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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I always thought the BIU and Monty were pretty much interchangeable anyway... aren't they?
  2. Congratulations to Tank and Mrs Tank! Can someone please keep the drill away from Tank- baby's are supposed to increase in weight and do not need lightening... All the best!
  3. Hey Fred, I realise the courses have been the same but this is the first time that the seperate size classes have effectively been competing with each other which will alter the 'dynamic' slightly and also how the sections need to be set out, if you want them to be 'equal'. I get your point though I guess part of it, in the UK at least, is that 20" riders tend to 'progress' onto 26", and 20" bikes are seen more as a 'silly little kids bike'. That attitude doesn't seem to be quite the same as in the rest of the world where the bikes are considered different but approximately equal. As has also been mentioned, stock bikes are also becoming more and more like big wheeled mods and can now be built almost as lightweight as a 20". It is probably therefore the case that in many circumstances a 26" will have more advantages than 20"...
  4. It's been on their site for a few weeks. I love the way they're displaying everyone's full email addresses... if I were an e-mail bomber I'd have a right laugh!
  5. I think it's quite difficult to judge on that first event (which I didn't attend so can't say anything about the sections). This was the first time a UK (any?) BIU round has been run combined and so I'm sure a lot will have been learned about setting sections and maybe more consideration is required in future events. However, I'd also say that the UK riders riding elite on 20" and 26" are not of the same standard. Now I don't mean that in a malicious way to the 20" riders- all 4(!) who rode elite on Sunday are better riders than I ever was or ever will be, but for 75% of them (I think) this was their first crack at elite and just from looking at the sections at past Nationals, the jump from red to yellow route is immense. Looking at the 26" riders, you have pretty much all of the best riders in the UK, including ex world champions. I think if (either) Ben had still been riding 20" he would still quite easily have been in the top 3 as they are fantastic riders on any sized bike, although it's impossible to say if he would still have won the event on little wheels. I guess this whole year will end up being a bit of a 'taster', particularly for the world rounds, and the BIU will then have to decide, on feedback and instinct, whether the format is a good one or if it's destined for failure. Also, please don't anyone be offended by my comments on rider ability, it's just an observation and I'm simply trying to get a point across.
  6. I kinda feel sorry for the French if that's their best street rider...
  7. Link doesn't work for me but this should, just select Waterlooville.mpg .
  8. Is this a BT office? You sure it wasn't people from the home office trying to regain some of the damn personal data they've lost over the past 12 months, on the sly like?!
  9. That's the point- Vincents bike is his uber light comp only frame which he probably replaces once every couple of months. Joe Public however will want to buy this bike expecting a couple of years solid use. If it can be made strong enough then of course it's not a problem.
  10. Does it matter? Just PM him and ask. Latest vid seems to be on a Zoo Pythony looking thing though.
  11. I'm with Rowan here, but I think it's more about the way all these new Onza frames have been 'released'. They were shown to the public (us) last month in a fashion that made them appear like almost final designs but it seems that they were pretty much one off proto's at the start of a (hopefully) lengthy test period. The frame overall looks good but I really don't like the deliberately dented toptube and the headtube looks just a bit too overmachined for a production frame (as Rowan pointed out with regards Mr Hermance). Also, if you ride it in the rain, does the whle frame fill up with water or are you going to put drainage holes in the BB shell?
  12. The wall is one brick wide, followed by a cavity maybe a foot wide then another brick wide wall- so the top's about 18" total wide, then maybe a 5ft drop. The picture of Dave A (mrkoxx) sidehopping is up the otherside of the same wall... his back wheel's where my back wheel's about to be... if that makes sense.
  13. I think it's Prawn on Steve Tse's Dob... I had to look twice though!
  14. I agree- that is quite a strange one. I take it the top 3 in elite were all on 26" then James Hyland on 20"?
  15. Bit of a stab in the dark here... my guess would be a Monty X-Lite 221. Your post doesn't really give us much to go on though. Edit: Damn you RossMcd... Can probably tell you the year if you tell us what colour it is... Ones I can remember are blue, green and yellow, plus the obligatory brushed.
  16. Ah, but you used a tap... Straight up to back for the win (first time ) Nobody was filming it though were they, it was only Andy that got a still.
  17. Has been covered in the Tensile news section and Waynio (or Scott) also made a bike pics thread for it too. Concensus seems to be that it's a budget version of the Rohloff which can't be a bad thing!
  18. But the worse it is if it goes wrong!
  19. C- Must try harder. imageshack -> browse -> host it! -> wait for upload -> copy the code from the 'direct link to image' box -> edit your first post and click the little 'Insert Image' button and paste in the code. Should do it.
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