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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Below the belt, Chris!! Whatever happened to Ian anyway?... Can't wait to see Rowan's signature frame- I still think it'll just be an 04 Pure with his name on it
  2. Good stuff! Pictures look so much better with nice blue skies... Some good shots in there I'm the guy on the Monty Pr with orange rims that looks far too small for him... Edit: a few random ones of me my GF took on the day... let me know if you can see them 'cos they're scrounged off of Facebook. Excellent shadow
  3. I take it you were about to eat it in that first pic? I can't swim so tend to avoid the water...
  4. What's the best bet for parking in Bristol? Also if anyone from the East Dorsetish area wants a lift, weather permitting I'll be driving up. Dave
  5. Might come up for this if the weather looks good... will miss Rowan though
  6. Well it's about bloody time that Rowan got hooked up with a proper deal!! All the best to the new team, gonna be insane!
  7. Seems to crash at 9 mins anyway. Ah well, back to watching 'Monster in law' with the GF...
  8. Had a good day, Tank's bike was riding stunningly as usual and good to catch up with some peeps I haven't seen for aagggeeesss... Smo and Prawn particularly as I can't even remember the last time I rode with them! Also, Mr Quiggley seriously needs some lessons in changing inner tubes... Pics please?! Dave (white Inspired)
  9. How come the valve comes through the join of the rim? The hole for the valve is always opposite the join... for good reasons I thought!
  10. Have done bigger on walls obviously but that's the only one I have on vid. Meh.
  11. £950.00 frame only... ahahahahaha, that's just obscene!! I'll just wait until the Kamel design filters down to the next PR equivalent...
  12. Strange choice for a vid comp thread... mmmkay... Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Only vid I have of me doing a wheel swap No idea how high it is though.
  13. Good stuff, what you got your eye on car wise? The best people, of course, get 3 minors...
  14. Ho-ly shit that mini's got a lot of negative camber on it!! Does that much actually help?! I used to run leccy RC's- had a Kyosho Raider buggy and then a Tamiya Vanessa's Lunchbox (hell yeah!) monster truck thing. Keep thinking about getting another one but I've already got too many toys and I'd just break it...
  15. Ok, that definitely looks better, and I reckon with a carefully chosen seat that will look sweet In answer to Mr Fish, no the frame's aren't available with disc mounts, 4 bolt only. Dave
  16. Haha, good choice- my dad's mad on the Gulf Porsche 917's of the 60's/70's and I think he nearly wet himself when Aston revealed the new livery!! Blue looks like it ought to be a little paler maybe but looks sweet. Also, if you ever get bored of the Gulf theme you can slap some Irn Bru stickers on it!
  17. Doesn't work in my opinion... nice build, nice bike but the pink just doesn't look right for some reason...
  18. Ok, kudos to anyone who can remind me of the trials rider who used to ride demo's etc on a Peugeot trials bike back in ~1997 ish... Met him a couple of times and gave some really good advice when I was just starting up. Dave
  19. Did I used to have an OTM (Observed Trials Magazine for people who haven't been riding since the stone age) that had a picture of Mike Steidley riding one in a river in Japan...? For some reason I think I may have! Mzarek frame Dave
  20. Nice. Use the search, plenty in here on them.
  21. Other than fixing the object error, have you tried fiddling the 'smooth angle' and 'surface deviation for 3d solids' in the geometry tab and maybe the auto-smooth threshold in the spline rendering tab?
  22. Is there no way of changing the tolerances of the exported AutoCAD file? And have you tried exporting as a different format and importing it back into 3dsm? Just stabs in the dark by the way 'cos I'm used to messing about between CAD systems but not the ones in question.
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