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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Surely the tensioner isn't going to save you bending hangers in the slightest? With respect to the hanger, landing on one of these will be exactly the same as landing on a Rohloff or a mech or anything else... If it's more burly then the tensioner itself will be less likely to be damaged but it won't save your hanger. Tensioner looks good, although the gold isn't for me! You likely to make any of the Hampshires this year Scott?
  2. What happened to Dan's chain? Was a good ride, good to see everyone and of course to see Bessel's Boxx... tis scarily lush!!
  3. Right, well i've only just woken up so i'll see y'all in a bit...
  4. It's all about slick linear's with V setups isn't it?
  5. Thought you were riding Bristol... Still leaning towards the Inspired. Monty's rear brake was playing up after the last comp too...
  6. +25 vs +35... not exactly night and day
  7. Dunno, probably the Inspired but could take the Monty as well I suppose...
  8. Sounds like a plan if the weather's looking good when I wake up...
  9. The point is though that the KERS technology will then be seen as 'cool' enough for the general public to pay extra to get similar technology on their road cars, hence making a proportion of cars on the road more economical and efficient...
  10. Is SuperCycles being rebranded as Rock N' Roll Bikes dot com?
  11. To be honest, if you can't wheelie with an 18/12 setup you need to change your technique rather than the gearing. A 13T on the back would make the gearing easier (and easier to lift the front wheel) but you'll probably end up having problems with chain length/tension etc and really isn't worth the hassle.
  12. Ghey. Ah well, saves me a 2 hour drive each way I guess.
  13. I'm sad, I'm watching it now
  14. Try youtube and see what it comes out like?
  15. The pedal axle's are 9/16" so the thread will be some wierd imperial one... Edit: Sheldon Brown (RIP) states the pedal threads as 9/16" x 20 (i.e. 20 t.p.i), again obviously with one left hand and one right hand thread.
  16. Not sure about the thread size (Adam at TartyBikes will be able to tell you on Tuesday I reckon) but they are left and right hand specific so whatever thread it is you'll have to track down both a right and left handed tap in that size...
  17. Will you boys still be out whatever the weather?
  18. Anyone know much about Da Bomb frames? I've just bought one of these for the hell of it: And am gonna transplant all the bits from my Specialized Hardrock onto it. At £120 I didn't think I could go far wrong...
  19. Same really, would definitely be up for it if the weather wasn't supposed to be so poo...
  20. Well, to be fair, that's actually true. Anyone (with enough funds behind them) can be a race driver. They might not be a Lewis Hamilton but it certainly wouldn't stop you trying. I'd also say that there's a lot more skill involved in riding a trials bike well than hopping around (on your feet) like a numpty. As has been said, I'd hazard a guess that the only people who can make this look less than stupid would be muscular black guys in baggy troo's and possibly lots of gold jewellery... Just my opinion as someone who can't dance worth a shizz (and doesn't ever want to be able to) and gets angry at those annoying celebrity dance shows
  21. Yes, I'd say that anybody who can support their own body weight on their legs could do it...
  22. Dude, you have some serious anger issues! I admit the stock Zoot isn't exactly a looker, but it certainly doesn't make them worthy of some of your comments. I know, it's only an opinion but... Consider as an example, along with Tomm's beasty black and white beast (pics somewhere...). They don't have to look like poo. Edit: The geometry for the Zoot was, I'm pretty sure, developed by Adam, Dave and the boys at TartyBikes before going into production. The geometry was then tweaked slightly for the Inspired, but only slightly. Don't forget that the Zoot was also aimed at being a more trialsy based 24" bike, hence the Rex styling (plus it was a known quantity for Onza). Anyway, back to the 24UK...
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