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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. The bars are shot peened aren't they? In which case once you've removed the anodizing you just need to use some wet and dry sand paper and then something like t-cut or a proper metal polish, along with some elbow grease (you should be able to get some of that at somewhere like Hellfrauds) to get a nice mirror finish.
  2. 1) Use the search. This is covered once every couple of weeks. 2) Try Wiki. That's what it's there for.
  3. Try it and see? Whatever you end up with you'll get used to it. I'm currently running 18/13 on my Inspired and it felt super stiff to start with but within a couple of hours I got used to it and can still back wheel, gap and sidehop just as well as before.
  4. Have been following the story since he disappeared and was really hoping it wouldn't end like this, he seemed a really nice guy. RIP fella.
  5. I saw Ben's pedals yesterday and they really are dodgy! The bearings are sealed but the pedal only seems to be held together by an allen bolt in the end. Usually pedals have a locking nut on the outside of the axle so everything stays tight but that's not the case with these. As ben says- avoid!
  6. Now all we need is Danny Kearns and Joe Maher to start an argument in here and we're away... P.S. Is it you guys' times of the month or something? Personally I agree that the bike looks a bit of a mess- too many random colours and just too 'busy' in my opinion and those Giant stickers are a big no no in my opinion.
  7. You wouldn't need to... they bunnyhop and go to back so damn easily.
  8. Was taken from the front page of the Tribal Zone site which I thought were pics from the actual comp.
  9. Was Kenny riding the old style 231 frame? .::pic removed::. Good to see Kenny back on top Edit: Pic's from last year.
  10. It's pretty much true. A good pad on a dry chrome rim really is stupidly powerful. They lock like a smooth trials rim covered in tar. Tends to be quite noisy, and heavy, and the chrome often chips away/bubbles up but when they're in good condition it works a treat. Well, that's my experience from u-brakes on BMX with chrome rims .
  11. Think Rowan's the perfect example of not needing stupidly good brakes to be an awesome rider. I guess good brakes will allow an average rider to keep stuff that probably they really shouldn't be able to, but a good rider can get past poor brakes while still making things. I like to have a solid brake that I know where it's going to bite, but I haven't had a harsh grind for years and hate loud magura's. The rear brake on my Inspired is really quite pants (Onza citrus pads on a very very worn grind) but I can still go up to back on stuff 50 odd inches high without a problem... Edit: However, as Muel said, on natural it definitely helps to have a good, strong brake which you know will work in all conditions. Hence why I use double disc on my Monty
  12. Ok, the Orange Zero was never mentioned... make it a Monty Kamel and you're on...
  13. To be perfectly honest, most reasonably fit people could be dragged up Everest with good enough weather, good guides, oxygen and the required £50,000 odd permit... So yeah, Fatty probably could do it actually!
  14. It's only 9 minutes in on Channel 4+1...
  15. Loooooooosssssseeeeeerrrrrrrr! Hope you get better soon! Has the nail come off yet?!
  16. Am I the only one that gets a bit annoyed by his irritating public schoolboyness? Ok so I guess he was in the army for a few years and now probably due to his daddy's contacts he gets to travel around the world doing fun stuff for TV. Yes I'm jealous but he just annoys me a bit. And don't get me started on Fatty Mears...
  17. Paris, starting outside the ne K-124 shop.
  18. Finally watched the video I posted over 24 hours ago... Some really beasty riding in there- those guys are immense. 1) Those rocks in the wet looks slippery as hell yet they seem to stay grippy. 2) Gille's outfit is completely hideous (oooh matron). 3) I thought the comps were run using UCI rules. Are they not?
  19. Euro BB is the term used by BMX companies for what we would call 'normal' BB's- i.e. the thread size is the same as we use for all ISIS and square taper BB's. So in that respect, the answer is yes. However- I'm not sure what width shell (68 vs. 73mm) is classed as 'Euro'...
  20. Damnit!! Point taken... however, I am a trials rider after all and the holes allow me to use white rim tape to try and redeem some cool points...
  21. Seconded, and maybe a slightly smaller front tyre- Holy Roller or similar. Really nice build though .
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