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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Nah of course not, you could do that stuff on anything from a BMX to a full sus downhill rig, well you know what I mean- backhop to drop and 270 to drop etc might be a little awkward on a 9" travel rig but you could do it on any trials bike. Basically, 24" tend to be quite stereotyped into only being used for 'shit BMX' which is kind of what they're designed for. However, I just wanted to show that they can equally be used in the woods and what would be considered 'proper' street trials (TGS without the T) combined with a bit of more BMXey oriented stuff... as I said, just something a little different
  2. Just had someone ask where this is... Linky.
  3. Cheers, it's in Ringwood forest, just North of Ringwood town which is North of Bournemouth... http://www.flashearth.com/?lat=50.848673&a...r=0&src=msl Paste that into the address bar.
  4. Nah, the echo tensioner kept the chain from completely falling off but you can't really call it a tensioner because it doesn't put any tension in the chain... Especially with running FFW the loose spot was just annoying me. 74Kingz for the win/annd jam/and marmalade/and general confiture.
  5. Yeah, Just head for Verwood from Ringwood and it's on the left. Still a little under developed but there's actually a meeting there on Saturday morning about what to build next. I know. Was just something to do really and to show that 24" bikes don't just have to be used for shit BMX (even when running silly pressures and street tyres on wet wood). Will be trying to put together a 'proper' vid when the weather gets better...
  6. Hey peeps, got bored this afternoon so decided to go into the woods today for a play on the 24". Filmed in about half an hour between showers and thrown together in Windows Movie Maker in another half hour this evening... Comments welcome but don't be too mean (I'm no Jonny Jones ok...) Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Dave P.S. track is The Gamits 'Broken In (Demo Version)' Edit:
  7. Ah, I thought it was a cunning ploy to fool us all
  8. Who's Steve Rowland, Dave?! Another entirely unbiased opinion there Anyway, looking forward to seeing Danny pulling some stupid lines on a full build soon. Dave
  9. Excellent work . Looks really good- have added a link to the HBTC wiki page.
  10. They are on Flickr... Edit: Click me.
  11. Your best bet is probably to get in touch with Anthony Rew (kelly farm trials on here) and ask where to get an entry form from. Because you're not a 'regular' at comps you won't automatically get the forms sent out... Also, to update this thread a little, to compete in the British Championship rounds you only need an ACU license. The BIU is only required if you're going to represent the UK at the Worlds. Also, the latest round info is as follows: Round 1 - 27 April 2008, Devon. Round 2 – 28 June 2008, Portland, Dorset . Round 3 - 13 July 2008, Rochdale, Lancashire. Round 4 – 21 September 2008, Hook Woods, Surrey.
  12. Very good day. Started off riding like poo (rusty and out of practice) but things came together at the end and even managed to get through Rob Smith's section (section 1) that beat me 3 out of 4 laps...
  13. I'd be wary of running a 'very short' stem... Not if you want to do some proper trials on the bike. My setup on my Inspired is a Simtra ReSyStem which is 115x15 together with hi rise (2") Easton EA30's. Seems perfect- bunnyhops like a beast but is also comfortable sidehopping and gapping etc.
  14. I think you need to be careful not to over stress the springs when you put it on (instuctions are on TartyBikes) and I've heard of a couple of people breaking the springs but that could be related to not putting it together right. Very simple to put right though if anything did happen to it.
  15. Nice... I think the 74Kingz is the nicest solution. Simple, very little to go wrong and you don't really have to worry about smashing it on anything like the mech-esque ones likethe Rohloff, Tensile etc.
  16. How have they patented a shaft drive system? That's exactly what's been used on cars and some motorbikes for nearly 100 years surely?! A little unecessary for push bikes I'd have thought but a nice little addition to a cruiser type bike. Wouldn't think there's any future in trials because it would put a lot of stress through small bevel gears and is likely to end up heavier than a chained setup, as Endohopper has mentioned.
  17. Not bothered about saving 70g but have just bought a new set of white MG-1's from Taiwan for £20 delivered on ebay... Should look good on the Inspired
  18. Ding ding ding! (+1) Although the Boxx deserves a mention too.
  19. Woop, just ordered some white magnesium pedals for the bike and just taken delivery of a 74Kingz tensioner courtesy of elliot@eastcoast to do away with the slightly annoying unsprung echo tensioner. Should make the bike just about perfect
  20. I'm not sure... I only had my zoot for a couple of weeks but looking at the headtube it looks exactly like the T-Rex one that took an internal h'set so it wouldn't surprise me. It would mess up the geometry a bit though I'd have thought, you'd have to compensate with uber high rise bars and loads of stem stackers maybe...
  21. Mwahaha!! More streety tyres just make my bike feel so much better... I guess I'd get used to the Maxxis' if I rode them for a while but until I find something the DMR's and tioga can't handle I'm happy! Was even playing round on some jumps and North Shore stuff in the woods yesterday and no worries. Bike looks really nice, must be a beast on the street! Interesting colour choice too... kinda reminds me of what I'd expect the inside of a prison or battleship would look like!
  22. In what way? Looks right to me- they have the steel reinforcement ring on the headtube which makes the headset sit funny compared to normal frames... is that what you mean?
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