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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. What do you guys do to your Echo cranks to mess up the pedal threads?! The only way to do that is to continue riding with loose pedals surely? Which means it's nothing to do with the cranks... I've been running Echo forged cranks on my 24 for about 4 months now without any problems whatsoever. Anyway, good luck getting the sprocket off... those things can be really difficult to remove although with enough leverage and possibly the correct application of heat it can be done without too much hassle.
  2. I've never had a freewheel that doesn't do this to some degree... my current ENO on Echo forged set up does it worse than any I've ever had... ah well!
  3. I've been really pleased with it. Haven't ridden much in the wet but it's held for everything I've thrown it at and rolls nice and fast. Have had a few pinch's but that partly my fault for running skinny tubes. Seat already comes with a hollow bolt, can't be bothered changing bolts on bikes- I just turn on my anti-gravity... Bars are Easton EA30 Hi Rise bars. Cut down by about 1" to make x-up's a little less awkward for my old wrists and shoulders! Ah, go on go on go on go on go on... You'll like it!
  4. Strangely enough, I used a shim !! Not many people seem to do 25.4-27.2 but Cane Creek do and I managed to get one from UKBikestore.co.uk although I believe TartyBikes will be carrying them soon. Dave
  5. Yet you're still averaging over 2 posts per day on trials-forum... I find it really quite strange that so many people frequent this forum who don't actually ride.
  6. It is just visible in the second and third pics already...
  7. Very cool vid- Danny's tree line was awesome (what is it with that boy and trees?)! Looked like an excellent ride. Dave, proud to be a Danny Mac wannabe
  8. Decided to change a couple of bits on the bike; Changed the Hope rotor (which was cracked in about 8 places...) to a nice Gusset R-Series and have changed the old skool pashley seat for a nice Federal Slim Pivotal seat with Slammed post (silly light for a BMX setup). So here we go: I like it. A lot. Edit: pictures look much better if you click through to the full size images.
  9. 54% actually ride... that's sad... and shocking. Maybe there needs to be a usedtoridetrials-forum. Been riding since 97, don't ride as much as I used to but still out a couple of times a week to keep the skillz New vid soon... hopefully.
  10. I imagine you could still quite easily kill someone with it in one blow though which makes it rather stupid to carry around expecting to use it. No comment on the real issues here as it's all been said. I just hope for your sake the guy pulls through... at 75 though he'll never fully recover.
  11. Looks really nice. Cranks will definitely help and I'd say go for a 'proper' seat too rather than the mini one...
  12. Pretty sure it's a pimpy TrialTech titanium UCI guard:
  13. That's ok then I've thought similar things before and it's just down to the angle the pic's taken at and the curvature of the fork legs. Just ignore me...
  14. Looks noice... although is it just me or do the forks look bent in that pic?! Shame it'll be getting so muddy on the 9th
  15. Fair enough, they seem like a bit of a strange bunch over the pond- don't usually hold back on their true thoughts...
  16. Yeah, that's what I thought... hopefully the end of dangerous moving grips. We'll see!
  17. Hahahaha.. I mean... oh dear Ash. Sent off my entry today Also just bought a new set of pads, lock on grips and stem to get the 221Pr back into tip top (ish) condition.
  18. Tell me that's not a 1/8" chain on there...? Could save another ~50g running a 3/32" surely?
  19. Oh. My. God. That's just insane Ads!! Looks gorgeous though. Are we talking Ti spokes throughout? Possible issues with the discs or not? As the Kool-Aid Guy would say...
  20. Explained in the OTN thread- ten laser cut stainless steel sections welded together then fixed to the rim. Not convinced that can produce a straight, true disc in the first place, and that's not taking into account the fact that if you buckle the wheel by more than about half a mm (that's about everyone who rides trials then...) it will rub like a crazy rubby thing.
  21. Haha, I love the way the Americans are absolutely loving this, telling him to go into full blown worldwide production and patents... It's not a new idea, it doesn't seem that good an idea for trials and as OBM's said, he's not exactly the standard of rider who either needs or can properly utilise a brake like that...Props to the NZ dude for giving it a go and making a working prototype but Americans are such losers
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