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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Don't see it myself... Although I think Nezz looks a bit like Dougie Lampkin, although maybe it's just his build (Tall with about 4ft wide shoulders).
  2. Seat is a Federal Slim pivotal seat, really nice although I have no idea what it would be like to actually sit on for any length of time! Glad you're getting a new rim... can you talk Dan into getting one too?!
  3. Lol, just standard Monty Pr ones that I had powdercoated in repsol orange .
  4. Was a fairly standard XC bike this morning...
  5. New pedals and 74Kingz tensioner. Couple of changes but not much. Needs a wash. Just got the frame today, replaces a Specialized Hardrock XC frame for something a bit more fun. Comments welcome.
  6. Good spot... two things I'd change if it was mine...
  7. Loving the steel ruledness Bike looks nice, only thing I'd change would be the colour of the bash but then that's just being picky
  8. I'll be there on the Monty which hasn't been washed since the last comp... did take it down to Kimmeridge yesterday though
  9. Just a quick point about the 280mm version... Looking at the site, I'm pretty sure they've got the pictures back to front- the AC-286L is available in 210mm or 280mm but is an M8 and not hollow i.e. the bottom pic. The AC-286HL is the one you're after which is hollow but, if the description's right, is only available in 210mm length, hence why you can't find a 280mm version...
  10. 18-15's where it's at with 175 cranks... When I first got my stock a few years back I PM'd Neil Tunnicliffe to find out what ratio he ran... if it's good enough for him it's good enough for me
  11. I'd say Poole or Southampton are your best bets... let me know what you decide
  12. The one's in mototrials are compulsary and, I believe, as much for safety reasons as to stop them getting covered in mud. I think the idea is to reduce the chance of major injury to rider or spotter when things go wrong. Not really any need for that in biketrials. I never hit my rotors anyway... and I run dual disc... and I sidehop to the disc side as well.
  13. Pedals can't cross thread after they're installed... Either you cross threaded them when you put them on to start with (which you'd have noticed) or the pedals loosened off a bit while you were riding and you kept on riding on them, destroying the crank threads... Either way I'd say the pedals really aren't to blame!
  14. Is it still bled with car fluid? If so you really need to rebleed it either with mineral oil or water- the car DOT fluid will dissolve the seals and in time completely destroy your brake.
  15. Do you mean the Pro Bolt ones? I'm adding one and it's showing as £0.00 for postage which I expect should be correct... The HSBC thing shouldn't affect anything on the website though.
  16. Seriously, are you guys making some of these up? I stand by my former statement .
  17. I had a right hassle getting a BB out of an XC frame the other day. I just poured boiling water all over the BB shell and it came out straight away... wasn't expecting it to work but there you go
  18. Mix of everything really. There's muddy banks, upturned skips, logs, concrete stuff, rocks, sand... pretty much everything. Will still be ok in the rain, just a bit more challenging
  19. Fair enough. It seems like the whole PCSO scheme has good intentions but a lot of forces/jurisdictions are getting it wrong. Anyway, all the best to you.
  20. How dare you. How very dare you! I've been a good boy today and deposited £3000 in my ISA
  21. But that's part of the problem... The examples you've given here and in previous posts would've been exactly the same for any self respecting human... saving people on 7/7, check. Jumping in a canal to save someone, check. The one in the quarry, that was a choice of the people in question which came down to stupid health and safety crap. If they'd been off duty would they have tried to save them... well probably not but most real people would. Again, that's the point... PCSO's aren't police officers. What you describe is that you're powers don't really exceed a normal citizen defending themself against violence. Sorry, I'm still not convinced! Edit: Good luck with that, regardless of opinion, in the eyes of the people that matter being a PCSO should be a good stepping stone towards your goal.
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