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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. What freewheel and bash are you using? I know certain setups, like GU bash with an ENO doesn't work without grinding the centre of the bashguard down a bit (I've also had to take a bit off the freewheel tabs too). Wouldn't matter what size BB shell/BB you use, some setups just don't work without modification.
  2. Surely the crushing thing is for mini moto's causing a nuisance?
  3. No, just saying that your post made virtually no sense. Peace out.
  4. Awesome post. Just awesome. If I was you I'd write to the Chief Constable (or whoever) of the force who issued the NIP and explain what happened. Make a point that you're a motorcyclist and know how dangerous people are on the roads and that you've always worn your belt and certainly was on the day in question. If they don't back down just pay the fine (rather than bother with court etc- I take it points aren't involved) but if you can instill reasonable doubt in their minds they might just let you off. Oh yeah, and Bongo- where's this pic of the rats nest?!
  5. They run old school steel axles and cup and cone bearings. Ok if you look after them but I upgraded to a sealed one pretty soon after getting my Pr.
  6. Because all PCSO's have a total grasp of every minor point in British law... The only way to know for sure would be if you found the exact wording of the law in question. I was under the impression the wheel size law does exist, but to protect little kiddies on pink Barbie bikes from having to ride on the roads. I expect, though, that there is a statement in there somewhere indicating that this is not the case above a certain age.
  7. Now say it like you mean it
  8. It wasn't the only one- the mods were really on it this morning!
  9. Unlucky I jest, I jest. Sponsored by TartyBikes, got sponsored because I've been riding for over 10 years and have got to a reasonable level, plus I'm kinda known for being a general nice chap (I think...) and try to give the sport a good name whenever I ride, either on the street or in comps. Basically never take myself or riding too seriously which means I don't really have any kind of 'attitude'. That's my take on it anyway!
  10. Cheers, my plan was to go for something resembling this:
  11. Ah, gotcha. I thought you were talking about the vid. Sorry :$
  12. Umm... they didn't. Ok, I was wrong
  13. Have you tried Google video?
  14. Who's the guy in the stupid shorts and tights? Edit: Christ, was that Gilles?! Looked like a right numpty! Love the 'no 5' for Benito...
  15. No, they're definitely flying. All the way to the South American rainforests... who'd a thunk it?
  16. Couldn't have put it better myself...
  17. Your point is? Ok so it's 84 years to the day since the Royal Canadian Air Force was formed but I didn't think many people cared...?
  18. Different moves. Backwards nose roll/manual are like you see Danny Mac doing where, usually with the help of a slope, the bike is allowed to roll backwards on the front wheel without much input from the rider apart from feathering the brake and keeping balance. Switzerland Squeeker is where you alternate between using the front brake and scuffing the tyre with your foot, so you're putting the effort in to make the bike move rather than gravity. Lol.
  19. I really don't want to, I'm a 20" rider through and through when it comes to natural and comp stuff but at the moment we're lucky to get 3 expert 20" riders at the Hampshire's- everyone seems to have gone 26"... Takes a lot of the fun out of it when there's no Chris Doney or Scott Wilson to properly compete against. Pooley should give me a run for my money on Sunday though.
  20. Cool, you do them on your 8" travel DH bike and I'll do them on my Monty See you there Edit: Although I've just remembered that I haven't actually entered yet... Think I'll deliver by hand to El Presidente tomorrow.
  21. Ok, finally got this to play and... Fackinell Tomm... have you been taking secret lessons with a certain Danny Mac?!! Really nice lines- nice and 'flowy' but with some big stuff in there too. Looking forward to the next one!
  22. Wow, does that mean there might be more than 2 riders in expert 20"?!
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