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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Try youtube and see what it comes out like?
  2. The pedal axle's are 9/16" so the thread will be some wierd imperial one... Edit: Sheldon Brown (RIP) states the pedal threads as 9/16" x 20 (i.e. 20 t.p.i), again obviously with one left hand and one right hand thread.
  3. Not sure about the thread size (Adam at TartyBikes will be able to tell you on Tuesday I reckon) but they are left and right hand specific so whatever thread it is you'll have to track down both a right and left handed tap in that size...
  4. Will you boys still be out whatever the weather?
  5. Anyone know much about Da Bomb frames? I've just bought one of these for the hell of it: And am gonna transplant all the bits from my Specialized Hardrock onto it. At £120 I didn't think I could go far wrong...
  6. Same really, would definitely be up for it if the weather wasn't supposed to be so poo...
  7. Well, to be fair, that's actually true. Anyone (with enough funds behind them) can be a race driver. They might not be a Lewis Hamilton but it certainly wouldn't stop you trying. I'd also say that there's a lot more skill involved in riding a trials bike well than hopping around (on your feet) like a numpty. As has been said, I'd hazard a guess that the only people who can make this look less than stupid would be muscular black guys in baggy troo's and possibly lots of gold jewellery... Just my opinion as someone who can't dance worth a shizz (and doesn't ever want to be able to) and gets angry at those annoying celebrity dance shows
  8. Yes, I'd say that anybody who can support their own body weight on their legs could do it...
  9. Dude, you have some serious anger issues! I admit the stock Zoot isn't exactly a looker, but it certainly doesn't make them worthy of some of your comments. I know, it's only an opinion but... Consider as an example, along with Tomm's beasty black and white beast (pics somewhere...). They don't have to look like poo. Edit: The geometry for the Zoot was, I'm pretty sure, developed by Adam, Dave and the boys at TartyBikes before going into production. The geometry was then tweaked slightly for the Inspired, but only slightly. Don't forget that the Zoot was also aimed at being a more trialsy based 24" bike, hence the Rex styling (plus it was a known quantity for Onza). Anyway, back to the 24UK...
  10. Freddy got Fingered Anything with Will Ferrell in it Hot Rod The Island The Butterfly Effect Travis Pastrana and the Nitro Circus 1,2,3,4 and 5 Team America Any Red Dwarf
  11. Not sure, probably in the Summer sometime. Will give you a shout when I do though .
  12. Adam, I will personally have to put the smackdown on you if I ever see you throwing that bike into the undergrowth due to a dodgy rear brake... What's this about a Brizzol ride Sunday?... Could be tempted if the weather looks reasonable.
  13. I went from a CK to an ENO when I changed from my Adamant 26" to my 24". Can't actually remember why to be honest, I tend not to think to much about these things! I'm not complaining though, I've never had issues with FFW, especially since the ENO was released. Go for it and see what you think, at least your bike will no longer sound like a wounded wasp... Edit: Ben, I've never caught my trousers on the 24" (I think) because I'm running a bashring. Mod's with no bash causes problems but having one seems to solve this.
  14. It's not much better when you think that it stands for 'Hot Engineering Novelties' either... Ah well.
  15. Only if you change the lever leverage surely? If you use a standard lever, it will pull right to the bars before the pads even touch the rim... When they do contact you'll have better braking force (i.e. pressure behind the pistons) but if that's not usable then it's pointless. Maybe I'm missing something though.
  16. 19mm piston vs. 14mm on standard maggy? Lever pivot will have to be modified also to allow the ratios to work... is there a matching lever H.e.n. (jpeg seems to say that it will be used with a Magura/Echo/RB lever)? I'm sure Tarty will correct me if that's wrong Says it's made from tool steel... kind of overkill isn't it? Immediately making it heavier than a comparative Ma/Den gura. Also (sorry for the negativity, just trying to understand everything) I can't see any way of bleeding the brake. Are there other bolts on the bottom of the calipers to allow bleeding?
  17. It's a mod frame though so no need to worry Ads!
  18. How come no sexy HF tubing on the Limey 20"? Basically I'd like a Limey 1.six but shrunk in the wash Could well've been tempted by one if that was the case... Also on the Ice, that Chainstay/BB interface looks like a major weak point. From the pictures it looks like you've reduceed the join/weld area to the absolute minimum possible which seems like a bad idea to me surely?
  19. Depends mainly on budget. How much you thinking of parting with?
  20. Am I right in saying that the hub you're on about has standard 'fun bolts' like 99.9% of trials hubs?... They do the job perfectly well on all my bikes over the last 5+ years!
  21. Hehe, that sounds like a challenge... All good points and yeah, I myself do ignore this thread until it gets interesting as is the case now!
  22. Can't wait to see it painted guys, going to be an awesome wee min'! Really makes me miss my minivan... I loved that thing
  23. But that's as much a choice thing as anything. At any group ride there are always a good few 'average' riders and people still learning who will tend to sit around on their bike watching the other riders do their thing. That means that there's usually a group of people that everyone tends to stay near rather than going off to investigate. I agree the majority of riders on rides will queue up to do the same move on the same wall as everyone else, but that's when you get to choose to go round the corner and find something a little different or have a look for a different line to spice things up a bit. Maybe it helps if you tend to ride on your own most of the time like me, so that when you do attend a group ride you're not so likely to just follow the crowd, so to speak. Anyway, tucks are a means to an end. I myself can't tuck worth a damn but can still happily sidehop 45 odd inches on a stiffly geared 24" and probably a bit more on my Monty. While that's the case I don't really see the need to learn tucks and if I did, I wouldn't be posting up pics purely of the body position I achieved... that's just plain wierd.
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