever you get, you'll get used to it after about 20 minutes. Dave
  7. Ah, you're still just a wee nipper!! 25's much like 24 to be honest... although I have managed to cane my back riding recently for the first time in about 9 years...
  8. Interesting topic. Personally, I can't stand religion. To me it's a waste of space and seems to simply give people a reason to be crappy to each other together with giving weak people a flock to follow and a sense of bellonging. Now, don't get me wrong, the ideas behind religion are good: Be nice to each other, don't rape, murder, steal etc... but as has been pointed out that's simply common sense, nothing more. Also, if you look at the original bible, rather than the watered down modern version (don't quote me, I've never looked at a bible except to see if they have a page 666...), there's a lot of dodgy stuff in there about allowing people to do some really nasty things but that's by the by. Although I'm completely open to people believeing what they want, I personally 1) Get really annoyed when someone tries to preach their beliefs to other people. Those guys you see on the streets telling everyone they're in for an eternity in damnation really need to go have a long think about their lives... and 2) Am really disappointed that there are so many young people who are strongly religious. To me there is simply no logic behind Christianity, for example, and I don't understand how anyone with any kind of free thought can believe the rubbish the church peddle... With all respect to Andy and his girlfriend for finding happiness, I find the idea of 'having a personal relationship with jesus' kinda scary. At the end of the day, the only reason I can find for the existence of religion is control through fear. If everyone's petrified of going to hell for eternity unless they follow all the rules and regs and pray to the correct god then they're more likely to behave themselves and cause less problems for those in power. Also, religion at its roots was created by humans to explain what they were unable to explain and give themselves a reason for being. In this day and age we know a hell of a lot more about the Universe in which we live in and how we and the world on which we live on came about. In this world religion has very little place... Kudos for the Ricky Gervais link... let me add this to the fray. Watch me.
  9. Damn. I'm flying up to Scotland at some ungodly hour on Friday 21st. However, my thoughts will be with you all and I would be more than happy to contribute to finishing the Mini. Ride In Peace fella and Nick- you're doing an amazing job of keeping everything together. Stay strong man.
  10. Tragic, so sorry to hear this. Again, my thoughts are with his family and friends. RIP fella.
  11. Man, that's aweful. My thoughts are with his friends and family and I look forward to hearing the good news of him turning up. Keep us updated. Dave
  12. I'd heard something might be happening on Wednesday... but it was all being kept hush hush.
  13. I don't doubt it at all, but you never held that one did you?! Only Dave A can hold stupid things like that I thought! Less of the grumpy old man too you wee unt
  14. Think you should've changed your avatar/profile pic thing at the same time... try and lose some recent grudges people have taken up... Unlikely to change mine... didn't even know I could until this thread!
  15. Tucks and taps are for girls Ash never made that sidehop did he?! Dave
  16. Thanks Looks really good dude, the black rims/tyres look really good on it Dave
  17. TartyBikes for all things trials related, usually Chain Reaction or UK Bikestore for anything random and non trialsy. Dave
  18. It was absolutely immaculate until I let Ash have a go opposite Red Funnel. Tried to bunnyhop the wall and didn't. Brick wall to downtube interface resulted in the Inspired first dent. Downtube's got 2mm walls though so doubt it'll affect it much.
  19. Another vote for Hamilton although I reckon Toseland deserves it. Hamilton's gonna be World Champion for the next ten years in F1 so he'll have plenty of opportunities!
  20. I thought it was quite good actually... apart from a couple of little things, Ash... Shame about the rain but didn't stop play too much. Dave (White Inspired Fourplay that Ash christened...)
  21. That's ok. It's only if it starts cracking there that you should think about going into hiding However, seeing as the downtube on Inspired's have 2mm wall thickness I don't think it should be a problem. I think it's just white enough Dave
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