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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Hehe, yeah can't say I've ever actually bought anything from them... mainly because of the silly postage costs they used to inflict... CRC everytime (and occasionally UK Bikestore) for non trials stuff.
  2. Damn straight! Milk 'em for all they're worth- especially car dealers! Edit: Maybe it's because I'm still a student bum but when I've bought cars and motorbikes I've always gone for free tax, a tank of fuel, free accessories etc to sweeten the deal for me... usually works too!
  3. Well to put your mind at ease, my post that you don't get wasn't aimed at you. Nuff said.
  4. Same with any comps in the UK I thought.
  5. Yeah that's what I think too but if you look at the height of the back of a fiesta vs. the height and shape of the back of that Porsche, it doesn't look like it would 'go' that easily. You'd think he'd of just smashed into the Porsche and rammed it into the wall or something. Love the fact in cases like this they don't realise something's going wrong, he just kept his foot in and went right up the car- didn't think at the first bang to maybe let off the gas and brake... Another good one:
  6. British street: Danny Mac all the way although Rowan's also awesome to watch. British comp: Tough call. At the moment and because he's such a stupidly nice guy I'd say Andrei Burton although there are a good 10 riders who could take that spot (Ben Savage, Danny Butler, AliC, Stan Shaw to name a few). World street: To be honest I'd still probably say Danny Mac- the boy's just on another planet with his riding. Massive but very innovative. World comp: I personally prefer Kenny Belaey to the likes of Vincent/the Cousts but then they along with Benito Ros are absolute monsters. Having said that, Martyn can still hold his on today. Not bad for an old timer!! (Just joking if you read this Mart ).
  7. I saw this this morning and still don't understand quite how he managed it... The red porsche is only scratched really but Jack must've been going at some speed to roll his car like that. I demand a reconstruction... I also strongly agree that after a certain age people should have to sit fairly regular 'check-ups' to ensure that they're still safe to drive. I bet over 40-50% of over 70's would be found to be dangerous and a lot of accidents would be avoided if that were the case.
  8. When he says 'tub' he doesn't mean bath, he means container.
  9. "Shot peening is a process used to produce a compressive residual stress layer and modify mechanical properties of metals. It entails impacting a surface with shot (round metallic, glass or ceramic particles) with force sufficient to create plastic deformation." It's what gives the bars the kind of uniform dimpled look if you see what I mean. To be honest I've never run Try-All bars since feeling Fletch's flex about an inch years ago so I don't know if they are shot peened. Regardless of that, once you remove the colour from the bars to get a mirror finish you're just going to have to put a bit of effort in.
  10. The bars are shot peened aren't they? In which case once you've removed the anodizing you just need to use some wet and dry sand paper and then something like t-cut or a proper metal polish, along with some elbow grease (you should be able to get some of that at somewhere like Hellfrauds) to get a nice mirror finish.
  11. 1) Use the search. This is covered once every couple of weeks. 2) Try Wiki. That's what it's there for.
  12. Try it and see? Whatever you end up with you'll get used to it. I'm currently running 18/13 on my Inspired and it felt super stiff to start with but within a couple of hours I got used to it and can still back wheel, gap and sidehop just as well as before.
  13. Have been following the story since he disappeared and was really hoping it wouldn't end like this, he seemed a really nice guy. RIP fella.
  14. I saw Ben's pedals yesterday and they really are dodgy! The bearings are sealed but the pedal only seems to be held together by an allen bolt in the end. Usually pedals have a locking nut on the outside of the axle so everything stays tight but that's not the case with these. As ben says- avoid!
  15. Now all we need is Danny Kearns and Joe Maher to start an argument in here and we're away... P.S. Is it you guys' times of the month or something? Personally I agree that the bike looks a bit of a mess- too many random colours and just too 'busy' in my opinion and those Giant stickers are a big no no in my opinion.
  16. You wouldn't need to... they bunnyhop and go to back so damn easily.
  17. Was taken from the front page of the Tribal Zone site which I thought were pics from the actual comp.
  18. Was Kenny riding the old style 231 frame? .::pic removed::. Good to see Kenny back on top Edit: Pic's from last year.
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